Dinner time.

"Eh... delicious!"


"Yue~ it's so unpalatable!"


At the table, Mirai and Rope Tree picked up the food they were most curious about.

Fried meat with water celery.

Mirai's eyes lit up as soon as she tasted the meat slices.

Rope Tree covered his mouth and ran to the bathroom to spit out the meat slices and water celery in his mouth.

Mirai's good mood was gone.

He snorted, "Heh... Really, such delicious wild vegetables, he actually said it was unpalatable!"

Wild boars really can't taste fine bran!

 ̄へ ̄

He hurriedly picked up a large piece of fried meat and put it in Linghua's bowl, saying, "Don't worry about him, we just like it!"

Linghua didn't feel any loss because of Rope Tree's words.

Because she also knew that the taste of water celery was unique. Some people liked its taste and thought it was quite fragrant, just like Mirai.

Some people thought it was very smelly, like feet that had not been washed for ten years, and it was difficult to swallow, just like Rope Tree.

In fact, she didn't like this kind of dish very much, because it had a strong taste, and she needed to rinse her mouth after eating it.

To remove the bad smell in her mouth.

However, she didn't say anything about Mirai picking it up and putting it in her bowl.

Except for water celery, which Rope Tree couldn't accept, Rope Tree ate other dishes with relish.

"Reika, your cooking is much better than Mirai!" After finishing the meal, Rope Tree leaned back in his chair and said with emotion.

All six of them had cooked.

Among them, the hand-made Ichiraku was the most delicious, followed by Reika, then Minato, Kushina, and he and Mirai ranked last.

In fact, it's not that it's not delicious, but that Minato and the others have a high level of attainment in cooking.

Come to think of it, three of the four of them are orphans, and they have been cooking since they were young.

Although Shouda is not an orphan, he is a person who has put all his talents in cooking.

As for the future, although he was an orphan in his previous life, he often cooked by himself.

But that is a local home-cooked dish after all, which is not suitable for the general taste of the ninja world.

So, the future's parents may be used to it, but the first time they come into contact with this kind of taste, they can't accept it.

The dishes cooked by the future are either too spicy or too strong.

Although you will find it endless aftertaste after eating it a few times, he likes to eat lighter.

Hearing this, the future is immediately unhappy.

"Nonsense, my sister thinks the food I cook is delicious!"

"That's because your sister is being modest to you!"

The future: "..."

Is it really that bad to cook what I cook?

It shouldn't be!

If it's bad, why would my parents finish it!

Orochimaru's mouth curved up, and he smiled and advised: "Okay, if you have the time to quarrel, why not clean up the table first!"

Mirai glanced at Naoki and snorted: "Let Naoki wash it!"

"Why!" Naoki was immediately unhappy.

"Just because you said Linghua didn't do it..."

Linghua saw that the war was about to burn to herself, she hurriedly interrupted: "Okay, okay, stop quarreling, I'll wash it!"

"No, no, leave it and I'll wash it later!" Minato, the host, hurriedly stopped him.

"No, we borrowed your kitchen, so we should wash it!" Linghua said, and glanced at Mirai.

Then she took the dishes and went to the kitchen.

Mirai naturally understood her eyes, she was afraid that he would quarrel with Naoki again here.

That's why she called him.

It just so happened that he also felt that Naoki was annoying.

Why didn't he die in World War II?

o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)

So he picked up the dishes and went to the kitchen.

Just as Minato was about to get up, Kushina secretly pulled him.

She looked at the handsome men and beautiful women in the kitchen, her eyes full of brilliance.

Then she said to everyone: "I remember there are fruits in the freezer. Let's go, Minato, let's get some fruits!"

Minato also knew what Kushina was thinking, and he couldn't help but twitch his lips.

This little girl really spared no effort to bring the future together!

To be honest, the future and Reika have such a good relationship, and Kushina is at least 80% of the credit!

The remaining 20% ​​is that the future and Reika have a crush on each other.


Tsunade also came to eat tonight.

The three of them didn't talk much, just watching the younger generation play around.

The auntie smile on her face couldn't stop.

'Future, future, when you know that Nawaki is your brother-in-law, I don't know how angry you will be! ’

As Weilai recovered from her illness, she began to consider whether she should tell Weilai about Shengshu and Honghong.

