"Hinata Childe, we are here to help you get rid of the thieves on the orders of the young patriarch!" Just

as the whole room exploded, a voice came into his ears, and the person who spoke was none other than Madara's guard, Uchiha Ya.

"This is ......" Hinata tenninja saw the dozens of ninjas outside and his pupils shrank, "Hinata Shinobi, you actually dare to unite with the Uchiha clan to deal with me!" "Hinata tennin

panicked, that's right, when he saw the Uchiha clan, he was already blinded, he never expected that Hinata Shinobi would actually ask the Uchiha clan for help, shouldn't you rely on yourself for the affairs of your own family, how can you still find foreign help."

The young man doesn't talk about martial arts, and he actually relies on foreign aid to sneak attack!

Hinata Tiannin looked at Hinata Jiren with a cloudy face.

"What's the matter, big brother, they are all reinforcements I found, I have already said not to make trouble to this point, now it will not end well!"

Hinata Shinobu pretended to sigh, as if he was really worried about Hinata Shinobi.

"Jishinobi! If you want to be the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, you need to rely on the recognition of the clansmen and your own ability, but now you are actually colluding with foreign clans to plot for the position of the patriarch!" "

After Hinata Tiannin saw the appearance of the Uchiha ninja, he immediately knew that things were difficult, so he immediately stood on the commanding heights and accused the Hyuga Shinobi in an attempt to make him lose his heart.

"I don't dare to agree with what the eldest brother said, you said that if you want to become the patriarch by your own strength, isn't it also part of your own strength to be able to find foreign aid!"

"Is there something wrong with this, there is nothing wrong with this!" As for what you said about the clansmen's identity, I ask you if you agree with so many clansmen present, and they all agree that I have become the patriarch!".

After Hinata Shinobi said this, the original middle-level high-level immediately spoke out to support him, after all, they all saw the performance of Hinata Shinobi just now, once the other party became the patriarch, I am afraid they would never let them go, so that they immediately supported Hinata Shinobi for their own lives.

"The second prince is right, these are all part of the strength

!" "That's right, yes, we all support

the second son to become the patriarch!" "Yes! support the second son, the eldest prince kills his brothers, and he doesn't respect his predecessors and doesn't deserve to be the patriarch at all!"


For a moment, these neutral high-level people criticized Hinata Tiannin, seeing these neutral high-level people so shameless, a trace of disdain flashed in everyone's eyes, but at this moment, because Hinata Jinin needed the support of these people, he didn't show anything.

"See, big brother, I have both of what you said, and you, you can only rely on these conspiracies and tricks to get things done, I advise you to say the last word, give up resistance so that I can spare your life!" After

Hinata Shinobu finished speaking, he immediately made the surrounding Hyuga people feel his kindness, but Hinata Shinobu didn't think so in his heart, as the closest person, he always knew that his brother was very strong, and the more he used such pity or charity, the more he would not surrender.

Sure enough, after Hinata Shinobi's words were finished, Hinata Shinobu was angry.

"Damn, don't be complacent, although these Uchiha ninjas have come to support you, but after all, there are only more than forty people, and I have more than two hundred, and I have an absolute advantage in numbers!"

After Hinata Tianshinobu finished speaking, Uchiha Night immediately sneered.

"Poof, although there are not many of these forty people, they are all the elites of my Uchiha clan, everyone has the strength of the Shinobi, do you really think that you stinky fish and rotten shrimp can beat us?" Uchiha

Ye looked at Hinata Tiannin with the eyes of a fool, Shangnin is very strong, in a sense, Shangnin can completely control the situation of a battle, but now Hinata Tiannin is so iron-headed.

The Hinata tennin, who was originally confused and confident, was also stunned after hearing the words of the Uchiha night, he didn't expect the Uchiha clan to be so willing to give up, and directly sent forty upper ninjas, this upper ninja is not a cabbage, how many can there be in a family, and there are forty of them this time.

This made Hinata tenshinobu feel like he was beeping a dog.

"Hmph! Although you Uchiha are strong, my Hyuga clan is not bad! Do it! Kill Hinata Jishinobi first!" Hyuga

Tennin didn't want to continue wasting time, so he immediately gave the order to do it.

Because the order issued by the Hyuga Shinobi was to give priority to killing the Hyuga Shinobi, so these Hyuga ninjas immediately rushed to the Hyuga Shinobi, but there were some supporters in front of the Hinata Shinobi who firmly protected him, so he was not attacked at the first time, and the ninjas of the Uchiha clan saw this, and immediately joined the battle group, and for a while, these forty Shinobi swept like wolves into a flock.

Looking at the subordinates who kept falling, Hinata Tiannin was anxious, this is all his foundation, and the anxious Hinata Tiannin immediately set his eyes on Hinata Shinobi, as the so-called thief captures the king first, Hinata Tiannin knows that the reason why the Uchiha clan will participate in the war is nothing more than because of Hinata Jinin.

As long as Hinata Jishinobu is killed, then the Uchiha clan will definitely stop, and he believes that the Uchiha clan will never offend him for a dead man.

already had an idea in his heart, Hyuga Tiannin didn't stay, and immediately rushed to Hyuga Shinobi.

Hinata Shinobi, who was constantly killing the Hyuga clansmen, immediately looked up after feeling a fierce killing force locking him, only to see Hyuga Tennin rushing towards him at a rapid pace, he knew that this was a doomed battle between their brothers, and it was inevitable to avoid it.

The winner gets everything, and the loser dies.

"Big brother, it's come to this point after all!"

Hinata said in a deep voice, there seemed to be a trace of sadness in his tone, and Hinata Shinobi's eyes dimmed a little when he heard this, and then it was covered with a layer of murderous aura again.

"Brother, this is the last time I'll call you that, this time I'll let you and me completely break

it!" "Okay!"

For Hinata's words, Hinata Shinobu only whispered a word, and then the two of them started at the same time.

As the son of the Hyuga family, the things that the two have Xi since elementary school can be described as similar, so the two of them use the same secret technique, and they are actually comparable for a while.

And the terrifying aftermath of the fight between the two also completely destroyed the remaining walls around them.

"Gossip!One hundred and sixty-four palms!" "Bagua!one hundred and sixty-four palms!"

The two

of them used the secret technique at the same time, and in an instant, the figures of the two brothers flickered continuously, and their hands also turned into afterimages, and they collided together quickly, constantly making a huge roar.

"Bang, bang, bang......"

As the two collided with the last palm, the two immediately distanced themselves.

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