Sarutobi also had the idea of going to the ninja school in person to see the style of the

Uchiha spring water, he slowly walked to the window, looked in the direction of the ninja school, and muttered in a low voice.

"The old man is very curious, whether this genius from Uchiha is really as demonic as the legend!"


Two figures, one white and one red, appeared on the rooftop of the Hokage Building.

It's Sarutobi Hizashi and Yamanaka Hai'ichi or two.

At this time, Sarutobi was already wearing a white hat that symbolized the Hokage's identity, revealing only his majestic face and mustache on his chin.

"Three generations of adults, I'll take you to meet the Uchiha spring.

Yamanaka Haiichi stood aside and said respectfully.

Ape Fei Ri Slash also nodded slightly and responded.

The ninja school was not far from the Hokage building, and the two of them jumped all the way on the roof of the building.

Soon, the two of them landed firmly outside the gate of the ninja school.

The person in charge of duty today is Bo Feng Shuimen, he heard the movement, and subconsciously poked his head out of the duty room to check.

Seeing the oncoming Yamanaka Kaichi, there was a figure wearing a white hat beside him.

"It turned out to be... "

Wait!Isn't it?!"

"Who is next to him...?!"

Bo Feng Shuimen hurriedly rubbed his eyes, his eyes widening.

I saw clearly the one next to him, it was actually the third generation Hokage-Sarutobi Hichi-sama!

How could this big man have time to come to the ninja school in person today.

"Could it be that something important happened?" Before

Bo Fengshui could think about it, he hurriedly trotted out of the door and greeted the ape flying sun.

"Hokage-sama is here, and I hope to forgive my sins.

Seeing the ape Feiri's eyes blazing and looking prepared, Bo Feng Shuimen was even more puzzled in his heart.

Three generations of adults, he usually looks amiable, and it is rare to see him so serious.

But this kind of big man's mind is not something he can speculate.

"It's been a long time, but your strength seems to have improved again.

"Your master is also that kid, and I don't know where to go lately, so I have time to ask him to come back and drink tea with me, an old man." Ape

Feiri slashed his hands behind his back, caring kindly and kindly about Bo Feng Shuimen.

Restored to the old appearance of kindness.

"Haha, next time I meet you, I will definitely convey it to the master for you.

Bo Fengshuimen also scratched the back of his head and laughed a few times.

is still the master, he is chic, and he travels the mountains and rivers every day.

Leaving me in the ninja school as a "gardener" is about to be tortured and crazy by the "flowers" of Konoha!

Bo Feng Shuimen was in his heart, looking up to the sky and howling, complaining about how the treatment of master and apprentice was so big?

The three of them also walked towards the school and chatted.

The sound of conversation quickly caught the attention of the students who were training on the playground.

They looked at it, and a golden light suddenly appeared in their eyes!

Isn't this the way they go to and from school every day, and when they look up, they can see the three generations of Hokage-sama?!

They couldn't help but exclaim, "Teacher! Teacher! Hokage-sama, he's here!"

Wearing black sunglasses, a mustache, wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt, and carrying a huge jar of oil girl Zhiwei.

Hearing this, I was stunned and stopped the guidance training in my hand.

Immediately took off his sunglasses and looked at the door.

"What!? It's really the third generation of adults!" Oil

Girl Zhiwei's eyes were full of shock, but he didn't immediately go to the ape flying sun.

Instead, he rushed into the school building and informed the other teachers.

Soon, Oil Girl Zhiwei came to the playground with a large group of teachers, all of whom were elite ninjas.

For example, Nara Shikahisa, Akido Dingza, Oil Girl Muta, Inuzuka E, Akido Dodong, Uzumaki Kushina...

They hurried all the way, looking excited and a little nervous.

Arrived at the location of the Bo Feng Shui Gate and greeted the third Hokage: Sarutobi Hichisaki! Uchiha

Izumisui, who was sitting in the classroom learning theoretical knowledge, was also attracted by the movement outside the window.

As I looked around, I could vaguely see a large number of students and teachers surrounding a white figure.

Among them, I also saw a lot of familiar figures, Bo Feng Shui Men teacher, the first generation of pig deer butterflies....


?" "What are the people doing outside?"

Just when Uchiha Izumi couldn't help but be curious, a voice came from outside the corridor.

"Hokage-sama is here!"

the students sitting in the classroom were stunned when they heard this, and they couldn't believe their ears.

It took a while before he recovered.

Immediately afterwards, they came to the window to watch, watching the bustling crowd on the playground.


