The F4 group is targeting Uchiha at this time, but they are just doing it in secret.

Walking out of the Hokage office building, Hyuga Hiashi said with a complicated look: "Tsunade-sama, are you going to win over Uchiha?"

"Who knows what will happen in the future? I can only say that those who are won over may be fine, but those who remain neutral will definitely be unlucky."

Jingyi stabbed Hyuga Hiashi in the heart carelessly.

Don't the Hyuga clan like to be neutral?

With the current situation in the village, you can't be neutral, because you will be the first to be unlucky.

"As for Uchiha."

Jingyi looked at Hyuga Hiashi with interest:

"To be honest, in my heart, Uchiha is more worthy of winning over than Hyuga. As a member of the Hyuga clan, I know very well what kind of family the Hyuga is. All the negative words that can be used can be associated with the Hyuga clan."

"Winning over the Uchiha clan, at least the Uchiha people can create value, but the Hyuga clan... especially the main family, really has no value in my mind."

Winning over the Hyuga clan is actually winning over the main family.

But are the people of the main family valuable?

In fact, there is no value, which is why Jingyi said that winning over the Hyuga is not as good as winning over the Uchiha.


Hyuga Hiashi hesitated to speak, wanting to say something, but found that Jingyi was right and there was no way to refute it.

Whether it was questioning the family or positioning the family.

Neutral people are always the first to be attacked at special times. As for the virtues of the Hyuga clan, as the young patriarch of the family, Hyuga Hiashi knows it all too well.

He wants to change all this, but he doesn't know how to start.

"Is the grievance between the main family and the branch family really unreconcilable?"

This is the question that Hyuga Hiashi has been worrying about.

Jingyi couldn't help laughing, because it sounded a little funny.

"Young patriarch, are you kidding? If so, then I admit that this joke is a little funny."

"I'm not kidding."

Hyuga Hiashi was completely broken. Hyuga Hiashi's experience made him want to change the family, but he didn't know how to do it.

As a result, a sigh was ridiculed by Jingyi, which completely broke his defense.

"But what you said is funny."

Facing the angry eyes of Hyuga Hiashi, Jingyi raised his hand and rubbed his temple:

"To be honest, I was originally a member of the branch family, but you asked me whether the grievances between the main family and the branch family can be mediated? This is really funny. For people from the branch family, the family system is unfair. Some people are born to be members of the main family who are superior."

"And they can only be cursed with the caged bird seal, no, they are tied with a dog chain and become the dog of the main family. Once they are disobedient or resist, the dog chain will tighten their necks."

"Young clan leader, if the dog chain is too tight, it will kill people."

"Not to mention humiliation."

Shengyi patted Hyuga Hiashi's shoulder hard and said with a smile:

"You don't Do you want to change all this? Then I tell you, there is actually no problem with the caged bird curse seal to guarantee the inheritance of the family. The problem is... why can only the people of the branch family be marked with the caged bird curse seal? "

"Why can the people of the main family master the spell and control the lives of the branch family members?"

"Why do you have to put an ugly thing on your forehead that makes people want to cut off the flesh of their foreheads after seeing it?"

"There is no spell to control the caged bird curse seal. The caged bird curse seal is changed. There will be no symbol on the forehead. There is no difference between the main family and the branch family. Do you think there will be grudges between the branch family and the main family at this time?"

"Ask your heart, why do you have to distinguish between the main family and the branch family? Don't you think it's ridiculous?"

What a bullshit inheritance of the main family and the branch family! It's ridiculous.

Just to protect people with high purity of white eyes?

Will the purity of white eyes of people with high purity of white eyes be reduced after the caged bird curse seal is applied?

Don't joke.

This inheritance system has had various problems since it was first used.

"You said you're here to talk to me about compensation on behalf of the family? To be honest, the Hyuga clan doesn't have anything I want, money or anything else."

After saying that, Jingyi waved his hand and prepared to leave.

"Help me!!"

Hyuga Hiashi said anxiously:

"I want to change the family, but I need someone to help me."

"Go to hell, you?"

Jingyi hit him mercilessly: "You, Hyuga Hiashi, are no different from other clan members. As for helping you, why should I help you?

You? Do you really think I'm from another branch family?"

"What a bullshit inheritance, I don't care at all."

"It's better for such a corrupt and unfair family to end sooner."

Although Hyuga Hiashi's mind is full of how to change the family, he himself has bound himself in the various frameworks of the family.

For someone like him, he can't change the Hyuga clan even if he is given a hundred years.

Therefore, changing the main family and the branch family, and resolving the grievances between the main family and the branch family is simply a joke.

For example, Naruto... before becoming Hokage, he kept shouting the slogan of changing the Hyuga clan.

After becoming Hokage... nothing happened.

It's not impossible to change the Hyuga clan, but you need to solve the problem of the caged bird curse seal first. Only after solving this problem, can you break the knees of the main family members. Cover, abolish the spell of the caged bird seal, and seal everyone with the caged bird seal.

Only then can this family be completely changed.

Either no one will use the caged bird seal, or everyone will use it. This is the fundamental solution.

Unfortunately, Hyuga Hiashi does not have the courage or the ability.

Not to mention that Hyuga Hiashi is still the young clan leader, even if he becomes the clan leader, he can only live in the framework of family inheritance and cannot get out.

Therefore, the slogan of changing the family is ultimately a joke.

Is it really impossible to do it?

Hyuga Hiashi seemed to have lost his soul, like a walking corpse, and walked towards the family in a daze.

"Young clan leader?"

The guards who had been guarding outside the Hokage office building almost jumped out of their throats when they saw him like this.

"Young clan leader, are you okay?"

The continuous calls gradually brought Hyuga Hiashi back to his senses.

"Well. "

After recovering from his shock, Hyuga Hiashi returned to his original state and walked towards the family with an indifferent look.

The guard breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the young clan leader return to his usual appearance.

This was the first time that Hyuga Hiashi represented the family to attend an important meeting in the village. If something went wrong, he, the guard, would be in trouble.

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