Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 41 Flying Thunder God and Massage

Chapter 41 Flying Thunder God and Massage

At Xia Li's house, Iruka was drinking hot tea while looking at the surrounding decorations.

As he imagined, the layout is generally relatively simple, but the house is not too small. After all, Xia Li's father was quite strong in his eyes during his lifetime. If he were still alive now, he would probably have become a special person. Are you a Jonin?

I don't know if he will be able to touch the side of a special jounin in this life.

However, in such a family, it is really gratifying that Xia Li can work so hard and still be so talented.

Soon, Xia Li came out of the bathroom and put on a turtleneck sweater that he rarely wore, and a simple white coat on top. His short black hair was fluttering in the wind, and he looked very energetic.

Iruka couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he saw Xia Li dressed like this, and said, "Xia Li is very handsome when dressed up well. Why haven't I seen Xia Li dressed like this in school?"

"Ah, because I have to exercise often and I'm afraid it will break. If I exercise, just wear something casual." Xia Li replied casually.

"Xia Li-san worked really hard." Iruka looked at Xia Li and sighed again.

"It's okay, Mr. Iruka, let's go." Xia Li touched her hair and said after it was dry.

Iruka suddenly realized, where did the wind in the room come from, so it must be a form change again. The surprise was no longer so surprising. Iruka nodded and walked towards the Hokage's office with Xia Li.


"Hokage-sama, Shintogawa Xia Li has been brought here." Iruka brought Xia Li to the Hokage's office.

"Oh, it's Iruka. The speed is a bit slow. Is it Xia Li who is training again, so he didn't find anyone at the first time?" The third generation said with a smile. Although he didn't use the crystal ball to check, he also You can guess what's going on.

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Iruka scratched his head and said.

"Well, then Iruka, you go down first. Our little genius and I need to talk alone for a while."


After Iruka retreated, Sandai and Xia Li were the only two people in the room.

Of course, this was in Xia Li's perception. In fact, there should be ANBU staring at this place. At this time, he was also looking at the third generation in front of him with a little curiosity. Of course, this was not the first time he saw the third generation, but he had always been there before. It's a very long distance. It's the first time that we've been so close today.

"Hoho, little guy, I have heard your name from Naruto for a long time, and today we finally meet." The third generation behaved very cordially, like the grandfather next door.

"Yeah, I've always wanted to meet Hokage-sama." Xia Li acted a little embarrassed. He didn't believe that the third generation hadn't observed him with a telescope. After all, the things he had just exercised were accurately stated.

"Haha, you should have heard the rumors about Naruto in the village, right? I'm a little curious. Other children have stayed away from Naruto because of this. Aren't Xia Liqian afraid of Naruto?" After thinking about it for a while, the third generation decided to start from them. Get it from Naruto, a mutual acquaintance.

"Why are you afraid? I never felt that Naruto would hurt me. Besides, why is Naruto regarded as a monster? He obviously didn't do anything." Xia Li asked knowingly.

"Well, Xia Li, you should have heard about the Fourth Hokage." The Third Hokage's face felt a little sad after mentioning the Fourth Hokage, and then said, "The Fourth Hokage used his own life to stop the legendary monster. , saved the village from the monster."

"Well, of course I know, the Fourth Hokage is my idol!" Xia Li decided to get closer to each other.

"Idol, hoho." Suddenly, the third generation laughed a few times.

"But, this has nothing to do with Naruto. Naruto is Naruto, and that monster is that monster. Even if the monster is sealed in Naruto, it has nothing to do with Naruto." Xia Li said after thinking for a while, He knew that there was no need to hide the sealing technique. After all, his library card was given by the third generation himself.

Furthermore, there is no need to hide the matter of Kyuubi and Naruto. There is a lot of word of mouth among the adults in the village. Although most of them are not clear, it is enough to gather clues. The third generation also knows this, so he can guess it. It's normal, but Xia Li definitely can't mention the terms Kyuubi and Jinchuuriki.

"Yeah, it doesn't matter, but many people don't think so." Sandai said after sighing.

"What they think is their business. I only know that I think Naruto is very good when we get along with him, and..." Xia Li paused and said firmly, "Sealing the monster into Naruto's body is a matter of I think the village owes Naruto, not Naruto owes the village!"

"Does the village owe Naruto something?" Sandai took a deep breath of tobacco. Although he had thought about it a lot, it was still surprising to be said so by a child.

"Yes, Naruto did not do anything to regret the village. Instead, he helped the village with his own body, so the village owes Naruto." Xia Li expressed it in the simplest way, without going around and around. His child's personality doesn't match.