This would save them from having to talk to each other every time.The appointment was like a thief.

In the kitchen, Weilai was washing dishes.

After Ling rinsed them with clean water, she wiped off the water stains in the dishes and put them neatly in the cupboard.

For a moment, there was a warm atmosphere.

"Linghua, didn't you catch a cold last night?" Weilai thought for a while and asked.

Although she looked fine this morning, she was a medical ninja after all, and her attainments were not low. It is possible that she caught a cold, but she cured it herself.

Although it is said that doctors do not treat themselves, that is for serious illnesses. Minor illnesses like these colds can be cured by themselves.

Linghua shook her head and said, "No, after all, it is river water, the temperature will not be low!"

Weilai was relieved when she heard this.

After cleaning up everything.

Everyone stayed for a while, ate some fruit, and then got up and left.

Kushina was also taken away by Tsunade.

Don't let her stay here overnight.

On the street.

Weilai walked with Linghua, who was holding some snacks in her hand.

Ever since Linghua learned the [Yin Seal], she could store all the fat in her body into chakra, and Weilai never stopped Linghua again.

Just kidding, he wanted to make Linghua fat!

Of course, those who know this "fat" know it!

"Linghua, you know a lot!" Weilai suddenly said with emotion.

For this afternoon's task, he was both familiar and unfamiliar with the things in the rice fields.

Familiar in that he had seen these in other places, and unfamiliar in that it was his first contact with them in the true sense, and he felt a little helpless.

Hearing this, Linghua swallowed the snacks in her hand, she smiled and looked at him with her head tilted.

A beautiful long hair naturally fell from one side, like a waterfall, very silky and smooth.

For a moment, she was full of femininity.

She smiled and narrowed her eyes, jokingly saying, "What? Feeling disappointed?"

He used to think he was very smart and could do everything, but this time, the rice field was weeding, and he was at a loss.

Is it because of this that the future is unbalanced? !

People of the Uchiha clan are very proud. Although the future is approachable, he also has his own pride in his heart.

After she first transferred to their class, she spent some time with the future. She could feel that the future seemed to look down on others, except for his parents and sister, as well as Minato and Kushina.

He has a mentality of looking down on everyone as a low-level creature.

It's like playing a game. Looking at the characters in it, there is not much sense of substitution at all.

Facing them, one will always unconsciously develop a superior mentality and a sense of superiority.

The future did not deny anything. Of course, he didn't know what Linghua was thinking at the moment.

He nodded and sighed, "Yes, if there was no mission this time, I might not know that I was so ignorant that I couldn't even tell the difference between the common grass in the rice fields!"

"This is normal. After all, you are from the Uchiha clan. For so many years, you have never worried about food, clothing, housing and transportation, and you have never left the village. It is normal that you don't know!"

The future pursed his lips. The problem was that he still had memories of his previous life, which made him a little frustrated.

"Not everyone is born knowing. We humans survive by learning. It doesn't matter if you don't understand. The right way is to be willing to learn!" Linghua said, and she used a toothpick to pick out a piece of stinky tofu from the lunch box.

She smiled and brought it to the future's mouth, "Come on, open your mouth!"

"Ah~" She coaxed the future like a baby.

Seeing her like this, the sense of loss in the future was immediately occupied by laughter and tears.

But he didn't say anything, but followed her, opened his mouth, and bit the stinky tofu.


When Linghua saw him bite it, she pulled back the toothpick, and a smile appeared in the corner of her eyes.

"Minato and I didn't know anything at the beginning, and we learned these common sense from the farmers!"

While talking, the two of them couldn't help but stop.

Because the Hyuga clan has arrived!

'Alas, why is this road so short! ' Mirai muttered in his heart.

Next time, I must take a detour, a longer detour, so that I can spend more time with Linghua.

After a moment of silence, Linghua smiled and said to Mirai: "I'm home!"

But Mirai found that the smile on her face disappeared, leaving only a smile on her face.

He knew why, but he didn't say it.

"Well, I'll pick you up tomorrow!"


After responding, Linghua walked towards the Hyuga clan.

And Mirai stopped for a moment after the other party disappeared at the gate.

Only then did he put his hands in his pockets and walked with a step that no one lovedWalking posture, heading towards the Uchiha clan’s territory!

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