The old man was very happy.

I won't give up!!

Hinata Hiashi's hands hidden in his sleeves were tightly clasped together.

Hokage's office.

After the meeting, the Third Hokage, Utatane Koharu, and Mitomon Yan came here.

The three of them sat in the office in silence.

Because they could see the helplessness in each other's eyes.

"It seems that the conventional method can't take back the pharmaceutical department."

After a long time, the Third Hokage spoke first.

"Yes, this kid is not old, but he is much more difficult than Tsunade."

Mitomon Yan raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows. He thought Tsunade was difficult enough, but he didn't expect Jingyi to be more difficult to deal with than Tsunade.

In order to get the pharmaceutical department back, the Third Hokage kept using the casualties on the front line to sway Tsunade.

Because he knew Tsunade would go to the front line for the village.

The plan went smoothly. It didn't take much effort to let Tsunade hand over the Anbu to Shizuichi, and then he went to the front line.

The next step was to find an excuse to make trouble, and then take the opportunity to take back the pharmaceutical department.

But the Third Hokage never expected that when the person he arranged spoke, Shizuichi overturned the table and exposed the matter of the logistics department blocking the raw materials of medicinal materials.

He scolded the Shimura clan leader.

"It's difficult but we have to deal with it. Without the pharmaceutical department, the village's medical system is like a person with a broken leg, or even worse than this!!"

Utatane Koharu looked very unhappy.

People are greedy. She, who finally got back the various departments of the medical system, certainly didn't want to see the pharmaceutical department wandering outside.

The pharmaceutical department was controlled by the outsiders, and the entire medical system had to look at others eagerly.

"This damn brat actually dared to contact Uchiha Fugaku in front of everyone. Is this a warning to us?"

Tsunade and Shizuka have nothing to do with Uchiha.

Shizuka must have been warning them by doing this.

If you mess around again, I will contact Uchiha.

Once I contact Uchiha and pull Uchiha over, you will probably have a hard time.

"Koharu, don't let anger dominate your reason."

The Third Hokage interrupted her: "The plan failed. We need to ease off for a while before continuing to plot. Don't be too anxious."

"Do you still need to hold back the materials?"

Koharu Utatane asked subconsciously.

Mitomon En wanted to roll his eyes. It's like this, you still dare to hold back the materials?

You probably think that the villagers and the ninjas fighting on the front line will not feel resentful because of this, right?

"It can't be held back. Just give it to them directly. Everything is based on war."

Compared to taking back the pharmaceutical department, war is the most important thing.

Koharu Utatane was a little unwilling, but since the Third Hokage had already spoken, she didn't dare to hold back any longer.

As for the pharmaceutical department, they could only wait for an opportunity to find a solution.

"Sir, the people in the pharmaceutical department sent a message saying that all the materials have been delegated."

As soon as Jingyi returned to the Anbu office, someone came to report the matter.

"It seems that the speed is very fast." Jingyi sneered.

"I see, you send someone to the pharmaceutical department to tell them to hurry up and produce all the medicines needed for the front line. As for the produced medicine resources, put them in the warehouse for a period of time. During this period, no one can pick up the goods without my order."

Don't you like to hold back?

You hold back the materials, I hold back the finished products. Anyway, the news has been released and it can't be concealed. Even if I'm forced, I can pass the blame on you.

It's all your fault for holding back the materials, which led to the inability to keep up with the production of medicines and materials.

Nara Shikashin raised his head and said in amazement: "It seems that today's meeting has made you very angry."

"It is quite big."

Hearing this, Jing was stunned for a moment, and then laughed:

"The people in the Hokage's office asked the Shimura family to take the pharmaceutical department back, but I blocked them. As a result, they turned around and asked me to send people to protect the caravan responsible for purchasing materials, but I refused again."

"The family's caravan?"

"Otherwise, does the village's caravan need the protection of the Anbu?"

In this regard, Nara Shikashin really didn't know what to say. Is this a habit of taking advantage?

The village's caravans don't need the protection of the Anbu, but the caravans formed by the Sarutobi and Shimura families need the protection of the Anbu. I have to say this is ridiculous.

When Tsunade was in the village, she turned a blind eye and occasionally helped.

No matter how much profit the family behind the caravan made, the materials they purchased would eventually enter the village.

, this is a good thing for the village.

In addition to people, the most important thing in a war is supplies. Even if the Konoha family is big and powerful, it is impossible to rely on reserve supplies all the time. You still have to buy what you need. It is always right to prepare more.

After all, a full-scale war between two villages will last for a long time unless there are special circumstances or the war is one-sided. The time unit is basically calculated in years. The materials consumed during this period are a terrible number.

It is not enough to rely solely on the village's reserves.

The assets of the village and the purchase of the caravan must be grasped.

Not only do you have to grasp them yourself, but you also have to find ways to disrupt the enemy's purchase of materials from outside.

"You go down first."

"Yes, sir."


When the Anbu ninja who came to report on his work was about to leave the office, Jingyi suddenly called him.

"Go to the archives room and ask the people there to send me all the files left by the Shimura clan. I need them."


The Anbu ninja quickly left the office and went to look for the files.

After hearing this, Nara Shikako knew that the people of the Shimura clan were going to be in trouble.

Shizuichi would not ask for their files for no reason, he must be targeting them.

It depends on whether the Third Hokage can protect the people who are targeted when Shizuichi attacks.

The people of the Shimura clan used the Third Hokage as a gun and got involved in the struggle for interests among the top leaders. Whether they can fight for interests is one thing, but being a gun will definitely be targeted.

But the Hokage should protect the people of the Shimura clan, right?

Nara Shikako put a question mark on this sentence.

Because he himself was not sure whether the Third Hokage would protect the people who helped him. After all, there was the precedent of the Hyuga clan. Who could guarantee that the Third Hokage would not sell out the Shimura clan?

"My lord."

Soon, all the files that Shizuichi wanted were brought.

Jingyi picked out from a pile of files. No matter what the outcome of the fight between him and the Hokage's office was, the bird that stood out would always be beaten. If he didn't do it, if he didn't do it ruthlessly, they would dare to jump out again next time.

"Huh, killing a villager by mistake?"

When Jingyi saw one of the files, he paused.

Nara Shikako put down the file in his hand, thought about it, and said: "I have some memories of this case. This case was handled by the Hokage himself. It seems that he compensated the family of the deceased with a lot of money. In addition, the Hokage personally came forward, so the matter did not get out of hand."

As the former leader of the Jonin class, Nara Shikako handled a lot of things.

Therefore, he still remembered a general idea of ​​this case.

Jingyi looked at the file seriously: "Senior, is it really killing by mistake?"

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