The students on the playground were dancing one by one, still chattering and discussing.

Obviously, the act of being able to release ninjutsu without the need for a seal in the Uchiha spring water has exceeded their cognition, and it is really shocking.

It took a long time for everyone to gradually calm down.

Yamanaka Haiichi is also at this moment, and his face has returned to its former seriousness.

"I guess it's almost time to end class. Then

he turned around, signaled the students around him to be quiet, and said, "Quanshui's outstanding performance, everyone must have seen it."

"Although the teacher did not ask you to be as different from ordinary people as Uchiha Izumi-san, you can activate ninjutsu without sealing.

"But in my spare time, I have to exercise diligently, don't slack off."

"Strive to master the doppelganger technique as soon as possible. "

Alright, let's get out of class!" In

the face of Yamanaka's admonition, the students all drooped their heads one by one, scratching their ears and cheeks from time to time.

A look of impatience in the left ear and out of the right ear.

As soon as Yamanaka's words fell, they couldn't help but rush up to the side of Uchiha Izumi.

"Okay!Class is finally over

!""Izumi-san, you're so good just now

!""You can actually use the knot seal to start ninjutsu!"How did you do it?""

Yes! Yes! It's amazing!


students spoke one after another, and without exception they were all in admiration.

The Uchiha Springs didn't open his mouth to respond, and he didn't care.

Under the enthusiastic praise of everyone, he walked to the classroom helplessly.

"It seems that in the future, it is destined to be impossible to keep a low profile!"

Uchiha Izumi couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

But he still has a long way to go, and all he can do is guard against arrogance and rashness, not lose himself in the praise and praise of the outside world, and stick to his heart.

This is the most important thing to become a strong man!Thinking

of this, Uchiha Izumi also strengthened his inner thoughts.

A group of students gathered around the Uchiha spring water and walked back to the classroom with the stars holding the moon.

"Some people are born with the sun, and they emit unstoppable light!"

Yamanaka Haiichi was also full of emotion and sighed lightly.

Immediately, he turned around and walked out of the ninja school, and said secretly in his heart.

"It's time to realize your inner thoughts!" After

a while, Yamanaka came to a majestic building.

Looking up, the building is dozens of meters high, divided into three floors, the top floor is also a trapezoidal shape, each floor will be a few points smaller, the appearance is fiery red, in the surrounding buildings like a blazing flame.

In the center of the top floor, there is a red plaque with the word "fire" written on it, exuding a solemn and solemn color, which is intimidating.

"Every time I come here, I still can't help but be in awe!"

Yamanaka raised his head and looked at the tall building in front of him.

This is the most important building in the entire Konoha Village,

the Hokage Building, which is also where the Hokage has worked in the past.

Kaichi Yamanaka didn't stay at the gate too long, verified his identity with the guard ninja standing at the door, and entered the Hokage Building.

As soon as I stepped into it, a majestic and magnificent aura greeted me, and the internal space was extremely empty, and I couldn't even see the end at a glance.

Occasionally, you can meet a few ninjas passing by, but there is wind under your feet, as if you are in a hurry.

"Could it be that the current situation is tense again?"

Yamanaka Haiichi was puzzled, but he didn't pay much attention to it, because the general trend of the ninja world is not something that can be changed by one of his own shinobi.

I saw him go straight to the top floor, came to a seemingly ordinary room, took a deep breath, and knocked on the door.

"Please come in. Immediately

afterward, a voice full of air and a bit of majesty came from inside.

Yamanaka Kaichi also pushed open the door when he heard the sound.

A figure came into view, working on a mountain of papers on his desk.

He has short black hair and silver threads on his temples.

His face is solemn, but under his sharp eyebrows are a pair of kind and wise eyes, and he has a signature mustache on his chin.

Dressed in a white robe and lined with a red ninja suit

, this person is none other than the third Hokage, Sarutobi Hichi

, who took office shortly after the end of the First Shinobi War, and is the Hokage who has actually held the supreme power of the Fire Nation for the longest time, and is also the longest-lived Hokage.

He is proficient in ninjutsu with five chakra attributes and enjoys the title of "Ninjutsu Professor".

At the same time, he is also the master of the three powerful ninjas: Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Orochimaru.

Seeing the visitor, Ape Fei Ri also raised his head and showed a gentle smile, but immediately lowered his head and read the documents.

"It turned out to be Haiyi. "

Did you come here on purpose to find me?"

Yamanaka Haiichi also came to Sarutobi at this time He bowed slightly and said respectfully: "Three generations of adults, I came this time because there is a genius of the Uchiha clan in our class: Uchiha Spring Water.

"I think he already has the qualifications to graduate from a ninja school and become a shinobi.

"But it's not up to my subordinates to judge, so I came here to ask for your opinion.

After hearing this, Ape Feiri was stunned and extremely surprised, and even the action of flipping through the documents in his hand stopped.


? Uchiha Izumi

? Is that the genius boy who completed the feat of walking on the water on the river outside the village yesterday?

I also heard about his deeds in the village.

At this age, it is truly amazing to be able to successfully control Chakra to walk on water!

Even he did not have such a demonic talent back then.

But if this Uchiha spring water only mastered the control skills of chakra.

It is still far from meeting the requirements for graduation.

Sarutobi raised his head and looked at Kaichi Yamanaka with puzzled eyes.

"I remember this Uchiha spring water seems to be the first year of the ninja school.

"If he just mastered walking on water, then it's still too early to graduate, right?"

Yamanaka Haiichi naturally knew this, after all, controlling chakra was only a skill, and it didn't meet the hard requirements for graduation.

He immediately opened his mouth and explained: "Three generations of adults, this is the case. "

When his subordinates taught them the doppelganger technique just now, the Uchiha spring water not only succeeded once, but even activated the doppelganger technique without even using the connection seal!"

"That's why I think he has the qualifications to graduate.

Ape Feiri stood up violently, his eyes were full of shock, and the whole person leaked a terrifying and powerful aura because of the shock.

Even the desk in front of him was slightly cracked by the shock.


"Haiichi, are you sure you're not mistaken!?"

Sarutobi obviously couldn't believe that someone could launch ninjutsu without sealing.

Even if he was the Hokage, he wouldn't be

able to do this! Yamanaka Hai was shocked when he saw this, Hokage-sama was really as strong as ever!

But he could also understand that it was too appalling to say that such a thing as being able to launch ninjutsu without a seal could be made.

I didn't see it with my own eyes, I couldn't believe it at all!!

, he quickly bowed down and explained, "It's true, I saw it with my own eyes!"


Yamanaka Haiichi's serious expression, Sarutobi Hizashi felt even more waves in his heart, but he still maintained a skeptical attitude towards Uchiha Spring,

and even a well-informed existence like him had never heard of anyone who could do this.

If it's like his own master: the second generation Hokage Thousand Hands, such a shadow-level master can barely accept it.

But this happened to a milky hairy boy, which is really unconvincing.

This kind of thing, hearing is false, seeing is believing, it is better to find out by yourself.

Thinking of this, Ape Fei Ri's face softened a little, and he said unhurriedly.

"Later, I will personally go to the ninja school to inspect the Uchiha spring water.

"If it's really what you say, he'll do anything. "

Then make an exception for him to graduate early!"

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