Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 153 Danzo's Conspiracy

The White Snake Immortal looked at Xia Li. Although he was short-sighted, he was indeed the only one in the world, and he had no right to choose.

So, the White Snake Immortal spit out a huge scroll from his mouth, and then threw it to Xia Li with a flick of his huge tail.

Xia Li was stunned when he took the scroll. If he guessed correctly, this scroll should be the spiritual scroll of Longdi Cave. Shouldn't this scroll be with Orochimaru?

"Why, kid, don't you want to sign a contract with Longdi Cave?" After seeing Xia Li standing there without any movement, the tone of the White Snake Immortal suddenly became dangerous, and the snake tongue kept spitting.

"Not really, I just remember that this scroll should be with Orochimaru." Xia Li said and opened the scroll, and then saw the place for signatures, which was blank, without a person's name.

Xia Li was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted and signed his name here with his own blood.

"Humph, what I give you is naturally a new scroll." The tone of the White Snake Immortal also eased a little after seeing Xia Li's signature.

Xia Li just realized who was in front of him. It was the White Snake Immortal, the founder of Longdi Cave. Was it strange that he could take out a new spiritual scroll again?

Not strange at all! Xia Li even felt that if the White Snake Immortal was not worried about the overflow of spiritual scrolls in Longdi Cave, he could take out a lot more.

But in this case, Xia Li thought of Sasuke. He originally thought that Sasuke probably couldn't sign a spiritual contract with Longdi Cave. Now it seems that there is a way out. He got it from him.

At this time, the Slug Immortal also spit out a scroll, but it was too small compared to the White Snake Immortal's scroll. Xia Li took it and looked at it. It was indeed because of the content.

To be honest, there was only one slug that could communicate with the spiritual scroll of the Wet Bone Forest, so naturally there was no need for such a large scroll. Xia Li did not hesitate and signed his name on the spiritual scroll of the Wet Bone Forest.

In this way, Xia Li has collected the summoning scrolls of the three holy places. If there is a system, then he should have achieved an achievement and can get rewards.

"Xia Li, you have also been in Myoboku Mountain for seven days. It's time to go back to Konoha." After the White Snake Sage and the Slug Sage gave their summoning scrolls, the Great Toad Sage also said.

"Huh? Seven days?" Xia Li was a little surprised. He could feel that the time was not short. In that state, his perception was trapped in his body and he could not perceive the changes in time in the outside world at all. He could only guess by himself, but he did not expect that the initial transformation took seven days.

"Then I will leave first, Great Toad Sage, White Snake Sage and Slug Sage." Xia Li said and used the Flying Thunder God to leave Myoboku Mountain.

It was not that he wanted to leave so quickly, but the meaning of the Great Toad Sage's words to drive people away was already very clear, and he did not need to disobey the other party's meaning.

After Xia Li left.

The White Snake Immortal stared at the Big Toad Immortal and said, "Gamamaru, the kid behind is in your hands. You must keep a close eye on him and don't let him go back to the chakra path. That path has no future."

"I understand." The Big Toad Immortal also said.

"If you can't do it, you can leave it to me." The White Snake Immortal said again.

This time, the Big Toad Immortal didn't reply.

The Slug Immortal spoke for the first time at this time. His voice sounded indistinguishable from male and female. He said, "I didn't expect that such a person would really appear. Maybe it's time for the ninja world to change."

"It should have changed a long time ago, right?" The White Snake Immortal snorted coldly, "What's the point of being restricted to death."

"So, can we only put all the treasures on him?" The Big Toad Immortal sighed as if asking.

"Well, do we have any choice besides him?" The Slug Immortal asked back.

Suddenly, the three immortals were speechless. Indeed, they had no choice. They were not even sure whether there would be another Xia Li in the future.

"Hmph, Toad Pill, are you sure that person won't attack him?" asked the White Snake Immortal at this time.

"Not sure, but if he attacks, can we stop him? We can't always stay by Xia Li's side." said the Big Toad Immortal.

"Hmph." The White Snake Immortal snorted coldly, and then disappeared in the hall.

"Toad Pill, you still have to watch him carefully, maybe he is our last hope." The Slug Immortal also disappeared in the hall after saying that.

After a moment of silence, the Big Toad Immortal summoned the Shinsaku Immortal.

"Excuse me, is there anything I can do for you? Great Grandpa." Shinsaku Immortal asked respectfully. He could guess that what the Big Toad Immortal said next should be related to Xia Li.

But Shinsaku Immortal still didn't expect that the Big Toad Immortal's next words meant to fully support Xia Li in the future.

This made Fukasaku ask, "Grandfather, has the prophecy about little Jiraiya changed?"

The Great Toad Sage shook his head and said, "Although I haven't seen any new changes, these are no longer important. Fukasaku, you have to remember that for us, Xia Li's existence may be more important than the entire ninja world."

