Students flocked to the playground.

One by one, they began to imitate the appearance of the seal in the mountains.

I practiced the seal hand pose with a rusty hand, and finally the hand style was correct.

When it came to the step of condensing Chakra, he couldn't successfully control the direction at all.

Not to mention condensing a clone.

With the three-minute heat of learning ninjutsu passed.

The students on the playground complained for a while.

"This seal is so awkward!"

"The seal can be practiced, but the more difficult thing is the condensation of the chakra, which cannot be controlled at all. "

Don't talk about it, the chakra in my body is almost exhausted and I haven't succeeded yet

!" "This is too difficult!"


Obito is also constantly trying on the playground.

Although he has passed the fire escape training in the morning, he has become a lot more proficient.

But when it comes to the step of condensing chakra, it is also uncontrollable by others.

finally succeeded by mistake.

The doppelganger that can be released is like a frosted eggplant, wilting and falling to the ground.

On top of that, Uchiha Obito's clone doesn't even have the most basic colors!

the whole is grayish and white, no different from a paper man, and it quickly dissipates due to the instability of the chakra.

The Uchiha Obito had a drooping face, looking dejected.

"It's really hard. "

I don't know how well he practiced the

spring water?"

So, Uchiha Obito found the Uchiha spring water, but found that he had not moved for a long time.

"Izumi, what are you doing here

?" "Why don't you try to practice the doppelganger?"


Obito couldn't help but wonder.

"I just think it's too simple. "

It doesn't mean much to me to try. "

Looking at the light appearance of the Uchiha spring water, it seems that he has no interest in the doppelganger technique.

Uchiha Izumizu knows that the release principle between ninjutsu is basically the same, and it is necessary to control the chakra condensation in the body, and then release it through the transformation of the seal into a "jutsu".

So as long as you know how to seal the doppelganger.

With his current proficiency in C-level fire escape, if he wants to learn the E-level ninjutsu of the clone technique, it is simply a dimensionality reduction blow.

As early as when Mr. Yamanaka Haiichi demonstrated, he had already thoroughly mastered how to launch the doppelganger technique.

That's why I didn't try it like everyone else.

"It's too easy?!"

But after Uchiha Obito heard this explanation, he only felt speechless.

I've tried for a long time, but I haven't succeeded in condensing the clone.

But he felt that the spring water was too simple, and he didn't even bother to try.

This is too Versailles, isn't it!

, but Uchiha Obito thought about it, too,

he can easily master the C-level ninjutsu of the Howe Fireball Technique.

What's more, the doppelganger technique to learn now is only E-level ninjutsu.

If he wants to learn this doppelganger technique, he is indeed able to catch it, and there is no difficulty at all.

Sure enough, the joys and sorrows between genius and waste wood are not connected.

He just thinks we're noisy.

Uchiha Obito picked up a branch and began to draw circles on the ground.

It seems that what Uchiha Izumizu said hit him hard.

In this regard

, the Uchiha spring water, which stood motionless in the crowd,

was particularly conspicuous.

Kaichi Yamanaka also noticed the Uchiha spring water that stood out from the crowd.

What is this Uchiha kid doing there?

He didn't move at all, and he didn't try his doppelganger.

Did you already learn it?

Yamanaka Kaichi was also curious to come to the Uchiha Spring.

"Quanshui, have you already learned the doppelganger technique?" asked

with doubts in his heart.

"Yes, teacher.

"I've mastered the art of clones.

When Uchiha Izumi heard this question, he also blurted out directly, without hesitation.

After all, this doppelganger technique can be done by only condensing and controlling the chakra.

And the condensation control chakra after being simplified by the system.

It's just a matter of imagining.

And the seal hand style required to release ninjutsu is not necessary to practice at all.

Just say it with your mouth.

This method not only shortens the time it takes to release ninjutsu.

It also saves me a lot of time to practice sealing.

As the saying goes, time is money.

I didn't have idle time just now, but kept looking at the sun in the sky.

It's just that the current fire escape proficiency has increased, and it is far less fast than before.

However, the Uchiha spring water can still be felt clearly.

With the passage of time, the total amount of chakra in his body is also slowly increasing, and the proficiency of Huo Dun has been improving.

It's just not fast.

Yamanaka Haichi gets an answer from Uchiha Izumi.

His eyes widened, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

He is worthy of the genius of the Uchiha clan.

But he saw that he didn't even try the Uchiha spring water!

Unexpectedly, he had already mastered the doppelganger technique.

At a young age, he is not only handy with the difficult skill of walking on water.

Even the talent in ninjutsu is the same demon.

You don't have to try, you already know how to condense the chakra and control the chakra to form a clone.

The fact that he knew these things alone had already met the requirements for ninja school graduation.

As long as the teaching policy allows, he should be able to graduate early.

You must know that graduating from a ninja school means becoming a shinobi in Konoha Village.

At such a young age, I've never seen it.

Sure enough, the back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, and the new people in the world catch up with the old people.

The afterlife is terrifying!

Yamanaka Haiichi was full of emotion in his heart.

Raise your head and look at the rest of the students on the playground.

All of them looked depressed and listless.

How can there be a high-spirited and confident appearance just now.

And compared to the Uchiha spring water in front of me, it is simply a world of difference.

However, I can't ask for it, every student is a genius that is rare in a century.

But learning ninjutsu is no easy task.

It can't be learned overnight, it has to go through countless hours of polishing and cultivation.

It takes perseverance and patience.

In order to become more and more proficient in the control of chakra in the body.

Seeing that it is necessary to change the malaise of these students.

It's better to let the Uchiha spring water come forward and demonstrate one or two.

As a peer, he successfully released the doppelganger technique, which could inspire the fighting spirit in the hearts of the students even more!

So, he said, "Izumi, would you like to show everyone the doppelganger technique?"

Uchiha Izumi was stunned when he heard this.

Do you want to test yourself, or do you want to take the lead?

None of that matters.

Anyway, I have a lot of certainty.

Just look at this doppelganger technique, can it also be released by dictation?"

"No problem, teacher.

Uchiha Izumi thought for a moment and responded.

Yamanaka Haiichi also nodded slightly, and shouted:

"Everyone come and gather." "

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