Not long after, Bo Feng Shuimen and 'Pig Deer Butterfly' took many students to the river outside Konoha Village.

It was a scorching summer, the sun was scorching, and the students were sweating one by one, and the excitement on their faces when they saw the cool river water was a little stronger.

I can't wait to jump down and swim happily!

, but in front of him, he still has to try to walk on the water, and the students can still tell which is more important, so they can't help but not go into the water to disturb.

The Uchiha Izumi looked at the crystal clear river in front of him, which was dozens of meters wide.

In the sunlight, it looks sparkling.

Sometimes a gust of wind blows, and the water surface is as level as a mirror.

"Spring water, this is where we used to practice walking on water.

"You try to control the chakra before you go into the water.

"Teacher, I also tried many times at the beginning, and I successfully practiced walking on water!" "

Bo Feng Shuimen comforted and encouraged Dao Uchiha Spring Water.

He did try a lot of times and even learned to swim because of it.

I only hope that the spring water will not be dampened by the failure of walking on the water.

To be able to understand that no one is born with the ability to do anything, and that it takes hard work and study to become a true genius!"


Uchiha spring water then began to close his eyes and sense the chakra in his body.

Although I have never tried to walk on the water myself, according to Mr. Watergate.

To control the chakra in the body, condense an amount equivalent to one's own body weight and release it in water.

Make yourself able to float successfully on the water and walk on the water.

This process may seem simple, but only those who have tried it know how difficult it is.

It's a pity that I can't experience this kind of pain, I just need to imagine.

Thinking of this, the Uchiha spring began to imagine the flow of chakra.

Feeling the turbulent chakra in his body, which is close to two cards, how appalling

is it to say? You know, the Uchiha spring water is still in the ninja school, and he is only four or five years old!

And such a chakra, as long as he controls it properly, wants to walk on the water.

Isn't it simple, just have feet?

With his own imagination, Chakra seems to be spiritual, and his heart is connected.

As long as the mind moves, you can come anywhere in your body.

Now all you need to do is condense the chakra that is about the same weight as you, and then control the chakra to be released from the soles of your feet into the water, and you can succeed!

The consciousness of the Uchiha Izumi was immersed in his body, and he was secretly excited that he could control the chakra.

Although the system did not reappear, and it was simplified.

However, it also made him understand that the previous simplification could not only be used to condense the chakra, but also to control the chakra!

But in the eyes of everyone in the outside world, the Uchiha spring water has been staying by the river with his eyes closed.

This kind of behavior is like retreating from the battle, not daring to step forward.

"In the end, it's okay, I'm thankful for all the flowers I'm waiting for!" "

I can't walk on water, and I have to slap my swollen face to become fat, and I can't do it!"

"Hurry up, I'm still waiting for you to become a soup chicken." The

little ghosts of the Hyuga family rolled their eyes and muttered complaints, but they were secretly happy in their hearts.

Uchiha Izumi, this guy makes his mouth hard.

Now we are in a dilemma, let's stand by the river and worry.

They also think that if they succeed in condensing the chakra and climb the wall, they can also successfully walk

on water? Walking on water is different from climbing the wall, there is a world of difference between the two.

It is impossible for him to master how to control the chakra without training.

The eyes of the Hyuga clan seemed to have seen the embarrassed appearance of the Uchiha spring water, and he would fall into the water later.

I couldn't help but raise my chin proudly, looking like I was sure of victory.

Bo Feng Shuimen looked at the Uchiha Izumi, who was standing motionless by the river, his brows furrowed slightly, and he looked at him worriedly.

This kid won't drop the chain at a critical moment.

The previous time he had condensed the chakra, it was demonic enough for a student of his age.

Accomplish what most students can only do after they graduate.

It's a pity that the difficulty of walking on the water is indeed not ordinarily high, and he insisted on the spring water again and again, so he had to let him experience it or two.

Although he didn't expect the spring water, he could really walk on the water

, but he didn't want to, he didn't try, he didn't try, he wanted to give up halfway and give up the challenge.

Looking at the appearance of Uchiha Izumizui with his eyes closed and concentrating, he couldn't bear to make a noise, worried that it would affect the flow of chakra in his perception.

Bo Feng Shuimen looked at the Uchiha spring with worried eyes.

The other side.

Seeing this scene, the three of Nara, Yamanaka Kaichi, and Akido Dingza glanced at each other and shook their heads in understanding.

It seems that this Uchiha spring water is not as powerful as it is said in the water.

Maybe he really managed to climb the wall with Chakra condensation at one time, which can only show that he is outstanding in Chakra condensation.

But you want to successfully control the chakra at one time and walk on the water.

It's just hard and whimsical.

If the Uchiha Spring Water really had this strength, he wouldn't have been rubbing by the river for so long, and he didn't dare to come forward to try.

The already hot and dry weather makes people feel irritable.

Now that I've been waiting for so long, I'm naturally even more irritable.

They watched as the Uchiha spring had been hesitating by the river, not knowing if it was a weakness of mind or control of the chakra.

Although he succeeded in condensing Chakra just once, this performance is really amazing.

It also reflects the Uchiha's talent, which is strong and terrifying.

However, you must know that walking on water is an extremely difficult skill, and only those ninja masters have seen them perform it.

The current Uchiha Spring Water has not even become a ninja, so it is really overwhelming to think about challenging such a difficult technique.

After all, Uchiha Izumizu is only as old as himself after all, and he is a child.

So even if he can't succeed, it's understandable, there's no need to be so hard and can't let go.

"Come on, Izumi! I'm sure you can do miracles again!"

Uchiha Obito shouted when he saw Uchiha Izumi, who had been hesitating by the river.

Although I have a little weakness when I say this.

It's a very difficult skill to walk on water, and it requires a lot of skill to control Chakra!

Even Kakashi's genius can't complete it.

But I will always unconditionally believe in a partner who supports me.

Since Quan Shui has the confidence to persevere, then he can only believe that he can succeed.

The consciousness of the Uchiha Izumi was also retracted from his body and his eyes were opened.

He knew that he was already able to completely control the chakra in his body, and if it weren't for the fact that the chakra in his body was too large, the speed of control would be even faster.

At this moment, with a smile on his immature face, he raised his head to look at the river and began to take a step forward.

"It's moving

!" "He's going to start trying!"


the action of the Uchiha Spring, all eyes suddenly turned to him and converged on him!

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