Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 135: Integrating into the World

"I'm not kidding. After all, the Chakra Scalpel is also an A-level ninjutsu. You need to be very proficient in medical ninjutsu before you can use it." Xia Li said, "So it's really hard to have any combat effectiveness in the early stages of learning medical ninjutsu."

"But generally no one lets medical ninjas go forward to fight, right?" Kakashi suddenly rolled his eyes and said.

"That's right. Not everyone is Tsunade-sama." Xia Li paused and nodded.

"A-level ninjutsu... is it difficult?" Naruto scratched his head. He remembered that his Multiple Shadow Clone Technique was A-level, and he didn't think it was that difficult.

"It hurts, it hurts..."

The next moment, Naruto was hit on the head by Xia Li.

"Don't talk without any pain. The reason why your Multiple Shadow Clone Technique is so easy to learn is because it fits you very well. For normal ninjutsu, think about how long it took you to learn the C-level Fierce Wind Palm?" Xia Li laughed and scolded.

"It seems so." Naruto scratched his head and thought about it and suddenly realized.

"Well, Xia Li, can I learn it too? The scalpel." Suddenly, Sakura's voice rang out.

"Of course, but..."

"You need me to be proficient in medical ninjutsu, right?" Before Xia Li finished speaking, Sakura smiled and added the second half of the sentence.

"Well, so you've decided." Xia Li didn't expect Hinata to not know the situation yet, but Sakura seemed to be successful.

"Well, I just decided. After all, if I take the medical route now, I can still help them. If I don't, then I will be completely useless in this class..." Sakura said a little disappointed.

"Sakura..." Naruto and Sasuke both looked at Sakura, wanting to say something, but they didn't know what to say. Will they stop and wait for Sakura? The answer is no.

"So, after listening to Xia Li's words just now, I also decided that learning basic medical ninjutsu first can be of some use in this team, and I can also become stronger in the future. What's wrong with that?" Sakura said with a smile.

Seeing Sakura's smile, Naruto and Sasuke fell silent, and Kakashi also smiled with relief. He didn't have to consider Hinata's affairs like Kurenai did.

In his opinion, Sakura had too little chakra, but strong control. He was originally considering letting Sakura go for illusion, and now medical ninjutsu is not bad either. Kakashi certainly understands the benefits of having a medical ninja in the team.

Kakashi would not look down on medical ninjas, after all, his former companions...

"Well, then I'll give you another hope. Do you know Tsunade, one of the legendary three ninjas?" Xia Li asked.

"I seem to have heard of it." Sakura frowned, as if she had seen it somewhere.

"She is the most powerful female ninja in Konoha, and she is also the strongest ninja in medical ninjutsu. Her strength is no less than that of the current Third Hokage." Xia Li briefly introduced Tsunade.

Suddenly, Sakura's eyes lit up. Is that true? Relying on medical ninjutsu?

"Hey, Xia Li, this goal is a bit too big..." Kakashi said helplessly.

"Then just tell me if it's true or not?" Xia Li glanced at Kakashi.

Suddenly, Sakura looked at Kakashi, and finally Kakashi could only nod helplessly. Since it has been said, let it be. I always feel that this goal is a bit too ambitious.

Sakura clenched her hands immediately, and at this moment, infinite hope rose in her heart. Maybe she can really...

On the other side, Ningci also looked over here, and he also listened to some of Xia Li's words.

He also agreed with Xia Li's suggestion that Hinata give up becoming a combat ninja, but he didn't agree with the rest of the words, but he couldn't say anything. After all, he was not as strong as the other party and had no say.

Then, Ningci's eyes turned back to the arena and looked at Xiao Li who had removed the weight, and his eyes slowly showed shock.

Xiao Li, when did you become so strong?

This match can be said to be the most exciting and passionate match in the Chunin Exam, but...

Xia Li looked at the scene in the field and listened to the people around him marveling at the Eight Gates of Ninja that were opened for Lee, but Xia Li sighed. It was indeed not enough.

If it was only five gates, it would be too difficult to defeat Gaara, but it was indeed much stronger than in the original work. At least if it continued like this, Gaara should be able to be beaten into the next form...

But, it was over. Xia Li looked at Might Guy who appeared on the field. The opponent also saw that Lee's Eight Gates of Ninja were almost over, but Gaara had no tendency to lose his fighting power.

Might Guy looked at the sand that was surging again, and after thinking of Xia Li's words, he went down the field directly. The moment the sand approached Lee, he surrendered on behalf of Lee.

Although it caused dissatisfaction on the side of the Sand Ninja, Might Guy was also criticized by the third generation, but at least Lee's leg was saved.

In the next two matches between Shikamaru and Choji, Shikamaru still relied on his wisdom to win, while Choji lost regretfully.

"Choji actually lost, what a pity, if it was a real fight, Choji would not lose." Ino, who was beside Xia Li, looked at the scene in the field and couldn't help but say.

"Well, the secret medicine of the Akimichi clan." Xia Li nodded. He had also heard about the three-color secret medicine of the Akimichi clan. If it was a real fight, Choji should only need to take one pill to have a great chance of winning.

