
The morning light was faint, and Uchiha Fugaku stepped on the hazy morning light to go to the outside of the village to carry out a mission.

"Have a good trip, father~"

Uchiha Izumi looked at the back of Uchiha Fugaku and sighed in his heart.

I'm still shini now, and I can't go out on a mission with my father.

Konoha Village's mission system is very strict, and the task level is divided into five levels: S, A, B, C, and D by difficulty.

On top of these five mission levels, there are also super S-level missions at the top.

Of course, these are still far from themselves.

A shinobi like himself can only take on D-rank and C-rank missions.

After becoming a mid-ninja, you can start taking on B-rank missions.

And after becoming the same shinobi as his father, he can perform S-class missions.

Completing a task will reward you with a reward that is proportional to the level of the task.

"Now that the situation in the ninja world is tense, I must improve my strength

as soon as possible!"

"Have the ability to protect yourself and the Uchiha clan as soon as possible."

Uchiha Izumi said secretly in his heart.

He also got up early this morning.

I didn't continue to stay up late last night, although it is important to open my eyes, but the body is the capital of the revolution.

"I finally have the opportunity to make a name for myself in this life, I don't want to repeat the mistakes of the past and die suddenly again because of staying up late!" he

looked at himself in the mirror, holding the Konoha forehead guard in his hand.

"From today onwards, I will officially be a member of the Konoha Ninja. "

Uchiha Izumizu tied his forehead guard on his head with both hands, and he was neatly organized, heroic, and quite ninja-like.

"Now I don't have to go to the ninja school, and I don't have a teacher and teammates, so I can't take on the mission alone.

"No matter how urgent the middle ninja exam is, the only way to improve your strength is to learn ninjutsu. "

But it's impossible for my father to ask me to find Orochimaru's apprenticeship!" Uchiha

Izumizu muttered as he held his chin in his hand and thought about what he was going to do next.


If you really want to apprentice, you must be more willing to go to Jiraiya.

After all, he is indeed more suitable for himself, both in terms of personality and teaching style.

But I don't know where he is.

How should I find him?"

"That's right!" a

flash of light flashed in the Uchiha Izumi's eyes.

The three generations of Hokage apes are flying to the sun, isn't it the master of Jiraiya.

I can go to the Hokage Building to find out about him.

The Uchiha Izumi got up and went out, and he followed the villagers' instructions to the destination of his trip.

"This is

the Hokage Building!" As

soon as Uchiha Izumi came to the door of the Hokage Building, he was deeply shocked by the majestic building in front of him.

This is the sacred place in the hearts of the villagers of Konoha, and it is also the office of the Hokage of the past generations.

This Hokage building is the tallest sight building in the entire Konoha Village, and you can observe every corner of the village at all times.

And he knows that the third generation of Hokage Ape Flying Sun Slash has a very magical ninjutsu, as long as he masters the chakra characteristics of a person, he can use the crystal ball to monitor this person from a distance.

It can be said that Sarutobi slashes people sitting in the office, but he can monitor almost everyone in Konoha Village.

"Hello, how do I get to the Hokage's office?" Uchiha

Izumi and the two guard ninjas standing at the door waved hello.

"Turn left on the third floor and the first room is. After

Uchiha Izumi verified his identity, he entered the Hokage Building.

"It turns out that he is

Uchiha Izumi!" "A genius boy who became a shinobi at such a young age!"

"What a young

man!" "..."The

eyes of the two guard ninjas were full of shock, looking at the back of Uchiha Izumi and whispering.

He is the genius boy of the Uchiha, and when he sees it today, he is really extraordinary!

The Uchiha spring water has long been accustomed to it, and others do not pay much attention to the strange gaze of others.

He sighed at the sheer size of the interior space in the Hokage Building as he strode towards Sarutobi's office.

The Uchiha Izumizu stared at the room in front of him.

"This is the most powerful man in Konoha.

"Although we met last time, I still can't avoid the nervousness.

The Uchiha Izumi took a deep breath at the doorway and calmed his mind.

He knocked on the door, and a voice rang out.

"Please come in.

The Uchiha Izumi pushed the door open, only to see Sarutobi just looking up in a hurry, and continued to bury his head in reviewing the documents.

He also had a misting pipe hanging from his mouth, and the smell of smoke was choking.

The Uchiha Spring Water also frowned at the smell of smoke, and stepped forward and said respectfully

, "Three generations of adults, I have endured it now,

can I already take on the task?"

"I also want to contribute my own modest contribution to the village."

When Sarutobi heard this, he also put down the pen in his hand and looked at the Uchiha spring with a solemn expression.

"No, you're still a shinobi, it's too dangerous to go on a mission alone.

"What's more, the relationship between the countries of the ninja world is still so tense now.

The Uchiha Izumi received the expected reply, deliberately drooping his face and looking downcast.

"Alright then, three generations of adults..."

, "But there are no powerful ninjas in our village, who are free to lead the class. "

Like your apprentice: Jiraiya teacher him?" Uchiha

Izumi, he also said the purpose of the trip.

The drunkard's intention is not to drink, but to care about the self.

As long as you know the location of Jiraiya, then the next thing to learn ninjutsu by yourself is mostly settled.

In the expectant eyes of the Uchiha Izumi, Sarutobi Hichiza slowly spoke: "That kid from Jiraiya, he may not be able to come back for a while on a mission outside.

"You better stay at home honestly and cultivate well.

"In the next period of time, the ninja world may not be peaceful..."Sarutobi

Richi's face gradually became serious, and the news from the front of him recently became more and more nervous.

Could it be that war is really going to break out again?

I hope that the young people of their generation can grow up as soon as possible.

Take up the banner of our Konoha ninja as soon as possible!At

the same time, Uchiha Izumisui regrets in his heart that he didn't find Jiraiya.

My plan to worship him as a teacher has come to naught...

The impression of Jiraiya, who is tall, wears a forehead guard with the word "oil" written on his forehead, and always looks smiling and happy.

His long white hair reached his waist, and he had a red mark under his eyes that grew longer as he aged.

Dressed in a red coat with brown clothes underneath, clogs on his feet, and armor-like equipment on his hands.

This is the lustful fairy in the eyes of Uchiha Spring Water: Jiraiya.

But underneath the lustful exterior, there is a kind and reliable heart.

But now I can't find him, and I can't learn powerful ninjutsu.

"Could it be that you really want to go to Orochimaru to learn ninjutsu?"

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