"What if those people are afraid that the monster in Naruto's body will go berserk? And aren't you afraid?" Sandai asked at this time.

"Afraid? Why should I be afraid? As long as I am strong enough and stronger than that monster, I don't have to be afraid." Xia Li said seriously those words that in the eyes of the third generation were a little ignorant and yet very simple.

"Wow, strong enough? That's right." The third generation laughed, and did not discourage Xia Li's idea. It's good to have such a goal of becoming stronger, and it also fits the idea of ​​a little genius. Maybe it will really come true?

"Then, the fourth generation Hokage is your idol. Do you know what his most powerful ninjutsu is?"

"Of course I know. The fourth generation Hokage is famous throughout the ninja world for his golden flash. The most famous one is the fourth generation Hokage's "flash body technique"!" Xia Li did not directly say the name of Flying Thunder God, but used the flash body technique as a substitute.

"And it should not be an ordinary flash body technique, but a special flash body technique that only the fourth generation Hokage can master!" Xia Li continued.

"Yeah." The third generation stroked his beard and nodded. Xia Li's answer was correct, and it seemed that he had done some research. He was really a fan of the fourth generation. Then the third generation smiled gently and said, "So, Xia Li, do you want to learn this special instant body technique?"

The moment the third generation finished speaking, he saw Xia Li standing there in a daze, with an incredible look in his eyes.

"Can I really learn the ninjutsu of the fourth generation?"

"Yes, ninjutsu is for people to learn, but you have to know that this ninjutsu was created by the second generation, and only the fourth generation learned and perfected it. It is very difficult." The third generation couldn't help but become serious when he said this.

"I can definitely learn it!" Even though Xia Li had a hunch, he couldn't help but be surprised after getting confirmation. That was the Flying Thunder God!

"Wow, this is not something you can learn just because you want to. I'll give you a test before that." The third generation said as he took out a scroll and a special kunai.

When he saw this kunai, Xia Li recognized that it was the kunai with the Flying Thunder God mark of the fourth generation of Hokage, and the words "Sword of Ninja Love" were engraved on it.

"It's not easy to learn the fourth generation's instant body technique. Not only does it require talent in ninjutsu, but it also requires extremely special talent. This kunai is the kunai that the fourth generation left behind for testing. The scroll next to it has the test method and the ninjutsu of summoning. After one semester, I will test your mastery. If you really have talent, you will be qualified to learn the fourth generation's ninjutsu." The third generation said as he handed the kunai and scroll to Xia Li.

Xia Li took the kunai and scroll and sighed in his heart. Sure enough, he was not Flying Thunder God yet, but it was enough.

Test your talent for learning Flying Thunder God? As expected, the predecessors planted the trees and the descendants enjoyed the shade. Although the fourth generation learned from the second generation, he basically crossed the river by feeling the stones. It was easier for him.

Because the fourth generation had solved many problems. If he couldn't learn it, he could give up Flying Thunder God.

"Come on, little genius, I also want to see the fourth generation's instant body technique appear in the ninja world again one day." The third generation encouraged with a smile.

"I will work hard!" Xia Li said seriously after putting away the scroll and kunai.

The third generation looked at Xia Li and nodded. He really wanted to see the reappearance of Flying Thunder God. It was such a powerful ninjutsu, and he had thought about learning it, but it was obvious that he had no talent in time and space. Even the fourth generation wanted to teach Flying Thunder God at that time, but he couldn't find a successor. Even Kakashi couldn't do it. In the end, he could only teach Flying Thunder God's formation, which was many levels lower than the personal guards...

I hope Xia Li really has talent in this area. Mainly from Xia Li, the third generation really saw the shadow of the fourth generation, the same perfection, the same, no, he had to work harder. If he didn't have talent in this area after a semester, he would have to give up, and he couldn't neglect other aspects of learning.

Soon, Xia Li left the Hokage's office, said goodbye to Iruka, and returned home alone.

Then, Xia Li couldn't wait to open the scroll and began to read it. The method recorded in the scroll was actually very simple. It was to record one's own chakra in the mark on the special kunai, and then slowly establish a connection with the kunai. After the connection was established, one had to use one's own perception to sense the location of the kunai. The clearer the perception, the better.

The scroll also recorded a summoning technique, which was a summoning technique specifically used for summoning instruments. It seemed that it was used to summon this special kunai after the connection was established.

So, summoning techniques also belong to the category of time and space ninjutsu. Being able to summon this kunai with summoning techniques is considered a success?

How could it be so simple? Xia Li felt that it should be related to summoning techniques, but in the end it still depended on the final test of the third generation. It was definitely not so easy to achieve.

