Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 154 Original Chakra?

Soon, Xia Li also saw Sandai in the ward.

"I'm back from Miaomu Mountain." Sandai said with a smile after seeing Xia Li.

"Yes, I encountered some unexpected things at Miaomu Mountain, which delayed me a bit." Xia Li replied.

"It's okay." Sandai said without saying anything more, and the atmosphere was somewhat silent for a while.

"Third generation master, you know about the rumors in the village, right?" Xia Li broke the silence and said first.

"Yeah." Sandai sighed, and then said, "You can probably guess who it is."

"Duanzo." Xia Li said directly.

"Well, don't worry, as far as I know about Tsunade, she doesn't care about these, so these rumors will have little impact on you." Sandai also said.

"I trust the Third Generation Master's judgment on this point, but..." Xia Li didn't mean to give up and continued to ask.

"Duanzo shouldn't have the right to reveal the identity of an ANBU captain, right? Even though I'm no longer in the ANBU."

Sandai looked at Xia Li who was standing there expressionless, and in the end he could only nod.

"So, even if Danzo did something wrong, he should be punished, right?"

The third generation was silent for a long time, and finally nodded slowly and said, "Of course, I will handle it."

Xia Li didn't say anything more. Feeling the somewhat stiff atmosphere, he resigned and left.

Xia Li was walking in the hospital. In fact, a lot of things could be reflected from the third generation's attitude towards Danzo.

Although the Third Generation never thought of handing over the position of Hokage to Danzo, perhaps because of this, he was very accommodating to Danzo in many things, and even allowed Danzo to control his own power in the darkness of Konoha, which is simply incredible... …

Just letting others develop their own power, to say that the third generation is evil is to embarrass those who have a dark heart.

How could Danzo be allowed to build his own power if he was really evil? Probably really stupid...

Like Xia Li's matter, if he hadn't brought it up directly and made it inevitable for the third generation to avoid it, then the third generation would most likely not have even received the most basic punishment.

After all, in the eyes of the third generation, such a trivial matter is probably not a big deal.

Even with today's scene, it is estimated that the third generation will only talk about Danzo, and maybe give him a painless punishment.

These are the three generations Xia Li knows, the three generations who are already in their old age.

But complaints are complaints, even now Xia Li will not regret saving the third generation. He has revenge and kindness, that's all.

The next step is to have Sasuke sign the psychic scroll in Ryūchi Cave, which will also allow him to catch up a little bit with Naruto's progress, and psychic techniques should not be difficult for Sasuke.

However, Xia Li soon learned from the nurse that Sasuke had been discharged from the hospital.

Suddenly, Xia Li slapped his forehead. Although he knew that seven days had passed, he felt that he had seen Sasuke in the hospital yesterday, and he didn't realize it for a while.

At this time, Xia Li also sensed the mark of the Flying Thunder God in the direction of the Uchiha clan.

The next moment, Xia Li's figure disappeared from the hospital and turned to the Uchiha clan.

Xia Li looked at the familiar room. This was Sasuke's room. Sasuke didn't always carry the Flying Thunder God Kunai with him, he kept it here most of the time.

Immediately afterwards, Xia Li closed her eyes and entered a state of perception. Soon, Xia Li discovered the location of a chakra. That place was also very familiar to Xia Li. It was Uchiha's training ground.

It seems that Sasuke trained even harder after coming out of the hospital.

Soon, Xia Li came to the training ground unimpeded and saw Sasuke panting but still continuing to train.

Xia Li thought for a while and clapped her hands to attract Sasuke's attention.

"Who?!" Sasuke was shocked at first, and then his eyes lit up when he saw Xia Li's figure.

"Xia Li? Are you back from your mission?"

"Almost, but I guess I won't be able to stay long before I have to go on the next mission." Xia Li said. After all, since he is back, he will definitely go to the Sound Ninja Village to join the battlefield.

"Well, can I join?" Sasuke asked. The next task Xia Li will do should be the one Kakashi mentioned, right?

"No need, because it will be over soon." Xia Li said with a smile.

"Yeah." Sasuke did not doubt what Xia Li said. In his memory, everything Xia Li said to him seemed to come true, including defeating that guy.

"Sasuke, do you still remember the psychic technique Naruto used at that time?" Xia Li asked at this time.

"Of course." Sasuke nodded, recalling the giant toad at that time. Just its size was enough to surprise people, not to mention that the toad was so strong...

"That's the toad of Miaomu Mountain, and Miaomu Mountain is one of the three legendary holy places. I also signed a contract with that place." Xia Li said.

"Can I do it too?" Sasuke couldn't help but ask. Since Xia Li and Naruto had signed the contract with Miaomu Mountain, he was also a little excited.

"I don't have the psychic scroll of Miaomu Mountain here." Xia Li said. Just when Sasuke was a little disappointed, Xia Li raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said, "But I have another scroll in my hand that is also one of the three holy places. The Psychic Scroll of Longdi Cave."

Suddenly, Sasuke's eyes lit up and stared at Xia Li.

