Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 136 Changes and Jiraiya's Return (Happy New Year's Eve)

Chapter 136 Changes and Jiraiya's Return (Happy New Year's Eve~)

"Mom, I'm going out." Xia Li shouted into the house.

"Well, be careful." Xinai looked at Xia Li's figure, with a puzzled look on her face.

Xia Li has changed his name to this since some time ago. In fact, this is not important. The important thing is that Xia Li seems to have become more lively.

He was so mature and steady when he was a child, as if he knew everything, like a little adult.

Now he is suddenly not so steady. Not only is he more lively at ordinary times, but he has also become a little lazy at home, but he seems to have become more comfortable. Why?

However, Xinai smiled, which is also good. At least she can feel that Xia Li seems to be very happy recently, so it's good.

Moreover, Xinai felt a different feeling as a mother for the first time in a long time, and she felt good.

As for Xia Li's sudden change, it is actually not difficult, because he just released the instinct that has been suppressing himself.

In the past, when Xia Li was not strong enough, he naturally restrained his desires and impulses. He needed to complete his goals step by step and show his talents.

Then when he became stronger, he was used to that lifestyle and thought that he might be more suitable for this world, but now...

Xia Li understood that it was a good thing to suppress himself at the right time, but it was definitely wrong to suppress his instincts and desires all the time.

So what was he like in his previous life?

He was a little lazy. Although he had a job, he preferred to slack off. What he wanted most was a job that was leisurely and paid well. He didn't think about getting rich, so he could muddle through for the rest of his life.

It was a pity that he didn't find such a job in his previous life, but it also showed Xia Li's character.

However, Xia Li also felt some changes. Although those bad aspects were still there, they seemed to have been reduced a lot because of long-term restraint.

There was another change, which Ino probably knew best.

Ino could clearly feel that Xia Li seemed to have suddenly become more lustful. He was so honest and passive before, but now he was a little awkward. Not only was he more active, but he also always expressed his love for her in some strange ways.

However, Ino did not seem to be disgusted, but was a little happy. In this case, did it prove that her charm was greater for Xia Li?

Xia Li said that there was nothing he could do about it.

After all, from what Xia Li did when he was learning the transformation technique, he knew that he was an old pervert, but he was generally not so obvious.

But Ino was his fiancée, and there was no need to worry about any risks in this world, so...

To be honest, if he was not worried about affecting Ino's strength, Xia Li would have wanted Ino to spend time developing a transformation technique that would not change back due to the impact.

Then he could... Xia Li thought about it without any change in his expression.

This was outside, and if he was superficial, his reputation would be over.

Xia Li came out for a purpose at this time. He had already arrived in front of a bathing shop, and the most important thing was that he was still looking at the female pool.

Xia Li had no intention of peeping. Why would he peek at these things? Wouldn't it be better to go home and let Ino use the transformation technique to let him see openly?

He suddenly felt that there was an extra mark of the Flying Thunder God in his perception, so he came to take a look.

In fact, Xia Li had guessed about its owner, and now that he came to the bathhouse, he was sure.

The next moment, Xia Li's figure disappeared from the spot, and when he appeared again, he had come to the back of a man with messy white long hair, and then...

"Someone is peeping!"

Xia Li's voice floated into the bathhouse with the wind, and Jiraiya's figure also paused. Although Xia Li deliberately bypassed Jiraiya when he used the wind, it was obvious that the other party still noticed it.

Jiraiya turned his head and looked at Xia Li with a smirk, and then he saw the other party disappear before he said anything, and there was despair in his eyes.

"Ah, there is a pervert!!"

Xia Li listened to the movement in the store and smiled. Anyway, this kind of thing is child's play for Jiraiya. He would make a fuss every few days, and he had no psychological barriers to do it.


"Xia Li, you have become a bad boy and you are trying to trick me." Jiraiya escaped from the pursuit of those people and came to Xia Li and said viciously.

"Long time no see, Jiraiya, are you satisfied with this gift?" Xia Li smiled.

"Satisfied, I am satisfied." Jiraiya continued to say viciously.

"No matter what, peeping is not good." Xia Li said.

"I was not peeping, I was collecting materials! It was for art, for creation!" Jiraiya retorted.

"Hey, I don't think there is any difference. Why don't you go to them and tell them that you are collecting materials? If you really are collecting materials, I think they won't care." Xia Li joked.

"..." Jiraiya was silent immediately. If he went to them, he would definitely be beaten to death, right?

"Xia Li, you have changed." Jiraiya stared at Xia Li's smile for a long time before he said with a sigh.

"Of course people will change, and in fact, maybe this is the real me." Xia Li replied.

"Well, this is good." Jiraiya looked at Xia Li with some relief in his eyes.

As a ninja who has been collecting intelligence for many years, how could he not know about Konoha Xiaobai Ya's affairs, and he could also guess that Konoha Xiaobai Ya was Xia Li.

When he first knew about it, Jiraiya was a little dissatisfied with the third generation. He entrusted his good disciple to the third generation to take care of him, but he ended up taking care of him like this? This killing reputation is not light.

But now seeing Xia Li's appearance, Jiraiya felt that maybe he had wronged the old man. It seems that Xia Li did not become indifferent and paranoid as imagined, but became... a little naughty?

