The Uchiha Izumizu and his party walked out of the ninja school.

What catches your eye is the huge Hokage Rock directly above.

The people of the entire Konoha Village, as long as they look up, can see the Hokage Rock engraved with the Hokage of the past generations.

They are the first generation of Hokage Senju Pillar, the second generation of Hokage Senju Tsuruma, and the current third generation of Hokage Ape Flying Sun Slash.

On both sides of the street, the houses are built in an orderly manner, simple and natural.

"Selling meatballs, freshly baked glutinous rice meatballs

~" "Kunai and shuriken made of stainless steel alloy, don't miss it when you pass by~

" "Our store has arrived at the latest kimono. On

the street, there are many people and bustling, such as ninja shops, glutinous rice dumpling shops, clothing stores... A feast for the eyes.

The strong atmosphere of the market is blowing in the face.

However, when the wave of wind and water appeared with Uchiha Izumi and the others, the Konoha villagers on the road cast curious glances.

"Why did this group of children run out, shouldn't they all stay in

the ninja school?" "It's actually Bo Feng Shuimen who leads the team, I heard that he has become a ninja, but he is really young and promising."

"I hope my child can become such a good ninja in the future." The

actions of the Uchiha Izumizu and his party quickly attracted the attention of the villagers.

Hearing the sound from the crowd, three figures came with a powerful aura.

The Uchiha Izumi looked at it and was stunned.

I saw that the leader was wearing a brown vest with short mesh sleeves, the iconic pineapple head on his head, two scars from the fight on the right side of his face, a goatee on his chin, and deep eyes, which made him look full of wisdom.


other two were wearing a red shawl, one with a yellow ponytail, and the other was burly and armored, with a red explosive head resembling a hedgehog.

They are Kaichi Yamanaka and Akido Dingza.

"Isn't this the first generation of pig deer butterflies?"

Uchiha Izumizu said with a heartbeat.

He is very clear about the pig deer butterfly, which is a trump card combination composed of three alliance families in Konoha Village: the Yamanaka clan (symbolizing "pig"), the Nara clan (symbolizing "deer"), and the Akido clan (symbolizing "butterfly"), which is powerful.

Now, Uchiha Izumi could see that there were obvious traces of battle and a trace of evil aura on the three of them, as if they had just returned from a mission.

"Shuimen, what are you going to do with this group of children with all fanfare?"

After Nara Lujiu approached, he looked at Bo Feng Shuimen with so many students, and he was puzzled.

Students generally study at ninja schools, and most of the time and place are completed on campus.

After graduation and class, students will be further taken to Konoha Village for training.

Now, how did you bring it out

? What if something is in danger?

Bo Feng Shuimen looked at Nara Shikahisa and the three of their old classmates and explained

, "I'm going to take the Uchiha spring water from the class to practice controlling the chakra, and go to the river to try water walking. When the

words fell, Bo Feng Shuimen helplessly pointed to the Uchiha Spring Water in the crowd, whose face was unwavering.

"What?control the chakra, walk on the water?!"

"Watergate, you're not kidding.

Nara Shikahisa's mature and steady face also showed an expression of disbelief at this time.

Control the chakra

, walk on the water,

this is not what the current students want to touch.

Are all the children so bold now?!Although

he is a genius from the Uchiha clan, he is a little too whimsical.

Nara Shikahisa's eyes were a little more puzzled when he looked at the Uchiha spring water.

"It's not something we learn after we graduate, and it's unrealistic to try it now.

Yamanaka Haiichi responded to the road on the side, obviously with a look of disbelief.

This Uchiha spring looks so young that he wants to take on the challenge of walking on water.

His father seems to be the head of the Konoha Police Force, Uchiha Fugaku, and his strength is outstanding.

Even if he inherited his father's great talent, it would not be possible to complete water walking.

Learn to walk on water at such a young age.

Don't say it's unheard of in Konoha or even in the entire ninja world.

Yamanaka Haiichi, who is an intelligence ninja, is also very clear about this

, and the Akido Dingza next to him was also stunned, staring at the Uchiha spring water, and did not make a sound.

Carefully look at the Uchiha spring water in front of you.

I'm going to see what's so peculiar about this Uchiha kid.

I had the courage to say that I wanted to take on the challenge of walking on water.

I used to practice walking on the water.

Because of his excessive weight, he put in many times more effort than ordinary people, and he can't remember how many times he failed before he finally learned to walk on the water.

But this kid said that he was going to challenge walking on the water now, I'm afraid he hadn't even learned how to condense chakra.

Immediately Qiu Dao Ding Za opened his mouth and asked Qi Bo Feng Shuimen: "Mizuto, Uchiha Izumi, how has he completed the primary training of

Chakra, has he been able to successfully condense Chakra?" Bo Feng Shuimen nodded: "Quanshui-san, he is very talented, I just trained the students in the ninja school to condense Chakra, and let the students try to walk on the wall, and the spring water succeeded once."


Hearing this, Nara Shikahisa, Yamanaka Kaichi, and Akido Dingza all widened their eyes in unison, and they were about to say nothing in shock.

"Uchiha Spring Water, he actually succeeded in condensing Chakra in one go!" The

hearts of the three of them shook, and they couldn't help but look at the Uchiha Spring Water twice.

Isn't that genius?

You know, it's not an easy task to condense chakra.

They also put a lot of effort into it.

And the Uchiha spring water actually succeeded in one attempt

! And at his current age!

This talent is truly amazing.

If you have time, give him some time to train.

Maybe this Uchiha kid will be able to walk on water!

But it's too early.

has just successfully condensed Chakra, and it is still not far from controlling Chakra.

At the same time, the three "Pig Deer Butterfly" also developed a strong interest in the Uchiha spring water in front of them.

Without the contempt he had before, he spoke in amazement.

"It just so happens that the three of us are free after completing the mission, so let's go check it out. "

Although they know that Uchiha Spring Water cannot succeed.

However, who doesn't want to pay more attention to such a genius?

Seeing this, Bo Feng Shuimen did not immediately agree, and turned his head to ask about the Uchiha Spring Water.

"Izumizu-san, it won't affect you, right?"

Uchiha Izumi shook his head, not caring about the three of them joining.

All I want is to try and control the chakra.

It doesn't matter who watches it.

Bo Feng Shuimen saw that the Uchiha spring water had no opinion, and said to the three of 'Pig Deer Butterfly'.

"Let's go to the river together. "

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