"Yes, Choji is very powerful." Ino said.

"Okay, it's time for you to go down. The rules for the third round should be announced." Xia Li said as he looked at Moonlight Gale who walked to the center.

"Okay, wait for me." Ino nodded and walked down the stage with the winner next to him.

The rules of the third round are actually very simple. It is still a one-on-one battle, but there will be many prestigious spectators coming to watch, and there will be a month of targeted training in between.

The next step is to draw opponents, and Xia Li soon saw the result.

The first round, Uzumaki Naruto vs. Hyuga Neji.

The second round, Nara Shikamaru vs. Temari.

The third round, Kankuro vs. Toss.

The fourth round, Uchiha Sasuke vs. Gaara.

The fifth round, Aburame Shino vs. Yamanaka Ino.

"Shino..." Xia Li showed a helpless smile. If it was this person, then Ino would probably lose.

It would not be as easy to provoke Shino's emotions as it was with Sakura, and the opponent was not worse than Shikamaru in terms of combat wisdom, and was even stronger.

Kakashi sighed as he looked at the list. They were all difficult to deal with. Naruto was a little better, after all, he met Hyuga Neji who would not kill him, but Sasuke was in trouble.

Can Gaara really be defeated by Chidori alone? Kakashi was also thinking about it. He could only say that there was a chance, but it was not great. Sasuke's Chidori was still too weak due to his physique.

"Xia Li, this is trouble." Ino also returned to Xia Li at this time, her voice was a little bitter. She naturally knew what type of people she was good at dealing with, and Shino was obviously not within her range.

"Try hard." Xia Li didn't think much of Ino, especially since Shino still used insects. Even boys would feel numb when seeing such dense insects, not to mention girls.

"Huh..." Ino could also feel Xia Li's pessimism, but she was already satisfied. She didn't think she would really succeed in reaching Chunin in the first exam.

Being able to reach the last round was beyond Ino's expectations.

Well, let's do our best in the end. Ino's eyes showed determination. Even Shino should not be able to maintain a stable mental state all the time.

Besides, she still has the Heart Turning Technique, so it's not completely impossible to win. Maybe she can give Xia Li a surprise at that time.

Thinking about it, Ino also smiled. She had to work harder in this month!

"Ino, Xia Li, let's go to eat barbecue together to celebrate that Ino and Shikamaru have successfully entered the third round." At this time, Asuma came over and said.

"Okay." Xia Li and Ino naturally agreed.


At night, Xia Li sat at the desk in his room, and the pen in his hand was not sure what to draw, but it was finally erased.

Xia Li also felt that his precipitation period was a bit long. It should have ended some time ago, but the last trace of killing intent could not be wiped out, which made Xia Li waste a lot of time.

At this time, Xia Li calculated the time and inevitably felt a little more depressed.

"Let's go out for a walk."

Xia Li finally made a decision. It was useless to think about how to solve the problem here. If he could think of it, he should have solved it long ago.

Without disturbing Sinai, Xia Li walked out of the house and walked silently on the streets of Konoha.

Since it was not a festival, there would occasionally be one or two ninjas patrolling in Konoha at night, which felt a bit cold and deserted, which was in sharp contrast to the bustling Konoha during the day.

Xia Li actually liked this environment very much, but in his previous life, he was a little worried about danger and didn't walk like this. Even though he was in a country that was very safe at night in his previous life, there is a saying that it is better to be safe than sorry.

And now, since Xia Li has mastered the power himself, he can walk out even if the night here is not so safe.

In fact, Xia Li probably also figured out what the third generation meant by relying on himself. Unlike most ninjas, he lacked the reason to kill.

In fact, Xia Li also knew that he was a little hypocritical. He knew that he had not fully integrated into this world, and he would often pick himself out.

It's not that he was a spectator, nor that he didn't have any feelings, but just a sense of detachment, as if there was no sense of reality, everything around him was fake, and no matter how hard he tried, it was just useless.

Moreover, Xia Li, who had died once, actually didn't care much about his own life. Anyway, it was a gain to live so long.

In fact, Xia Li himself was not afraid of death until now. He was just worried that Sinai would collapse after his death, and Ino would be sad, so he couldn't die.

I don't know when, Xia Li walked past Ino's door and looked for a long time, recalling the first time he met Ino when he was a child, and how they slowly came together.

Came to the place where he and Lee trained together when they were young, and touched the training equipment that he and Lee had worn out. Lee worked really hard. Even though he didn't know any ninjutsu at all, and his talent in taijutsu was very poor, he still became so strong...

Using Flying Thunder God to enter Naruto's house, looking at Naruto's unreliable sleeping posture, the other party didn't notice his arrival at all, but the Nine-Tails seemed to have noticed it.

Then he used Flying Thunder God to come to Sasuke, and left before Sasuke noticed.

Finally, Xia Li returned to his home, lying on the roof of his home, looking at the moon, with determination in his eyes.

In any case, it is not okay to stagnate, so since it hinders his growth, it is time to fully integrate into this world.

Can he do it? Is there any need to ask? After all, he is a genius!

Under the moonlight, Xia Li closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep on the roof.

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