Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 40 Progress and Communications

Chapter 40 Progress and Communication

Today is the last day of the semester for students in the Ninja School, so the third generation has already sat in his seat and flipped through the report cards handed up by various teachers on the table.

As expected, judging from the grades alone, the best are undoubtedly the second-year Hyuga Neji and the first-year Xia Li.

The results of these two are very impressive even when compared with those of the seniors.

"Hyuga..." The third generation looked at Hyuga Neji's name, and couldn't help but think of the other party's father and sighed, not knowing what he was thinking.

Then the third generation looked at Xia Li's name again, and was also thinking. He had already read all the information about the other party's father, and even flipped through it more than once. His experience from childhood to adulthood was very innocent and ordinary.

Of course, the other party's talent is also okay. From an overall point of view, the other party had already started to work hard to become a jonin when he died, but from the perspective of the third generation, the other party's final destination is probably like a special jonin. Even if he is lucky, he may be able to become an ordinary jonin by virtue of his merits.

Unexpectedly, the other party could give birth to such a gifted child, whether in theory, willpower, or his own ninjutsu talent, he is the best.

The previous third generation saw such a perfect talent and eventually became the fourth generation Hokage. It was a pity that Kakashi, who obviously also had extremely high talent, wasted a lot because of the White Fang and Obito's affairs.

But even so, Kakashi is also an elite ninja in the village and a mainstay of the village. The third generation looked at Xia Li's grades and smiled, waiting for him to grow up. Maybe the village will have another mainstay again.

As long as Xia Li can reach the level of "combat power" of Kakashi without Sharingan, the third generation feels that this investment will not be lost.

After reading all the grades and arranging the classes of this year's graduates, the third generation focused his eyes on the crystal ball, and the scene in the ninja school also appeared on it. In the end, the scene really fell on Naruto.

However, after Naruto left, the third generation looked at Xia Li next to Naruto and suddenly became interested. The third generation who often observed Naruto naturally knew that his deskmate Xia Li was usually the first to leave the classroom.

Today, he drove Naruto away first and stayed in the classroom, so he must have something to do. What was it?

The third generation kept an eye on Naruto and continued to observe Naruto. After a while, the third generation focused the scene on the ninja school again.

"Wow, is it a battle with Iruka?" The third generation suddenly had some inexplicable expectations when seeing this scene.

Soon, he saw the whole process of Xia Li and Iruka's battle from the crystal ball.

Even though Xia Li and Iruka's skills were both mediocre in the eyes of the third generation, this must be considered in terms of their age.

Iruka's talent can be seen at a glance, but as a teacher, he is undoubtedly very qualified.

Xia Li, actually won from Iruka, and his talent in ninjutsu is even more exaggerated than the third generation thought before. Not only can he use C-level ninjutsu, but he can even control it.

The substitute technique is simplified to three seals, and the speed of forming seals exceeds three seals in one second. He can fully control C-level wind escape ninjutsu, and can also use the form change of lightning escape to temporarily strengthen. The most important thing is.

Xia Li is only six years old!

Even Kakashi at this stage only has his own strengths and weaknesses with Xia Li, but Kakashi has the guidance of White Fang after all, and Xia Li just came into contact with ninjutsu at the age of six. However, Kakashi did not work as hard as Xia Li when he was a child, but hard work cannot deny that this talent is a bit too good.

Even this talent is a bit unlike that of an ordinary person, but the third generation has no doubt about Xia Li's identity. If Xia Li is a spy arranged in, then the other village must be crazy.

Such a genius is not cultivated well by himself, but thrown into another village as a spy? Even Konoha wouldn't waste money like this!

After the third generation took a puff of tobacco, a certain idea in his mind was slowly established.

It just so happens that Iruka will come to him again to report Xia Li's talent problem in a while, so it's just right for him to go and call Xia Li.


Xia Li walked from the ninja school to the training ground, and while walking, he was thinking about this battle.

Overall, he felt it was okay. From the initial test, he got more information than he expected. This was also due to Iruka's carelessness, which made Xia Li know the difference in their physical fitness and the speed of the seal. Iruka's skills were weaker than Xia Li imagined.

These were all very important information in the battle. After getting this information, Xia Li had already made a follow-up battle plan. In the end, this plan was successful, and he also won this battle.

