After a brief conversation with his parents, the Uchiha Izumi told them that he had eaten Ichiraku ramen with Obito in the village and went back to his room.

He sat on the edge of the bed, his immature face revealing a maturity that did not belong to his current age.

"Now that the chakra in my body has surpassed two cards, it can be said that some of the upper ninjas in the village are far less than the amount

of chakra in my body!" "Moreover, this is still growing, and as time goes by, there will be more and more chakras in my body

!" "And now, I have mastered the skills of condensing chakra and controlling chakra, I just need to imagine!"

Uchiha Izumi felt the improvement that the system had brought to him after this day, and his heart was excited.

Who would believe that there was such a huge improvement in just one day?

Even the Uchiha Springs themselves felt unreal.

"Now, according to the original simplification of the system, you only need to stay up all night to open your eyes, now you can try it!"

Uchiha Izumizu was looking forward to.

As a member of the Uchiha clan, the most powerful means is to write the wheel

eye! It has powerful abilities such as observation, copying, and hypnosis

! After opening the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, you can also obtain the power of the gods: Susa Nenghu!

Not to mention the ultimate limit: the eye of reincarnation.

Known as the highest pupil power of the "Eye of Life and Death", the owner can automatically grasp the changes in the nature of the six chakras, and can also control yin and yang, which has extraordinary abilities.

It can be the god of creation with the ability to create the world, or the god of destruction with

the ability to destroy the world! How can you not yearn for such a powerful ability?

It's decided! I

won't sleep tonight

! I must open my eyes!

Immediately, the Uchiha spring water turned out the "One Hundred Ways to Use the Mouth" hidden under the bed and painstakingly studied it.

The night breeze is blowing, and the moon is bright.

The moon outside the window slowly rose, and the time came to the second half of the night.

"I'm so sleepy~"

Uchiha Izumi yawned deeply.

"Sure enough, the problem of being sleepy as soon as I read still hasn't changed. His

sleepy eyes were bloodshot.

At this time, I was just a child, and my physical energy and quality were far from being as good as those of adults.

After another day of study and training, now I only feel physically and mentally exhausted, and the whole person is drowsy.

The eyelids weigh as much as a thousand pounds, as if they are about to fall in the next second.

Supported by strong willpower, I didn't sleep.

I must not

sleep! I want to open my eyes

! I stay up late for a while

, stay up all night and stay up all the time! I don't sleep when the moon doesn't sleep, I don't sleep, I'm a happy baby!

Uchiha Izumi is flipping through the book, and the chick is nodding his head like pecking rice, and he is almost sleepy.

Time passes as the Uchiha Springs constantly struggle with sleepiness.

The sun is rising, and the morning light is faint.

The sky was white, and the light outside the window gradually brightened.

The Uchiha Izumizu got up and stretched his muscles and closed the book in his hand.

Walk to the windowsill and look out the window at the sun.

There was a tingling pain in his eyes, and he quickly blocked his vision with his palms.

The Uchiha felt that his eyes were astringent and itchy, so he rubbed them with his hands.

When I opened my eyes, I suddenly felt that the world in front of me had become very different from before.

I could clearly see the tiny dust in the air, flying in the sunlight.

The bird perched on the branch in the distance suddenly took off.

But he can capture every flap of its wings, and even the texture of its wings can be seen clearly.

See this scenario.

I couldn't help but be happy.

With such a powerful observational power, could it be that he has opened the writing wheel eye?

Uchiha Izumizu hurriedly came to the mirror and looked at his eyes.

In the mirror, I saw that the eyeballs of both eyes turned blood-red, exuding a dark aura, and a black magatama was produced in the eyeballs, and the left and right eyes showed a symmetrical shape.

This is the first

form of the Uchiha clan's newly opened eyes.

When the Monomagatama Writing Wheel Eye is opened, it will give the owner a superhuman insight, and can observe the enemy's movements in actual combat, so as to be improvised.

Dramatically improve your combat skills.

According to my own understanding, the evolution process of the Uchiha clan's

writing wheel eye is: from single magatama writing wheel eye→ double magatama writing wheel eye→ triple magatama writing wheel eye→ kaleidoscope writing wheel eye (the user of the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye will cause certain side effects to the eyes every time they open it, and will become blind in both eyes due to overuse) → eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye (the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye is also a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye in essence, the difference is that the pupil power is stronger and the side effects of blindness are eliminated by the pupil technique) → reincarnation eye.

I have just opened my eyes, and I also know that there is still a lot of room for the growth of Sharingan in the future, and there is still a long way to go.

So now, in addition to his keen insight, he doesn't show too much ability.

This couldn't be more normal.

But I only stayed up all night, and then I opened the single hook jade writing wheel eye!

This way of opening the eyes has been very appalling since ancient times.

No one in the Uchiha clan has ever been able to open the Sharingan so easily.

But now, I do have a single hook jade writing wheel.

If you continue to stay up all night, you will be able to evolve

the eye of reincarnation sooner or later! You must know that the final form of the eye of reincarnation is the eye of reincarnation.

That is the ultimate pupil technique that originated from the chakra fruit of the Divine Tree

! If you can have the eye of reincarnation, your power is enough to destroy the heavens

and the earth, and it is terrifying! You really stand at the peak of the ninja path!

Thinking of this, the Uchiha spring water swept away Fang Cai's sleepiness.

I'm looking forward to when the next advanced writing wheel will be.

And this morning.

My father would also teach himself the art of fire escape!

I don't know what kind of simplification will appear at that time.

I think it's easy to comprehend.

After all, this is a simplified system!

You must know that your previous achievements all depend on the simplification from the system.

The increase in chakra is reduced to breathing.

Chakra can be grown just by breathing.

In other words, as long as you keep breathing, you can increase the total amount of chakra twenty-four hours a day.

This kind of means to increase strength that can always accompany a lifetime is something that even a figure of Madara Uchiha's level can't have.

Chakra's control is reduced to imagination.

The imagination of the brain alone can say that the control of the chakra has reached the realm of perfection.

This saved me a lot of time in penance, and mastered this most basic and important chakra technique.

These two simplified cultivation methods, any one of them is enough to crush the vast majority of ninjas.

Even Kakashi Hachiki and Itachi Uchiha, such peerless geniuses, are beyond their reach.

The fire escape that I will learn later, it will definitely bring surprises to myself!

Mastering this ninjutsu with attack ability, you will make your strength to the next level!

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