"Teacher Jiraiya, long time no see." This time, Xia Li also spoke seriously.

Jiraiya was also startled, then smiled and said, "Well, little Xia Li, it's been a long time since we last met."

Afterwards, Xia Li also talked a lot with Jiraiya, telling him about his experiences over the years, which made Jiraiya sigh at the wonderful life of Xia Li. He originally just wanted Xia Li to go to the Anbu for training, but the other party almost killed his title.

Later, Xia Li also talked about Orochimaru, which made Jiraiya's face a little solemn.

Jiraiya said that he actually followed Orochimaru's trail back to Konoha.

"Teacher Jiraiya, you should pay more attention to the third generation grandfather. I think the third generation grandfather may be arrogant." Xia Li said a little complainingly. He said what he said to the third generation, but was refuted.

"Haha, you kid dared to say that the old man was arrogant. Don't worry, don't I know the old man's strength? That is the strength that one person will not lose to our three ninjas." Jiraiya laughed and believed in his teacher very much.

Xia Li sighed, and then said, "Teacher Jiraiya, how long ago was that?"

Jiraiya was stunned, and after thinking about it, it seemed that it was indeed a long time ago.

"The third generation grandfather is already 69 years old this year, and he has always been in the position of Hokage, which requires too much work, so his physical condition may have declined more than Teacher Jiraiya imagined. Teacher Jiraiya can also know the impact of physical decline, right? That is definitely a comprehensive decline in strength. And Orochimaru can't have made no progress in these years. Under this situation, the third generation grandfather is actually very dangerous." Xia Li said. Jiraiya is very confident in the third generation, and so is Kakashi, but don't you think about the third generation's age at this time?

If the other party is not the Hokage, he can get more rest, and perhaps his strength can be retained. However, the third generation's personality of asking about all small tasks makes him definitely overworked, and he looks older than the two consultants.

Jiraiya was stunned. His impression of the old man still remained when he left the village. Although he accepted Xia Li as his apprentice and came back once, he did not stay for too long and did not notice the change in the strength of the third generation.

Now, what Xia Li said seemed to make sense. Jiraiya thought about the face of the third generation and found that the old man had indeed become very old.

Jiraiya's face became more and more solemn.

"So, Jiraiya teacher, you should pay more attention to the third generation grandfather." Xia Li finally breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the change in Jiraiya's face. It was good that he was willing to listen.

"I understand. I will pay attention to the old man." Jiraiya nodded solemnly, with a trace of worry on his face. He certainly did not want to see the third generation get into trouble.

Although the other party did a lot of things that made him a little disappointed, he was his teacher after all!

"In this case, I am relieved. By the way, what is Jiraiya teacher doing now? He should not be stealing... materials all the time, right?" Xia Li said and saw Jiraiya's eyes looking at him and changed his address.

"Of course not, little Xia Li, you should know about Naruto, right?" Jiraiya asked knowingly. He felt that the relationship between Xia Li and Naruto was definitely not simple, and that Fierce Wind Palm must have been used by Xia Li before.

And Jiraiya has also confirmed that Naruto's talent in ninjutsu is not very good, so it must be Xia Li who taught him.

Xia Li naturally would not deny it, and at the same time, he also told Jiraiya what he did to Naruto. There was nothing to hide.

"So, has the seal been moved?" Jiraiya showed a surprised look. He was still thinking about taking Naruto out in the future before moving it. Moreover, he thought about Xia Li's way of handling it, which was indeed better and safer than he imagined.

As for leaving the Flying Thunder God Mark, Jiraiya didn't care too much. He knew Xia Li's character, and Naruto himself didn't care, so what did he care about.

"So, am I going to have an extra junior brother?" Xia Li asked.

"Well, it can be considered as such." Jiraiya nodded.

In fact, ninjas don't have the same title of "brother" as ordinary samurai do. ​​If they are not disciples of the same period, they may not be familiar with each other for their whole lives, but if they are just said this way, they will definitely understand.

"What about you, Xia Li? What are you going to do?" Jiraiya also asked.

Then Xia Li's answer made Jiraiya open his eyes wide.

"As for me, I should continue to rest for a while, because I think I will break through."

Yes, recently, Xia Li's training has been kept to the minimum, just for that feeling, and Xia Li has slowly found that feeling. He can recognize that he is not far from his breakthrough.

Jiraiya looked at his own disciple. He was already surprised by his opponent's strength. Now...

Then Jiraiya smiled with satisfaction. If so, Xia Li's strength should soon surpass his.

Really, amazing talent!

"By the way, Xia Li." Jiraiya suddenly said embarrassedly.

"What's the matter?" Xia Li suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Well, can you come with me when I go to collect materials? If I'm discovered, you can take me away with Flying Thunder God..." Jiraiya said, scratching his head a little embarrassedly.

Suddenly, Xia Li's face turned black, and he left with Flying Thunder God, leaving Jiraiya in a mess. If you don't agree, then don't agree. What's the point of running away? Jiraiya, who complained like this for a long time, shook his head and smiled.

And Xia Li didn't feel wrong. On the eve of the third round of exams, although he had not been able to fully integrate into this world, he had wiped out the last trace of murderous intent that was difficult to erase.

What followed was the breakthrough that Xia Li expected!

PS: Happy New Year's Eve everyone~

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