Sure enough, a battle with intelligence and a battle without intelligence are two completely different things. If he fights Iruka again, he has a chance to win, but the probability, needless to say.

However, Xia Li only needs some more time to grow, at least when the power gap is not that big, then it won't be difficult for him to win. Right now, his qualities in all aspects are still too low.

In addition, in terms of throwing, Xia Li also knew that his throwing technique only ensured accuracy, and there was no change in throwing. Although this was also related to the stones Xia Li used to throw, it was more that he wanted to learn but didn't know how to practice.

According to his understanding, the Uchiha seemed to be the best at changing throwing techniques, and the others were not very good either, and Iruka probably didn't know either, so he could only keep it as it is now. If Xia Li's throwing also had characteristics, it was accuracy and speed!

But the lack of change would still be avoided by some ninjas with fast reactions...

Of course, Xia Li would not belittle himself. Now he was not completely powerless to resist against the Chunin. He didn't know the opponent's ninjutsu, but did the opponent know his ninjutsu? The opponent was probably not good at throwing, and the most important thing was that if he couldn't beat Xia Li, he could still use the lightning escape enhancement plus the wind escape gale leg to escape~

Xia Li's speed was not slow, and with these two increases, Xia Li could still escape from most Chunin who didn't rely on speed.

However, he can't be careless because he is only outstanding in one aspect now. His basic attributes are not as good as most Genin. He needs to continue to work hard.

Thinking of this, Xia Li also came to the training ground. After the battle with Iruka, he still had a lot of physical strength left, so he was not in a hurry to go home. Sinai didn't ask for leave today, so it wouldn't be too late to go back after the training.

At the training ground, as expected, Xiao Li was already here, and it seemed that Xiao Li was working harder than before, as if he was venting.

Xia Li could guess why, probably because of the final grades. The assessment for the second year is different from that for the first year. With the Ninjutsu course, the importance of Ninjutsu to ninjas is self-evident, so Ninjutsu accounts for a very high proportion of the grades.

In Xiao Li's situation, the score for this course can only be zero. In addition, Xiao Li's theoretical score is not very good, and it doesn't help to just get the first place in physical skills. His total score is still the last in the class.

So, Xiao Li's current situation is that he is once again stimulated by his results.

Seeing Xiao Li's efforts in training, Xia Li was also somewhat motivated and joined in today's training.

However, what Xia Li didn't know was that when he was training, Iruka also came to Xia Li's doorstep to find Xia Li, but found that no one was at home, which made Iruka scratch his head. His excitement was also calmed down a little. He was called by the Third Hokage to call Xia Li over.

Iruka naturally told the Third Hokage about Xia Li's victory over him. After all, this was the Third Hokage's order. All teachers would report the good seedlings in the class to the Third Hokage. I thought it was just a process this time, but I didn't expect the Third Hokage to ask him to call Xia Li over!

Is this going to be a direct investment? Iruka was also really happy for his students, so he rushed over according to the home address left when registering, and then Xia Li didn't go home at all!

At this time, Xia Li wouldn't be training again, right? Iruka took a deep breath, it seemed possible. To be honest, I had always been shocked by Xia Li's talent, but now I suddenly felt... it seemed that it was not unacceptable.

Iruka looked at the cold weather and sighed. What could he do? It was a holiday and he had nothing else to do. He would just wait here for a while.

Xia Li didn't know that Iruka was waiting for him. After the exercise, he began to use the remaining chakra to give himself a lightning massage. Even though it had been many times, every massage was a kind of enjoyment for the body and mind. He felt that not only the physical aspect, but also the mental aspect would improve a lot.

After the massage, Xia Li slowly closed his eyes and slowly entered the state of emptiness.

That's right, his progress this semester is more than a little bit. The state of emptiness no longer needs to be in the extreme state after exercise to enter. Although it is not possible to enter directly when it is normal, Xia Li estimates that it will be soon.

It was really difficult to enter the state of emptiness and meditation for the first time, but after entering it once, the difficulty was reduced, just like climbing a 90-degree cliff in front, and after climbing to a stage, the rest was just a hillside, although it was still very steep, but the difficulty had been reduced.

That is, the state of emptiness and meditation is not as helpful to Xia Li as before, but Xia Li still likes to enter this state, and observe some things in this state, and try to think about some things, because in this state, his thinking is really very clear.

