"Birthday??" Orochimaru

didn't feel angry even when he heard such a ridiculous reason.

I think it's really interesting that the Uchiha spring water is this kid.

You must know that as one of the three ninjas of Konoha, he is strong and famous in the ninja world.

Being able to worship yourself as a teacher is an opportunity that many people dream of.

Now he has offered to accept Uchiha spring water as an apprentice.

But he refused without hesitation.

It's different from ordinary people.

He didn't care, but felt that genius should be different.

At this moment, Orochimaru seemed to see in him the unsociable self back then.

Orochimaru's pale face also had a little more subtle smile, and his golden eyes stared at the Uchiha spring water.

"If you change your mind at some point.

"You can also come and worship me as a teacher. The

Uchiha Izumi also nodded slightly in response.

In my heart, I complained frantically.


It's impossible to change in this lifetime.

I don't want to be a guinea pig for you.

Who knows if you are hungry for my body or my writing wheels!

It's a pity that Orochimaru doesn't know what Uchiha Izumizu is thinking at this time, otherwise he would definitely be shocked.

Then he turned sideways and looked at Uchiha Fugaku.

"Captain Fugaku, your son is very talented. "

It's a buildable material, and it must be cultivated well.

"If there's anything you need my help with in the future, you can bring him to me. When

the words fell, Orochimaru didn't care about everyone's reactions.

His face was as cold as usual, and he continued along the road, his steps were not large, but he quickly disappeared at the end of the road.

Seeing that Orochimaru had left, Uchiha Fugaku gently rubbed Uchiha Izumi's head and said comfortingly, "It's okay, Izumi."

"No matter what you decide, Father and I will support you unconditionally. "

Let's go, I'll take you to class." Uchiha

Fugaku wasn't too surprised by Uchiha Spring Water's rejection of Orochimaru.

After all, his son, whether it is the control of Chakra or the total amount of Chakra.

As well as the mastery speed of ninjutsu and the automatic opening of the writing wheel eye.

The talent in every aspect has reached the level of shocking world!

Therefore, it is normal for Quan Shui to be a little arrogant and refuse the Great Snake Pill.

Even if he refused to become a disciple of the three generations of Hokage now, it wouldn't be surprising.

And his own Uchiha clan is fully capable of cultivating powerful ninjas by himself.

It doesn't hurt to have the guidance of others.

Soon, Uchiha Izumisui and Uchiha Obito arrived at the ninja school.

As soon as they entered the classroom, the students who were still noisy a second ago were suddenly silent because of the arrival of the two.

Without him, it's just because of the genius of Uchiha Izumi.

Yesterday's performance of a successful water walk was really dazzling.

Naturally, everyone's eyes were focused on him.

The Uchiha Izumi didn't care about everyone's strange eyes, and just found a spot and sat down.

The class bell rings.

The teacher in charge of teaching also entered the classroom today.

The person who came to Uchiha Izumizu was the "pig" among the three "pigs, deer and butterflies" he met before - Kaichi Yamanaka.

He still has long yellow ponytail hair, and wears a Konoha upper ninja vest with a red cloak on the outside.

Yamanaka Haiichi stood on the podium and spoke slowly, his voice low and powerful.

"I'm your teacher for this lesson, Kaichi Yamanaka.

"As we all know, mastering ninjutsu is a must for a ninja.

"Ninjas who want to use ninjutsu almost always need to create chakras and cast the correct seal hand to activate it.

"And one of the ninjutsu we're going to learn today is the E-level ninjutsu - the doppelganger. "

It's also one of the basic ninjutsu, and its effect is that the user uses chakra to create an 'afterimage' with himself, not an entity.

"So the doppelganger has no combat ability, and is often used to interfere with the enemy's line of sight, confuse the enemy, and so on. Hearing

that the students who were going to learn the doppelganger technique today, they danced excitedly one by one, and the excitement on their faces couldn't be suppressed.


" "I can finally learn ninjutsu!" "

I must learn this doppelganger technique myself!"


Izumizu was also stunned when he heard this.

If it's

a shadow doppelganger,

it's a bit difficult.

And this is only an E-level doppelganger technique, isn't it easy for me to catch it now.

The doppelganger technique and the ninjutsu shadow doppelganger technique are two ninjutsu, although they sound almost the same.

But in fact, compared to the technique of clone and shadow clone, there is a world of difference.

First of all, in terms of ninjutsu level, one is B-level and the other is E-level, and the difficulty of mastery is not magnitude.

The second is the shadow clone technique, which uses chakra to create a physical clone.

The clone evenly distributes the ontological chakra, which has a consciousness independent of the caster's ontology and a certain ability to resist hits, and the memories and experiences of the doppelganger will return to the main body after being disarmed.

For example, Naruto often used the shadow clone to help him rub the balls, and he also used the shadow clone to provide experience for the main body and speed up his cultivation at Myoki Mountain.

It's a lot of use.

"Be quiet for a moment. At the

same time, Yamanaka Hai let out a soft shout, and everyone suddenly fell silent.

"I'm going to teach you twelve seal hand poses, and I'm going to look at them all.

Yamanaka Haiichi said and demonstrated.

"Sub: Thumbs overlap, left thumb on top.

Ugly: The right hand is horizontal, and the left hand is vertical.

Yin: Keep the thumbs of both hands straight.

Mao: Except for the straight little finger of the right hand, the remaining four fingers are gently clenched into a fist.

Tatsu: The thumb and little finger are overlapped, and the left thumb is on top.

巳: Thumbs overlapped, left thumb on top.

Afternoon: Spread out your elbows and form a triangle with your index fingers facing each other.

Not: Thumbs straight up overlapped, left thumb up.

Shin: The little finger and thumb are parallel.

Unitary: Pay attention to the angle of the thumb and the front and back of the fingers of both hands, and don't get confused.

戌: Place your right fist in the palm of your left hand.

Hai: The second joint of the ten fingers is bent and overlapped, and the downward bend is 90 degrees, perpendicular to the forearm, and this posture requires good wrist flexibility.

"The doppelganger technique we're going to learn today.

"It has only three stamping hand, and the order of stamping is: Wei-Si-Yin.

"Each of you needs to be proficient in this doppelganger technique, which is one of the important conditions for you to successfully graduate from the ninja school.

Speaking of this, Yamanaka Haiichi stared at everyone with a serious expression.

"But I hope you all graduate and become a qualified ninja.

"First of all, we need to learn how to activate the ninjutsu, and we need to condense the chakra and seal at the same time, so that we can successfully release the ninjutsu.

"I'll show you this. "

Yamanaka Haiichi directly sealed his hands.

I only heard two "boom!boom!"

The Uchiha Izumi saw a white mist of chakras rise out of thin air.

The smoke cleared, and there were two more doppelgangers that looked exactly like Yamanaka Kaichi.

But it is clear that the difference between a doppelganger and an ontology can be seen.

The two doppelgangers stood beside Yamanaka Haiichi on the left and right, there was no life in their eyes, and they looked like there were no entities in detail, just two phantoms.

"Wow! This is the doppelganger technique!" "It's amazing!" "It looks exactly the same!"



students showed admiration and yearning in their eyes, and they couldn't

wait to learn the doppelganger technique


"Let's all go to the playground and practice now.

As soon as Yamanaka's words fell, the students scrambled out of the classroom.

Uchiha Springs and Uchiha Springs also got up and went with them.

It's just that in the crowd, in addition to the Uchiha Obito around the Uchiha Spring, there are obviously a few more students holding the moon.

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