Hearing this, Fukasaku opened his eyes wide and didn't come back to his senses for a long time, but the Great Toad Sage didn't intend to continue talking.

Finally, Fukasaku Sage nodded and said respectfully, "I understand, Grandfather."

When Fukasaku Sage left, Great Toad Sage also showed doubts in his eyes. Regarding the prophecy, he thought of the scene about Xia Li he had seen before.

The bloody storm he mentioned was not just the little bit that Xia Li killed in the Anbu. After all, if it was just killing, when would there be absolute peace in the ninja world?

So the bloody storm that Great Toad Sage saw was referring to the entire ninja world, but although Xia Li's killing now affected himself, it was just a drop in the ocean for the ninja world.

As for whether it was possible that there was still a later time, Great Toad Sage denied this possibility, because since Xia Li embarked on that path, Great Toad Sage could no longer see the other party's figure, and even the fate of the existence that had intersected with Xia Li became blurred...

So, did he see it wrong at that time?


After returning home, Xia Li immediately found Sina and Ino, but fortunately, the communication frog had already told them about Xia Li's situation in Myoboku Mountain, so they were not too worried.

They thought that Xia Li had just given another mission, which made Xia Li feel relieved. If he disappeared for seven days for no reason, it was unknown how worried Sina and Ino would be. After all, he had never left without saying goodbye since he left the Anbu.

Then, Xia Li also asked Bai Diao if anything special had happened in Konoha during the seven days he was away.

When Bai Diao finished reporting the recent events, Xia Li's face darkened.

There were really many things that happened in the past few days.

For the task of showing Konoha's strength, seven days was obviously too short. In these few days, even a senior ninja could not complete several tasks, so the progress was just like that.

As for the Sand Ninja, it can only be said that they have the advantage of numbers and are worthy of being one of the five major ninja villages. They have many means of searching, so they have found the location of the Sound Village in a very short time.

However, the Sand Ninja did not attack directly. After all, they were fighting on the enemy's territory, so the Sand Ninja decided to take every step carefully, slowly devour the troops of the Sound Ninja, and then concentrate them for a final cleanup.

Why are they so cautious? Of course, the current Sand Ninja can no longer afford to be hurt. Even if the number of ninjas in the Sound Village is not large, they can save as much strength as possible.

The Sand Ninja had actually contacted Konoha a long time ago and wanted Xia Li to go over for support. However, as everyone knows, Xia Li is not in Konoha, so they can only postpone it.

However, as compensation, Konoha released Gaara and the other two to the Sand Ninja in advance, and Gaara and the others also rushed to the battlefield of the Sand Ninja as soon as possible. I heard that Gaara performed very well, and he no longer ran away at any time as before.

It seems that Naruto did a good job before.

These are all good news, but the last piece of news is the reason why Xia Li's face turned bad.

Because, in Konoha Village, Xia Li's deeds began to spread slowly, including Xia Li's deeds during the Anbu period, which was also spread quietly, which led to Xia Li's reputation rising again.

If it was just this, it would be nothing, after all, Xia Li also knew that the figure of Mo Ying would definitely not be concealed for too long.

But the problem is that those who spread it secretly are still promoting the fact that Xia Li should become the fifth generation Hokage!

In addition to Xia Li's current reputation, this call has been difficult to cover up since it first appeared. Even if some people are wondering whether Xia Li is a little young, they will not question Xia Li's qualifications and strength.

Therefore, such calls have basically spread throughout Konoha now, so fast that everyone is caught off guard.

Xia Li does not think that this is arranged by the third generation. Even if the third generation is stupid, it is impossible to do such a short-sighted thing. What does he want to do by promoting Xia Li's reputation when Tsunade is about to come back? Give Tsunade eye drops?

Another White Fang incident? Unfortunately, Xia Li is not White Fang. He does not have the idea of ​​a small book. Even if many people accuse him, he thinks he has done nothing wrong. If he is angry, he will fight to the death!

And Tsunade is not the Third Generation. The Third Generation was in his prime at that time and did not want to give up the position of Hokage. Tsunade, on the other hand, is not interested in the position of Hokage, so it is hard to say how things will develop.

So, Xia Li rubbed his temples. There is no need to think that it was Danzo's good work again. After all, he had offended Danzo before.

The other party is not stupid. After thinking about it, and then contacting Jiraiya and Naruto's movements, he can probably guess what it is, so he came up with such a trick.

It must be said that it is really cruel, and it is too late for Xia Li to stop the current trend. No, it should be said that even if he knew it at that time, it was too late. Sometimes a high reputation is indeed a drag.

While thinking, Xia Li also walked towards the medical center. He was going to meet the Third Generation and Sasuke.

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