The Uchiha Izumi didn't care about the eyes of others, looking at the surface of the water that was calm on the surface, but in fact it was constantly flowing, and without the slightest hesitation, he raised one foot and stepped on the water.

At the moment of touching the water.

With a stroke of his mind, he released the chakra into the water through the soles of his feet.

Suddenly, he felt as if he was not on the water, but on land!

Uchiha Izumi understands that even if he can fully complete the chakra in his body now.

But you still have to try to release the chakra before you can find the amount of chakra that is just enough to support your own weight.

It is not possible to control the release of chakras too much or too little.

If you release too much chakra, it will cause waves on the surface of the water, making it impossible for you to walk smoothly on the water.

If you release too little chakra, you will not be able to stand on the surface of the water and will fall into the water.

If you can't control the amount of release.

No amount of chakra in the body will help.

There is still no way to stand on the water.

The Uchiha spring water continues to release chakras into the water through imagination.

Finally, after dozens or hundreds of attempts, I realized the amount of chakra that balanced my weight.

"Found it!" said

Uchiha Izumi.

It turned out that to support himself to float on the water, he only needed one percent of the chakra in his body,

which is 0.02 calories!

The watergate teachers said that they talked about the long practice experience.

It's not pretentious, exaggerated.

If you want to practice water walking, you must not only learn to control the output of chakra.

You also have to have enough chakra in your body to keep trying.

Finally, through a lot of time to practice, you can find the right amount of chakra release.

You know, not everyone has that much chakra.

and the anti-heaven means that you can easily control the chakra just by imagining!

These two advantages have saved me a lot of trial and error time.

The Uchiha Spring now knows the amount of chakra he needs to stand on the water.

The other foot standing on the shore was also lifted into the water.

The whole body is off the ground.

The chakra is then released into the water through the soles of the feet.

I saw the Uchiha spring water standing steadily on the surface of the water, barely splashing a single wave.

I started to walk calmly, as if it was natural.

In the eyes of everyone, the Uchiha spring water was no different from walking on the ground, and there was no sign of falling into the water.

The surface of the Uchiha spring does not change color, and you feel the chakra in your body.

Now I am able to control the chakra through my imagination.

The previous simplification is not only cohesive, but also controllable.

Theoretically, you can learn all the ninjutsu!

Of course, only theoretically.

But just thinking about it is already very powerful!

Thinking of this, he walked step by step, towards the other side of the river.

The river, which is tens of meters wide, will soon come to an end.

Just then, a gust of wind blew.

It caused a wave to hit the surface of the water, and it hit the Uchiha spring.

The people watching by the river couldn't help but gasp.

The wave may not seem like a big wave, but it is fatal to the Uchiha spring water walking on the water.

Beneath the waves is the undercurrent of the river.

It is very likely to disrupt the chakra output in the water, as well as affect the balance on the water surface, resulting in the loss of the center of gravity and falling into the water.

Naturally, the Uchiha also sensed the wind and waves that were about

to come to him and stabilized his mind, although it was the first time he had encountered such a situation.

But relying on his ability to control the chakra on his own, it is more than enough to deal with it.

Feeling the fluctuations of the water surface beneath your feet increased the output of the chakra.

Let yourself still stand on the water as steady as Tarzan.

Then he strode to the other side.

"Nani!?Is this true!?"

"Uchiha Izumi actually finished walking on the water!" "Once! Another time and it succeeded!

" "This is too genius, isn't it?

"Even genius is not enough to describe, it's really a monster

!" "Uchiha Izumi's achievements today are enough to shock the ninja world!"



The eyes of the students on the riverside widened one by one, and their eyes were full of shock.

They couldn't believe that the Uchiha Spring Water could really succeed!

He could do it all at once, such a difficult water walk.

You know, Uchiha Springs haven't had any training.

It's just that he has reached such a state by virtue of his talent alone.

If he

is given some more time to grow, his future achievements will be immeasurable.

The little ghosts of the Hyuga clan were stunned by the scene in front of them, and staggered to the river, their eyes wide open in horror as if they had been struck by lightning.

"Impossible!This is absolutely impossible!"

"How can he succeed in the Uchiha spring water?!"

"Even if he is a genius, he can really walk on water at this age!" "

Is he really a once-in-a-lifetime genius?" "


learn to condense the chakra and conduct wall climbing training.

This water walk, this is to master the skill of controlling chakra.

The difficulty increases exponentially.

And this Uchiha spring water actually succeeded once

! This talent is simply too rebellious!

I can't even refute it.

Thinking of what he had just said, he couldn't wait to find a crack in the ground and get in.

At this moment, the little ghosts of the Hyuga clan looked at the Uchiha spring water, and the color of resentment became even stronger, and there was also a bit of fear and jealousy for him.

"You've really succeeded

!" "I knew you wouldn't let me down!"

Uchiha raised his chin and pointed his nostrils at the Hyuga clan who had just made a mocking noise.

I saw them standing timidly in the pile of students, not daring to look at themselves.

But at the same time of joy, it is also quite shaken.

He didn't expect that the spring water would actually succeed!

Although he had not tried it, he had never tried it.

But it is not difficult to hear from other people that the difficulty of the water is simply not possible for students of their age.


a terrible thing

this is? It's unbelievable!

"Izumi, he really succeeded!"

Although he knew the talent of the Uchiha spring water, he never thought that the spring water would really succeed

! This is

walking on water! It's not as simple as walking on the wall!

Condensing chakra and controlling chakra are two concepts, and the difficulty of cultivation has changed qualitatively.

And he succeeded the first time!

He looked very relaxed when he looked at the spring water, as if he still had any energy left.

Is this water walking really simple for him?

He is also a genius ninja in other people's mouths, and he practiced water walking with hard work.

In this way, I was easily learned by the spring water?

This is also too against the sky!

Nara Shikahisa, Yamanaka Kaichi, and Akido Dingza also looked at each other, their eyes full of shock, and their hearts swayed.

"Once!? It's really a success

!" "This Uchiha Spring's talent is even more terrifying than what is described in the water gate!"

I wanted to come over to have a good time, but I didn't expect to really witness this ancient scene.

They know the difficulty of walking on the water, and they have all suffered a lot in this training.

Uchiha Spring Water He can really succeed in one go

! I'm afraid that even the Uchiha Madara, who founded Konoha Village with the first Hokage, doesn't have such a demonic talent as him!

And looking at his reaction when he encountered the wind and waves, he didn't even see a trace of panic on his face.

It's not just talent, but also has such a calm mind, what a demon this is?

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, you wouldn't have believed such a thing!

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