At this time, Xia Li looked at the special kunai and put it away with a bit of regret. Although he wanted to start the first step directly, he currently had not much chakra left, so even if he wanted to, he did not have the ability.

After putting away the kunai, Xia Li calmed down his excitement. The next training schedule had to be adjusted again, but for Flying Thunder God, this adjustment was definitely worth it!

Now, just wait for Xinai to come back at home.


At this time, Xinai was humming a little tune while carrying a bunch of boxes on his hands on his way home.

Although he hadn't returned home yet, Xinai had already learned from those well-informed customers that his son had once again won the first place in the assessment.

Thinking of her son's excellence, Sinai felt that this was a matter of course, wasn't it?

And this time Sinai deliberately worked overtime for a while, and then bought a lot of barbecue from the store and brought it back for Xia Li to eat. She remembered that Xia Li liked to eat these meats very much. Although he was not picky, he had some preferences.

Soon, Sinai came to her door. She was not sure whether Xia Li was at home today or went out to play again, so she didn't shout.

However, before Sinai opened the door, she found that Xia Li had opened the door and came to her side, taking the box from her hand.

"You brought so many things today?" Xia Li said, lifting the box.

"It's your favorite barbecue. I also brought back the seasoning. I'll go get the grill to celebrate Xia Li's first place again!" Sinai said with a smile.

"You already know it."

"Of course, you are quite famous in our barbecue restaurant now. Everyone seems to know that you are my son, so your news spreads quickly among us."

Said, Xinai looked at Xia Li's dress, a little puzzled, and asked, "Why are you dressed so formally today? You don't wear it even if I ask you to."

"Of course it's because..." Xia Li did not hide it and told Xinai that the third generation came to him.

Finally, Xia Li saw Xinai's shocked expression and became satisfied. The first place could not cause surprises, so the third generation's communication and the fourth generation's ninjutsu could be done!

"My son is so amazing that he can learn the fourth generation's ninjutsu." After a long while, Xinai reacted and murmured in his mouth. That was the ninjutsu of the fourth generation. You know, the fourth generation is not just as simple as a Hokage, but also the male god of their generation. Now her son is qualified to learn the other's ninjutsu, Xinai also feels a little unrealistic.

"Well, after all, I am the first." Xia Li did not say much.

Sinai didn't respond. Even if she didn't pay much attention, she knew that even if she was the first, she shouldn't be treated like this. The only reason was that Xia Li's talent was higher than she thought, and he was already able to make big people like the third generation invest.

But no matter what, this is her son. It's time to grill meat and let Xia Li taste her grilling skills!

After dinner.

"What's the matter?" Sinai looked at Xia Li with some doubts. Usually Xia Li would go back to his room to read at this time.

"Well, mom, I learned massage recently and want to experiment." Xia Li said his purpose.

"I want to help mom massage, but it's not necessary. Xia Li, go and do your own things." Sinai didn't want to waste Xia Li's time.

However, how could Sinai's words change Xia Li's decision? He kept those chakras just for Sinai.

So, soon, under Xia Li's insistence, Sinai agreed, and the happiness in his eyes was very strong.

Soon, Sinai found that there seemed to be something wrong with the massage. Why did it feel so comfortable, and what was going on with the jumping lightning?

Sinai was almost startled, but she calmed down after thinking that it should be Xia Li who made it. In any case, she believed that Xia Li would not hurt her, and the places where the lightning jumped were really comfortable.

At this time, Sinai also understood that this should be Xia Li's special preparation for her, but she didn't know much about the principle, but it shouldn't be simple, right? At least she, a Genin, had never been exposed to these.

Although it was comfortable, Sinai was still a little worried. Wouldn't this really cause trouble to Xia Li? Don't waste Xia Li's talent because of her.

For Xia Li, what trouble is there? Isn't learning ninjutsu to make yourself stronger and make your family healthier?

Since he already has such ability, why not do it?

Xia Li didn't do it before because he was afraid of hurting Sinai because of his lack of control. After all, Sinai didn't have the physical talent like Xiao Li. After experimenting on Xiao Li until now, he was fully confident.

Moreover, the result was easier than he thought, because Sinai's own chakra was of thunder attribute, so the resistance was higher than Xiao Li's. Of course, the effect was not as good as Xiao Li's, after all, Sinai could not have the same amount of exercise as Xiao Li.

But it was still possible to relieve fatigue and strengthen the physique, which was enough for Xia Li.

After the massage, Sinai also wanted to persuade Xia Li not to continue in the future, but of course, Xia Li persuaded her in helplessness and moved her.

Having such a son, Sinai felt that even if he did not have such talent, it was her greatest luck.

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