By the window in the classroom.

The students of the Hyuga clan stood in the crowd with their heads held high and impassioned, and their mouths kept making high voices.

"When Hokage-sama comes, give me a round of applause and welcome!" "

Don't forget to say more good things about our Hyuga clan.

"If anyone behaves well, I can also consider asking for Hokage-sama's autograph. "


at their determined looks, it seems that the three generations of Hokage have come to reward the Hyuga clan this time, which is already an ironclad thing.


"It's still your Hyuga clan, and you Hokage-sama's autograph can be obtained." The

students standing by the windowsill also stared at them intently, their eyes full of envy.

It seems that he also decided in his heart that the three generations of Hokage really came to reward the Hyuga clan.

But the students of the Hyuga clan still felt that such a pretense was not enough.

Rolling his eyes, he kept glancing at the location of the Uchiha Spring, and his face was full of pride.


How can this Uchiha spring water still sit there calmly.

Didn't he know what a supreme honor the Hokage Commendation was?


I had to make him understand the gap between their Uchiha clan and our Hyuga clan.

Thinking of the surprised expression of the Uchiha Spring after learning the truth, the corners of the students of the Hyuga clan couldn't help but show a smug smile on the corner of their mouths, and their hearts were secretly refreshed.

Immediately, a group of people from the Hyuga clan came to the Uchiha Izumisui sitting at the desk.

"Uchiha Izumi, the Hokage-sama is about to come to reward our Hyuga clan, why are you still sitting here so calmly.

"It seems that you Uchiha clan are really lonely and unaware of what the Hokage Award represents?"

"Since you don't know what the Hokage's commendation is, let me give you a science popularization. A

student of the Hyuga clan who was obviously a little stronger than his peers looked at the Uchiha Izumi with his arms crossed over his chest.

"The Hokage's commendation is an honor that requires a person or family with strong strength and outstanding contributions to the village, and has been recognized by the Hokage!"

"For example, our Hyuga clan has always acted in a fair and upright manner and has always made great contributions to the development of Konoha, so we are eligible to receive it. "

And you Uchiha clan..."

Speaking of this, the students of the Hyuga clan deliberately paused for a few seconds.

This move successfully attracted everyone's attention, and they all fell silent for a moment, looking forward to what he was going to say next.

Immediately afterward, he angrily pointed at the Uchiha spring water with his hand.

"And you evil Uchiha clan!"

"Not only are the people of the clan arrogant and evil by nature, and they often don't take other people seriously, but they also think that they have great power and can do whatever they want.

"Your former leader, Madara Uchiha, not only did he not use this power to protect Konoha well, but he also thought about controlling the Nine-Tails to destroy the village, which is simply a heinous crime.

"Fortunately, the first Hokage-sama: Senju Pillar is strong, and he took action to stop and kill Madara Uchiha, otherwise the result would be unimaginable.

"The Uchiha clan is already heinous and sinful for this alone.

"I don't know how you still have a face in the village!" the

students of the Hyuga clan looked satisfied and complacent.

After all, it has been a long time since Madara Uchiha and the first Hokage Senju Pillar duel, and many of them, children, don't know about this matter at all, and they also heard it by chance during the conversation between the elders of the clan.

Telling this matter by himself not only destroyed the imagination of the Uchiha clan in the hearts of everyone, but also indirectly suppressed the Uchiha spring water, which is really a double win!

As soon as the words of the Hyuga clan fell, there was a sigh from the surrounding students, and they lowered their heads and exchanged their ears.

"I think I've heard my parents talk about this, so it's no wonder that most of the old people in the village treat the Uchiha like a wretch.

"I don't think this Uchiha spring has always liked to talk, so it turns out that he has never treated us as companions.

"I didn't expect that the Uchiha would have such a criminal history, no wonder it was the evil Uchiha.

When the students heard this, they had already planted the seeds of prejudice against the Uchiha clan in their hearts, and at the same time, there was a hint of disgust and fear in their eyes when they looked at the Uchiha spring water.

At the same time, Uchiha Izumi's eyes moved slightly, and he was stunned for a moment, but he just raised his head and glanced at the little ghost of the Hyuga clan lightly.

I wasn't annoyed by the cynicism of the Hyuga clan.

Being a human being in two lives has already made his heart extremely tough.

How could an adult be angry with this group of children?

, but when he heard about the battle between Madara Uchiha and the Thousand Hands Pillar in the Valley of the End, Uchiha Izumi was a little surprised.


The world may think that Madara had died in that battle, but in fact, before he died, he sealed "Izanagi" into his right eye, so that he could be brought back to life after the battle.

By transplanting the inter-pillar cells obtained in this battle into his own body, he opened the Eye of Reincarnation in his later years and channeled the Outer Dao Golem and the White Absolute that had been generated by the Infinite Moon Reading before, and transplanted the Eye of Reincarnation to Nagato's body.

During the Third Shinobi War, he rescued Uchiha Obito and planned to use the above arrangements to realize the Eye of the Moon plan, but died of physical failure.

Of course, that's all for later.

Now that Madara is here, of course, it is impossible for Madara to easily control Obito again, and the follow-up plan will not go as Madara wishes.

"You are not allowed to slander our

Uchiha clan!" Uchiha Obito on the side couldn't sit still at this time, stood up, raised his eyebrows, and pointed at the Hinata imp who spoke just now and retorted loudly.

"Our Uchiha clan has always been here at the police department, dutifully guarding the safety of Konoha

!" "It's not what you say!"

"The little imp of the Hyuga clan glared at the Uchiha Obito, also not to be outdone:

"I'm just talking about the fact that you Uchiha clan. "

The more Uchiha Obito explains, the more you are a thief!" "

Evil Uchiha imps!" "..."The

little imps of the Hyuga clan saw that the Uchiha spring water was still sitting there calmly, and their hearts were annoyed and angry, and their tones became more and more full of anger!


Obito also wanted to step forward to reason with the Hyuga clan, but was pulled away by a figure.

"Take Tujun, forget it.

"Don't be like them.

Nohara Rin appeared in time to pull the Uchiha away from the soil.

Because she was worried that if this argument continued, the two sides would fight, and the Hyuga clan would be outnumbered, and even if there was Uchiha spring water, they would suffer if they were to take the soil.

So he hurriedly stepped forward to stop the Uchiha Obito.

Just when the two sides were at a stalemate, staring at each other.

In the hallway outside the classroom, there was a sound of rustling footsteps, and it was getting closer.

The students immediately turned their gaze to the door.

I saw that an old man in white, who was also followed by a group of ninja school teachers, suddenly appeared at the door of the classroom, and this person was none other than the three generations of Hokage: Ape Flying Sun Slash!

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