It's just a pity that he can't think too much, otherwise he will directly exit the state of emptiness and meditation, but it must not be far away.

Therefore, the order of the current state of emptiness and thunder escape massage is naturally arranged in the most reasonable way, but it is still far from Xia Li's final idea.

After a long time, Xia Li opened his eyes and called Xiao Li over there.

"I have to trouble you again today, Xia Li." Xiao Li said a little embarrassedly.

"It's okay, a free experimental subject is still very important to me." Xia Li also teased.

"Yeah." Xiao Li nodded heavily, not caring about it at all, and his heart was full of gratitude.

Xia Li was not kidding. After each state of emptiness, his understanding of the changes in form would deepen. The most suitable experimental subject for these understandings was naturally Xiao Li. After all, Xiao Li's physical talent was still very strong and he could still bear it.

After Xia Li finished the experiment, if there was any progress, it would be reflected in his own massage the next day, which could be said to kill two birds with one stone.

However, Xia Li did not feel guilty about treating Xiao Li as an experimental subject. After all, although he treated the other party as an experimental subject, if he told other people about this, he would see if they were willing to be his experimental subjects. After all, this experimental subject would not be in danger of life, and it could also improve the strength of the body for free. Why not?

Xiao Li also felt comfortable all over and felt like he was going to collapse. With Xia Li's progress, the effect of thunder escape massage on Xiao Li gradually improved.

However, it was still completely inferior to Xia Li's own effect, and according to Xia Li's experimental feeling, this should have an upper limit. Xiao Li himself did not have the attribute of thunder. Even if he received thunder escape massage every day, his resistance to thunder attribute would not increase much.

Therefore, as Xia Li progresses, he can control chakra more accurately, but the limit that Xiao Li can accept still depends on his resistance to lightning attributes. After all, if the resistance is exceeded, it will cause damage to Xiao Li's body, which is not worth the loss.

Soon today's lightning massage ended. Xia Li looked at his hands and couldn't help but smile. He felt that this aspect was up to standard, and his previous idea should be carried out.

Then, Xia Li ended today's exercise and said goodbye to Xiao Li. Xiao Li still had to exercise for a long time after receiving the massage.

Although it is said that in order to maximize the effect of lightning massage, it is best to wait until Xiao Li has finished his exercise, but Xia Li does not have so much time to wait for Xiao Li to finish his exercise, and Xiao Li will not ask Xia Li to wait for him for this.

So, even if they all know how to do it for the best effect, neither of them mentioned this matter.

Xia Li has never minded helping Xiao Li, but the premise is not to affect himself. In any case, Xia Li has always been and will always be based on his own interests.

Looking at the sky, today is the last day of the semester, so there are no classes. Even if you finish your exercise, it is still early. Sinai probably hasn't gotten off work yet.

While thinking, Xia Li finally walked towards his home, and then saw Iruka outside the door.

"Teacher Iruka? Why are you here?" Xia Li felt very surprised. Did he come here for revenge because he lost to me? No way?

And Iruka shivered from the cold. The weather was not warm. Looking at Xia Li, Xia Li's current state was obviously after exercise.

After sighing, Iruka did not hesitate and told Xia Li about the third generation's communication, which made Xia Li's eyes shrink suddenly, followed by a strong surprise.

The third generation's communication, what does this mean?

He has a clean family background and talent. This kind of communication is basically only good for him, and there will be no harm, let alone worrying about being found out and killed directly.

"Let's go, the third generation should have been waiting for a long time." Although Iruka was a little cold, he still said immediately.

"Well, I'd better clean up before I go over there?" Xia Li pointed at his sweaty body. Wouldn't it be impolite to go over there like this?

"Yeah, that's right." Iruka also reacted and agreed.

So, after welcoming Iruka into the house and making him a cup of hot tea, Xia Li took his clothes and walked into the bathroom.

Even when washing, Xia Li couldn't help but look forward to it!

PS: There is only one chapter recently. I'm very busy at work these days and can't spare time to slack off and write. I'm very tired when I get home, ah...

But it's almost the same. Two chapters are also more than 2,000 words, totaling more than 4,000 words. One chapter is actually also 4,000 words, but it's generally less than the total number of words in two chapters.

It should be fine after the end of the year...

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