"Everyone, I have summoned you here today to discuss peace with the Thousand Hands Clan!" Hyuga

Jishinobu glanced at the people in the room, and said, as soon as his words fell, many Hinata high-level officials in the room smiled, it was best for them to be able to sign an armistice agreement, and because of the suppression of Hinata Shinobi before, it was delayed for a long time, but now Hyuga Jinin actually offered to sign an agreement, which made them very happy.

"The second son is really the pillar of my Hyuga clan

!" "That's right, I have to rely on the second son a lot this time!"


For a while, everyone who got the news of the peace was overjoyed, and they praised Hinata Shinobi, but there was one person in the crowd whose face was very unsightly, and this person was Hinata Shinobi.

When he received the news that Hinata Shinobi proposed peace in the morning, he was shocked in his heart, and then Hinata Shinobi gathered many Hinata ninjas to go out secretly, which made Hinata Shinobi even more convinced of Madara's words.

Thinking that Madara said last night that Hinata Jishinobu might ambush him on the road today, Hinata Tiannin panicked.

"No! I can't be killed by him so easily. Hinata Tiannin's expression changed for a while, and finally turned into a firm look, "Since you are unkind, then don't blame me for being unjust!"

Hinata Tiannin, who was hiding in the crowd, glanced at Hinata Shinobi with a murderous gaze, and Hinata Shinobi, who was originally excited because he could become the patriarch soon, was also keenly aware of Hinata Tiannin's gaze.

Hinata Shinobu turned his head slightly, and the eyes of the two collided together, Hinata Jinin saw that it was his brother, and he didn't want to tear his face now, so he smiled and signaled.

"Wait! After today, I will become the trusted patriarch of the Hyuga clan!" Hinata Shinobu said secretly in his heart, and then continued to talk to everyone.

Hinata's original intention was good, but with the situation in front of him, Hinata's actions fell into the eyes of Hinata's Shinobi.

"Damn! Do you really think you can win for sure!Hinata Shinobi, you underestimate me too much!" "

That's right, since yesterday when Hinata Tiannin learned that Hinata Jinin would do something to him, he let his subordinates secretly gather people, and now there are hundreds of Hyuga elites outside the hall, and they will rush in immediately when Hinata Tiannin gives an order.

Hinata tennin originally wanted to wait for the departure before letting people do it, but now Hinata's actions directly ignited the anger in his heart.

"Hmph! peace talks, I think you want to use this excuse to get rid of me!"

Hinata tennin snorted coldly, and looked at Hinata Jinin coldly, his words immediately shocked everyone in the hall, but Hinata Jinin, who had already received Madara's prompt, had already expected this, and said calmly.

"Why did the eldest brother say this? I'm here for the sake of the family, won't your conscience hurt if you slander me like this!"

Hinata Tiannin saw that the incident had happened, and his good brother still didn't admit it, and said with a cold face.

"I already received word yesterday that I knew all about your plans, and now hundreds of my ninjas are just outside the hall, and you will die without a place to bury if I give the order.

"My good brother, I advise you to endure your sins and surrender obediently!"

Hinata tenshinobi's eyes narrowed slightly, staring at Hinata Shinobu deadly, as if as long as Hinata Jishinobu had any abnormal movement, he would immediately let people rush in.

"Big brother, you really misunderstood me, you and I are brothers, how could I do that kind of thing, besides, this time I really think about the family!"

"Hmph, since you are still obsessed, then don't blame the big brother for being ruthless!" Hyuga

Tiannin saw the appearance of Hinata Shinobi not entering the hob meat, and a trace of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes, since he had torn his face today, he simply did not do anything and did it directly

, as soon as his words fell, dozens of Hyuga ninjas immediately poured into the hall, filling the entire hall to the brim, and the people present were immediately shocked when they saw this scene.

"Don't get excited, don't get excited!, if you have something to say!",

"Yes, yes, yes, they are all people of the same race, there is nothing that cannot be discussed!"


Seeing these fierce and vicious ninjas, the centrist wall grass immediately coaxed, and hurriedly spoke, and Hinata Tiannin looked down at these two-faced and three-knife villains, and a sneer crossed the corner of his mouth.

"Hmph! You can talk about what you say today, have you forgotten how you left decisively that day!"

Hinata's words immediately reminded them of the day when Hinata Shinobu came back, that day they chose to leave with an indifferent face, but today they begged for mercy in front of Hinata Tiannin, it can really be said that the way of heaven is good to reincarnate who the sky spared.

"This ......"

Everyone looked at each other for a while and fell silent, and the supporters of the Hinata Shinobi saw this, and quickly got up and came to Hinata Jinin's side.

"Second son, you go quickly, here we hold them back!" "Yes, as long as you escape, the second son can immediately move the rescuers, and when the time comes, when you return to the family, you must expose the face of this despicable villain

!" "Haha! That's right, second son, you go quickly, we will drag it here!"


Seeing that the situation was already extremely critical, the supporters of Hinata Shinobi hurriedly shouted, trying to let Hinata Jishinobi escape, but for the words of the supporters, Hinata Shinobu turned a blind eye and still said calmly.

"Big brother, are you really going to make trouble to this point, there are many elders and high-level people here. Hearing

Hinata Shinobi's words, Hinata Shinobu was silent for a moment, and then said coldly.

"I can't help it, I don't turn back from the bow If I don't do it today, then it may be me who dies!"

Hinata Tianshinobi's low words resounded in everyone's ears, and the room fell silent for a while.

"I know! In that case, the big brother can't help it!" After

a long time, Hinata said with emotion, and then got up and slowly broke the cup in his hand, which was the code of his agreement with Madara, as long as he broke the cup, it meant that he did it.

After Hinata Shinobu dropped the cup, he stood motionless like this, and in the eyes of outsiders, Hinata Shinobu seemed to have accepted his fate.

For a while, the clansmen who supported the Hyuga Shinobi were extremely anxious in their hearts, and they immediately reminded the Hinata Shinobi to let him escape first, but the Hinata Shinobu ignored everyone's words, and still stood in place with an indifferent face.

Just as he was about to give the order to act, there were screams outside, and then the whole room completely exploded ......

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