Xia Li did not continue to tease Sasuke, took out the huge summoning scroll and handed it to Sasuke, and said, "Turn to the end, write your name in the frame with your own blood and press a handprint."

Sasuke nodded to show that he understood, and soon turned to the end, and then saw Xia Li's name. Sasuke was stunned, because the name Xia Li signed was only Xia Li.

But Sasuke remembered that Xia Li should have a surname...

"Add a surname." Xia Li also thought of this at this time and said.

"Well." Soon, Sasuke completed the signing of the contract and returned the scroll to Xia Li.

Xia Li then handed the summoning seal to Sasuke, and introduced the Ryuchi Cave to Sasuke, that is, the group of snakes have a bit of quirks. Generally, if the strength is not enough, don't summon those more difficult snakes.

But Xia Li thought, what if he summoned it? The White Snake Immortal should have greeted it in advance, right?

Sasuke, who had obtained the summoning contract and summoning technique, could not bear the temptation of ninjutsu and started practicing immediately.

When Sasuke was practicing, he turned his back to Xia Li and did not let Xia Li see his expression change. In Sasuke's view, the three holy places have been able to show the preciousness of their summoning scrolls.

Xia Li, who already has the summoning beast of Myoboku Mountain, should not need to find the summoning scroll of Ryuchi Cave again, so the other party took the summoning scroll of Ryuchi Cave for him?

This possibility is still there. Even if it is not, it is difficult to repay such a precious summoning scroll to him.

But with Xia Li's character, he will not let him return anything, right?

Sasuke shook his lips, and his heart felt a little warm at this time. He recalled what Kakashi said at that time, and then thought of the secret of the Sharingan in the clan land, and his heart became more determined. He must not take that path!

And now, since Xia Li has given him the summoning technique, he must learn it quickly and don't let him down!

Xia Li was not in a hurry to leave. He sat beside him and felt the changes in himself. To be honest, he had not had time to fully experience his changes so far.

Soon, Xia Li opened his eyes. After all, it was only the most preliminary transformation. The changes were not big, but...

Xia Li could feel that his chakra amount had decreased! It did not increase, but decreased!

And there was some more natural energy stored in his cells, as if they occupied the reduced chakra amount.

Xia Li frowned, so how should these natural energies be used? Extract chakra and mix them? Then form fairy chakra?

Xia Li thought about it and tried it. If it was true, then he would make money.

Unfortunately, Xia Li soon found that this way was not feasible. The natural energy stored in his body and chakra could not be mixed at all, and they could not be melted together at all, which shattered Xia Li's idea.

So, how to use these natural energies?

Xia Li thought about it, and then extracted some natural energy. This time, he did not add physical energy, but directly mixed it with spiritual energy. Soon, the energy that Xia Li felt familiar with appeared inside his body.

It turned out to be... still chakra?

No, Xia Li looked at this chakra and realized that the reason why chakra was formed was because Xia Li was most familiar with chakra, so natural energy was converted into chakra according to what Xia Li was familiar with...

Moreover, Xia Li looked at the chakra formed by natural energy and the chakra he extracted conventionally, and felt that there seemed to be some difference between these two chakras!

The conversion of natural energy into chakra made Xia Li think of the sacred tree. It can also absorb natural energy and then spit out chakra. Then the chakra he has now is the most primitive chakra?

No, it may not be the same... After all, Xia Li does not know what the chakra spewed out by the sacred tree is...

Xia Li thought, because it was only a preliminary transformation, so there was not much natural energy contained in his body, but he could also use a smaller wind cutting technique.

Xia Li pulled out two wind cut techniques the next moment, one was used by regular chakra, and the other was used by original chakra, neither of which contained Xia Li's property changes.

Soon, Xia Li looked at the two holes of different depths, and his eyes lit up. The power of the ninjutsu seemed to have really improved a lot!

Moreover, Xia Li was also calculating the amount of chakra converted from the natural energy contained in his body, which was more than the reduction of regular chakra.

So, Xia Li's chakra amount is even more than before!

In this way, not only the power of the ninjutsu, but also the amount of chakra, if it is completely and comprehensively transformed, there should be a qualitative improvement.

At this time, Xia Li finally sincerely accepted the path mentioned by the White Snake Immortal.

Although the White Snake Immortal said that this path could allow him to reach the level of the first generation of Hokage, Xia Li agreed at the time, but in fact he was reserved. After all, it was just the White Snake Immortal who said so, and it might not really reach the strength of the first generation of Hokage.

Xia Li actually did not doubt the potential of this path, but after all, he needed to explore this path on his own. Potential is potential, and it is still uncertain whether it can be developed.

Perhaps the development will not be successful, and in the end even the ordinary roads cannot be used. Wouldn't everything be over at that time?

And now it seems that even if he takes this road, it does not mean that he has abandoned the other road. The variability of natural energy allows him to still use ninjutsu, and the power has become greater.

In this way, not only is there no disadvantage, but he has taken a huge advantage.

How can Xia Li not be tempted by this?

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