Why did my father and mother stand at the door at night?

Uchiha Izumi was puzzled.

Usually when he goes home, his father is either busy managing the affairs of the clan, or patrolling the police department to protect the safety of Konoha Village.

It's almost impossible to see him.

And how can I be free at home today, and I am still waiting for myself at the door with my mother.

Could it be that something important happened?

Uchiha Izumi was puzzled in his heart, walked to the door, bowed slightly to Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Mikoto, and said respectfully.

"Hello father. "

Mother, good.

Uchiha Fugaku nodded slightly, looking at the Uchiha spring water, his face full of relief.

"It's worthy of being my Uchiha Fugaku's son!" He

was very pleased, since he was a child, his son has not shown the talent that the Uchiha clan should have, and he is a mess in ninjutsu and so on, and he is lazy all day long, as if he can't be interested in anything.

It was also for this reason that he was a little disappointed in the spring.

So I didn't expect him to be a powerful ninja.

Just like any other ordinary child, he was sent to a ninja school to study.

Unexpectedly, today he suddenly got his senses!

It is said that he condensed the chakra of the spring water not only once, and successfully climbed the wall.

It is even more amazing in one fell swoop, mastering the skill of how to control chakra.

Even the water walk, which is extremely difficult, is a success!

I gave myself a big surprise.

You know, I didn't teach him this before.

In other words, he realized it entirely on his own.

Condense the chakra for wall climbing training.

For a child of his age, it is already a difficult skill to master.

Not to mention, walking on water.

I am also well aware of the difficulty of controlling Chakra.

It must go through a hundred forges and thousands of exercises before the chakra can be controlled and let itself float on the water.

And his own son, who only used it once,

succeeded in standing on the surface of the water

! How appalling is the spread of this demonic talent!

It shows that Quanshui is far superior to himself in comprehending Chakra's talent.

It's really better than blue.

Our Uchiha has another amazing genius.


Your father and I know you're at school today. "

Using the chakra to climb walls and walk on water, it makes us happy

!" "You're amazing! I'm so proud of you!"

Uchiha Mikoto on the side, a little excitement appeared on her gentle face.

He brought up the spring water from a young age.

Although this kid didn't show anything extraordinary.

But as a mother, I just want him to grow up safe and healthy.

Unexpectedly, he actually showed an amazing talent today.

He completed the wall climbing training and water walking in one go, and successfully mastered the chakra.

I'm not a strong ninja myself, but I understand the difficulty.

It's not something that can be done overnight.

Izumi's talent is even better than that of

his father! In the future, his father finally doesn't have to worry about Izumi and his ninja path.

Thinking of this, a happy smile spread across Mikoto Uchiha's face.

Uchiha Izumizu was stunned and didn't care.

My father and mother are waiting for me because of this.

I didn't expect what I did today to reach their ears so quickly.

This is just the beginning, though.

I don't know what kind of expression my father and mother would have if they knew the total amount of chakra they had now.


, he also knew that his chakra skills alone were not enough.

I didn't learn ninjutsu, and even if I had more chakra, it was still an embroidered pillow - it didn't work.

You have to learn ninjutsu in order to develop the effect of chakra in your body to the extreme!

This is also a common method in the ninja world.

The so-called ninjutsu is a kind of chakra in one's own body, through different sealing techniques, to control the chakra to release in the way of "art".

And there are many types of surgeries.

For example

: Thunder Escape Thousand Birds: The caster concentrates the high-intensity current generated by the Thunder Escape Chakra on his hand and pierces the target with the speed of the Thrust.

This is also the ninjutsu developed by Kasisi Hachiki when he was a teenager, and it is powerful.

Shadow Clone: One of the doppelgangers, which creates the same body as the caster, and chakra divides it equally among each clone.

One of Naruto Uzumaki's signature ninjutsu in later generations, often before the battle, condensed a shadow clone to help him rub the spiral pill.

Stand-in: It is one of the instantaneous techniques, and it is one of the basic ninjutsu of ninjas, and most ninjas will do it.

You can instantly swap animals/plants with your body, and it is often used to dodge attacks.

There are countless types of ninjutsu, and if you want to gain a foothold in the ninja world, you must learn ninjutsu!

Uchiha Izumi understands this very well, and looks at Uchiha Fugaku, with longing in his eyes: "Father, I want to learn ninjutsu."

Uchiha Meiling on the side was stunned.

Izumi: He actually wanted to learn ninjutsu.

Although he is very talented.

But now he is still young, and his mind is not yet mature

, so he came into contact with ninjutsu too early, and mastered the power that belongs to ninjas, will it be a little bad? You must know that ninjutsu

is not only power, but also responsibility, and it is the responsibility to protect the people around him.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight!

Uchiha Mikoto just wanted to open her mouth to dissuade the Uchiha spring water.

A hard voice interrupted her thoughts.

"My son is such a genius that he can learn if he wants.

"But it's too late today. "

Tomorrow morning, I'll get up early, and I'll teach you, the ninjutsu of our Uchiha clan - Fire Escape.

Uchiha Fugaku directly agreed to this request.

The spring water can be said to be unprecedented in comprehending Chakra's talent.

But it is not known how talented Izumi is in other areas.

Just teach Huo Dun to him, and see if his ninjutsu talent is as anti-heaven as Chakra's comprehension talent!

If Izumi is really an all-round genius, wait until he grows up.

Then it is really possible to lead the Uchiha clan out of the current predicament.

Reach a whole new level!

Uchiha Fugaku looked at the Uchiha spring with expectant eyes.

And Uchiha Izumi was quite excited when he heard the answer.

You must know that the fire escape is the Uchiha clan, in addition to the blood inheritance limit: writing wheel eyes, the most versatile and extremely powerful ninjutsu

! For example, the former leader of the Uchiha clan: Madara Uchiha is just a one-handed fire escape, and it needs dozens of water escape ninjas of the ninja world alliance to cast a spell to block it to barely offset

it! As long as you learn the fire escape, your strength will increase greatly! I

really look forward to what kind of fire escape my father will teach me tomorrow?

"That's great, thank you, father!" said

the Uchiha Izumi with a smile on his face, very excited.

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