Everyone in the classroom looked at Ape Fei Ri in unison, and their eyes were full of worship.

"Hokage-sama is really here

!" "Wow! Hokage-sama, who usually only admires on the Hokage Rock, is so close to me today!" "Hokage-sama

still brings so many teachers, and they rarely have time to show up!"


The eyes of the students in the classroom widened, but none of them dared to make a sound.

Without him, the old man who stood in front of them at this time was the supreme leader of the Konoha Ninja Village, the Land of Fire.

The third Hokage: Sarutobi Sun Slash

! Today's close contact made them feel excited, this is their usual unattainable Konoha hero!

After becoming the Hokage in Konoha Village, he can be carved on the Hokage Rock for the world to admire and respect, which is also a tradition passed down from generation to generation in Konoha Village.

Sarutobi slashed his face almost exactly like the one carved on the Hokage Rock, but his face was a little more vicissitudes.

"Hokage-sama has really come to us!" The

students of the Hyuga clan were dumbfounded, and their hearts were even more turbulent.

In fact, just now, I just wanted to be quick for a while, saying that Hokage-sama came here this time to reward his family.

I want to use this to suppress the arrogance of Uchiha Spring, and find some reason to prevaricate afterwards. "

I don't even know why Hokage-sama came?"

But now, I didn't expect Hokage-sama to really come!"

The little imps of the Hyuga clan were nervous and excited in their hearts, and their fists clenched unconsciously!

He thought to himself.

Among the students in this class, except for Sarutobi Asma, who is the son of Hokage-sama....

I'm afraid that among the others, only my Hyuga clan is qualified to let Hokage-sama come in person

! I didn't expect to be really guessed by myself!

Thinking of this, the arrogant look on the faces of the little imps of the Hyuga clan became even stronger.

Several people from the Hyuga clan gathered around, bowing their heads and muttering about it.

"Hokage-sama has really come to give us a reward. "

Yes, when the time comes, I see what else does the Uchiha Obito have to say?"

"I'm afraid that even the Uchiha spring water can only do with envy!"


discussion of a group of people from the Hyuga clan reached the ears of the surrounding students, causing them to look sideways.

"Hokage's commendation, that's a supreme honor!" they

looked into the eyes of the Hyuga clan, and they couldn't suppress their envy.

However, the supreme leader of Konoha Village specially came to reward you in person.

Needless to say, how high the gold content is!

Just saying it is enough to glorify the ancestors and envy others.

Not to mention that there are so many students now, and even there are no less than ten teachers from Shangnin.

Kamishinobi is the most elite ninja in the village, and his strength and status are extremely high!

Hokage-sama honored their Hyuga clan in front of so many people.

This row of noodles really shouldn't make people too envious and jealous!

At this time, the ape flying in the classroom did not stop.

Instead, he slowly walked in the direction of the Hyuga clan.

Everyone held their breath and didn't dare to make a noise to disturb, but the excitement and envy in their eyes were about to come out!

And the little ghosts of the Hyuga clan were even more excited, and even their legs were trembling nervously.

"Hokage-sama, he's here

!" "He walked with a stride and a commendation!"


great anticipation in his heart, he raised his head one by one, ready to welcome the glory that belonged to them next!

Just when everyone felt that the ape flying sun was about to reward the Hyuga clan.

But the ape flew to the sun, but directly ignored the expectant eyes of the Hyuga clan.

Turning his head directly to look at the Hyuga clan, sitting at the desk, Uchiha Izumi, and said in a harmonious voice: "You're Uchiha Izumi-san, right?"

"Please come out with me." "

According to Hai Yi's description, it should be this kid, who looks clear and dignified.

It is worthy of the assets of genius!

Ape Fei Ri Chop secretly affirmed in his heart.

But as soon as these words came out, the students who were originally looking forward to the Hokage's commendation were stunned.


"What's going on

?" "Didn't Hokage-sama come to reward the Hyuga clan

?" "How do you ask the Uchiha spring water to go out?"


There were ten thousand question marks in everyone's hearts, and they couldn't figure it out.

Didn't Hokage-sama say that he would come to reward the Hyuga

clan? Why did he suddenly want to find Uchiha spring water, could it be that the evil Uchiha clan had done something?

If he was just looking for Uchiha spring water, he wouldn't have been so excited.

The little ghosts of the Hyuga clan stood motionless with their eyes, and even their mouths were slightly half-opened in surprise, standing in place.


?" "Hokage-sama actually came to find Uchiha spring water!?"

"Didn't you come to give us a reward!?"

they shouted in their hearts, unwilling to believe the fact in front of them.

Hokage-sama must have made a mistake.

Or maybe we'll be rewarded later.

Anyway, it can't be just to find Uchiha spring water!"

"This can't be... Absolutely impossible..."

The huge psychological gap made the little ghosts of the Hyuga clan seem to be in a rage, and they lowered their heads and muttered to themselves one by one.

Uchiha Obito heard this next to him, and his body shook.

"Hokage-sama is actually here to find

spring water!" I couldn't believe that my ears could hear the words, but I

didn't expect that Hokage-sama came here for the spring water.

I don't know what's the big deal with Hokage-sama, so I deliberately looked for spring water.

Could it be that the horrific things that his brother did have already been known to Hokage-sama?

, Uchiha Obito was full of suspicions,

and prayed silently in his heart.

"I hope Izumi won't be caught doing human experiments. The

Uchiha Izumi, who was in front of the Sarutobi Hizap, raised his head and met the four eyes of the Sarutobi Hizap.

I only saw a pair of kind eyes with sharp eyes, and I was stunned.


?" "Three generations of adults are here to find me?"

The sudden news made the Uchiha Spring Water, who had always been as steady as an old dog, not react for a while.

He hadn't received any news from him before, and the Ape Flying Sun Slash would come to find him.

Just now, I even thought that I was really here to reward the Hyuga family.

I didn't expect that he was actually looking for himself!

I just don't know, the three generations of Hokage came on purpose, so what is the matter?

Uchiha Izumizui looked as usual, got up and stood behind Sarutobi Hizashi.

"What about the Hokage's commendation?"

everyone tilted their heads one after another, casting their puzzled eyes on the little ghosts of the Hyuga clan.

At this time, the Hyuga clan lowered their heads in shame, their hands behind their backs, and their faces were as red as monkeys' butts.

The whole body is tensed hard, and I can use my toes to buckle out of the three rooms and one living room.

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