Inside a classroom at a ninja school.

A group of students stood shoulder to shoulder in front of the window, watching the ape flying sun and the group on the playground through the glass.

They were all excited, talking about each other.

It's just that at this time, they didn't know that the purpose of Sarutobi Hiza's visit this time was to conduct a graduation assessment of Uchiha Spring Water...

A loud voice rang out from the crowd.

"Did you see that?

!" "There are so many teachers outside, and they are still the elite shinobi in the village!"


Obito was lying on the window, his expression excited, and his eyes were full of longing and yearning.

Hokage-sama is here!

All along, his dream was to become the Hokage.

Looking at a group of teachers and students on the playground, they all surrounded the ape with enthusiasm.

Uchiha Obito secretly fierced in his heart.

I must become a ninja as powerful as the three generations of adults

! so that I can protect my companions and protect Konoha! I will be admired by all people

! "Yes!

The point is that even Hokage-sama is here. "

Could it be something big going on in our school!?"

Maitkai lay beside Uchiha Obito in a high-spirited response, his jet-black watermelon head pressed against the window pane, even his thick eyebrows twisted.

The two of them are one left and one right, and sure enough, there is a place where Wolong is, and there must be a phoenix chick within three meters

!" "Is becoming the Hokage the mystery of 'youth' in my father's mouth?"

"If I become a man as powerful as the Hokage, then I must be able to surpass that guy Kakashi!".

Maitkai muttered quietly, but his eyes didn't forget to glance at where Kakashi Hachiki was, and he was stunned for a moment.

Why did Kakashi's arrogant guy still sit at his desk with a dead fish-eyed face?

No wonder he was always cold to himself, and he couldn't even arouse his interest in something so big.

In the classroom, I can still sit calmly in front of the desk at this time.

In addition to Uchiha Izumizu and Kakashi Hagi, there was also a student who also sat at his desk with a cold expression.

He didn't look out the window, but looked at the Uchiha spring with a curious look.

His eyes were deep and sharp, as if he wanted to see everything.

And the Uchiha Izumi also sensed it, as if someone was watching him.

Turning his head, he met the person's eyes.


"It turned out to be him.

Uchiha Izumi was surprised, but he didn't pay much attention to it, and quickly withdrew his gaze.

This person is the captain of the future Konoha torture department, known as the "sadistic chief examiner" Morino Biki.

He was dressed in a black trench coat, wearing a black turban on his head, making it impossible to see his hair, and his slender eyes were full of coldness and a hint of cruelty.

"This person is a bit interesting, worthy of a demon from the Uchiha.

Seeing that his eyes were not shocked, it seemed that he really didn't take Hokage-sama's arrival seriously?"

Mori Nai Biki was stunned in his heart and sighed silently.

Although Hokage-sama's arrival was certainly amazing, he was indeed more confused in his heart.

Usually there are a lot of trivial things in the village, and Hokage-sama is even more resourceful, except for some important occasions, he will come in person.

It's not yet time to graduate, so how can you have time to come to the ninja school?

Just when Morino Ibi was overjoyed, the students of the Hyuga clan made a loud voice again.

"Everyone, be quiet. "

After all, everyone also knows that our Hyuga clan has always been the most powerful family in


"And in order to protect the peace of Konoha, he has made a great contribution.

"So Hokage-sama must have come here this time to reward our Hyuga clan. "

There's no doubt about that, let's just wait for Hokage-sama to come later!" The

students of the Hyuga clan were all swaggering and carried away, and once again raised their arrogant heads.

When he spoke, he snorted coldly at the Uchiha Spring Water and the Uchiha Obito.

"Huh. "

Even if we can't compare to you in ninja talent.

But the strength of our Hyuga clan is not weaker than your Uchiha clan.

And it's above board, unlike your evil Uchiha, who always likes to do something shady behind your back.

I'm waiting for Hokage-sama to come and reward us, and I'll see what you compare to us with Uchiha Spring.

The students of the Hyuga clan looked at the Uchiha spring with smug on their faces, their eyes full of resentment.


"Hokage-sama, is he actually here to reward you Hinata!?"

"Wow! A

group of students were too young to understand why the Hokage had come to commend them,

but they looked at the Hyuga clan with a look of aspiration.

They all believed it and showed adoring and envious eyes.

They just heard from their parents that the Hyuga clan is indeed one of the best in the village, and there are quite a few strong ones.

Therefore, it is not impossible that Hokage-sama came to commend him.

"Hokage's commendation, that's an incredibly honorable thing.

At this time, a little girl who had been standing in the crowd without making a sound thought silently in her heart.

I saw that she had short black shoulder-length hair, big eyes that were bright and bright, and she emitted a spiritual luster from time to time.

She outlined her future little follower: Mute.

But she had also heard that the Hyuga clan was in the village, and it was indeed a powerful family.

In the clan, there are not only blood inheritance boundaries such as white eyes, but also many ninjutsu secret methods.

The clansmen are even more talented, and there is a vague trend of dominance.

It's not impossible that Hokage-sama came to give them a reward.

The Uchiha Obito, who was lying on the window, raised his head violently, scaring Maitkai next to him.

looked at Uchiha Obito with a bewildered expression.

"Hokage-sama is here to reward the Hyuga clan?" Uchiha

Obito was surprised.

Is it true?

Although it is only based on the words of the little ghosts of the Hyuga clan, it does not confirm that the three generations of adults really want to come to reward them.

But as two families that have never dealt with each other, I have also heard about the elders in the clan.

The strength of the Hyuga clan is indeed strong, otherwise there would be no strength to compete with our Uchiha clan.

And he always likes to do something that tends to be inflammatory, flattering, and has won the support of many Konoha executives.

So they say that it is not impossible that three generations of adults today are to give them a reward.

Uchiha Obito was half-convinced, walked to the side of Uchiha Izumi, and whispered: "Izumi, do you think what their group of imps said is true?"

In fact, Uchiha Izumi himself didn't know what Sarutobi came here for.

However, this is not up to you.

If you really want to reward the Hyuga family, it doesn't matter.

After all, this is only an honorary award, and there is no substantial reward.

Only being strong is king.

Uchiha Izumi raised his head slightly, and said without changing his face: "It's okay, Obito."

"Whether it's true or not, we'll find out later. Then

he looked at the Hyuga clan in the crowd and watched them quietly...

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