"The Hokage is actually here

!" "That's the most powerful leader of Konoha!"


At this time, one of the students in the classroom looked extraordinarily special.

He had short black hair, his face was calm, there was not the slightest shock, and there was only confusion in his eyes.

The corners of his mouth revealed a contemptuous smile, like a troubled teenager.

This person is the son of the three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun Slash - Ape Flying Asma.

"It's strange, how can Daddy have time to come to school today

?" "Is it coming for me?"

Ape Fei Asma muttered, puzzled.

In order to prove his conjecture, he got up and explained the situation to the teacher and walked out of the classroom.

"I see Hokage-sama on the Hokage Rock every day, and today I actually saw a real person

!" "I heard from my parents that the three generations of adults have single-handedly stabilized the situation

in the village!" "Yes, he is still the master of Konoha Sannin!"


Sarufei Asma has traveled all the way.

I heard a lot of praise from the students and teachers around me.

I saw their adoring and admiring eyes.

I couldn't help but sigh.

"My father, he's still as popular as ever!"

But he did give a lot for Konoha Village, and since he can remember, he has rarely seen him spend the night at home.

Instead, in the Hokage's office building, he stayed up all night reviewing documents.

In the eyes of the villagers, he is a good leader.

In his eyes, he is just a father who likes to be oily and smooth every day, and he doesn't pay attention to it.

Ape Fei Asma squeezed through the human wall, and with difficulty came to the front of the ape flying sun slash in a striking Hokage robe.

He didn't care about everyone's surprised eyes, and said with a big grin: "Dad, why are you coming to our school today

?" "Don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, what is there to tell me quickly, why are you doing such a big battle?"

There was also a hint of impatience in his tone.

Ape Fei Ri lowered his head, looked at Ape Fei Asma in front of him, frowned, and gave him a meaningful look.

This kid really doesn't let me worry.

When so many people dismantle my stage, right?

Look how I'm going to clean you up when I get home

! Hearing this caused a commotion among the students! Obviously,

there are not many people who know the identity of Ape Fei Asma.

"It turns out that he is the son of three generations of adults. "

No wonder he speaks so unscrupulously

" "I'm afraid that in the whole world, only Ape Fei Asma dares to speak like this to three generations of adults!" "..."But Ape Fei

Asma's words also expressed the doubts in everyone's hearts.

Could it be that the third generation really came to find Ape Fei Asma?

After all, he is the only one in the school who is qualified to let the three generations of adults come in person.

The more you think about it, the more likely it is.

At this moment, the ape Feiri, who had just looked amiable, looked up at the crowd, and suddenly turned pale.

"I'm not here for my son, Ape Fly Asma. "

It's about a student's graduation exam

!" "He's Uchiha Spring!"

They looked at each other in shock!


"The three generations of adults said that they would be assessed for the Uchiha spring water?!"

"I didn't expect one of his students to let the three generations of adults come in person

!" "He seems to have just entered the school!" "

The talent is so demonic that he can take the graduation assessment at such a young age!" The

crowd erupted in exclamations.

They couldn't believe it, because of a student.

In the past, even if you graduated early, you only had to report it, and then the teachers of the upper ninja would conduct the assessment.

I don't know what is so special about this Uchiha spring water, it deserves so much attention from three generations of adults!

Nara Lujiu and Autumn Road Dingza are both shocked.


"It turns out that three generations of adults have come here for this purpose!" Although

they witnessed the Uchiha spring water complete the feat of walking on the water.

At a young age, he was already so wicked.

But when he wants to graduate, it doesn't seem that he has yet met the requirements, right?

I didn't expect that today's three generations of adults actually said that they would personally conduct an early graduation assessment for him!

This is really surprising.

"It's... I heard this right

!" "Quanshui, that kid is about to take the graduation assessment!?"

Bo Feng Shuimen's face was full of disbelief, and his heart swayed.

Uchiha Izumi: He learned to walk on the water yesterday, and he will take his graduation exam today?!

You must know that if you want to graduate now, you must not only master the control skills of chakra, but also master the doppelganger technique.

Could it be that

he had even learned the doppelganger technique!

Thinking of this, Bo Feng Shuimen felt more and more shocked.

The rest of the oil girl Muta, the oil girl Shiwei, Inuzuka E, Akidodo Togashi, Uzumaki Kushina...

They were all dumbfounded, looking at each other, with shocks on their faces that could not be concealed.

For a while, there were different opinions, but they all put forward a request.

"I hope to witness this graduation assessment together!" "I

want to see with my own eyes what is so special about this Uchiha spring water..."

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