"Do you really want to worship Orochimaru as a teacher?" Uchiha

Izumizu thought for a long time in front of Sarutobi's office desk, and his face was entangled.

He was weighing the pros and cons of worshipping Orochimaru as a teacher, although Orochimaru's personality was a little more difficult to figure out.

But now Jiraiya is not in the village, and he can't find a suitable candidate to teach himself ninjutsu.

Uchiha Izumi hesitated and decided to go home first.

So he bowed down and said goodbye to the ape flying and walked in the direction of home.

Sarutobi Hizashi also noticed that Uchiha Izumi was worried, as if he had something on his mind.

"What kind of moth is this kid trying to do with Uchiha Izumi?"

"But as long as someone else is in Konoha, I can try to keep him safe.

"If he has any ideas, you don't need to worry about it, let him go."

Ape Fei Sun shook his head slightly, and continued to review the documents...

The day was in the middle of the day, and it was noon.

Outside the ape flying sun's office, a white figure knocked on the door.

Walked into the office of Ape Fei Sun.

I saw that the visitor had long silver-white hair, a ponytail, a cold face, a white armband with a red triangle on his left shoulder, and a gray backpack on his shoulder.

Ape Fei Ri looked up and saw the person smile when he saw it.

"You're here, what's going on ahead of you. "

This person is none other than the elite Shinobi of Konoha Village, the father of Kakashi Hachiki - Sakumo Hachiki!

He is known as "Konoha White Fang" because he often holds a chakra short knife that emits white light during fights.

Hachiki Shuomao is also a genius ninja, powerful, and his name resounded all over the world, even the strong people like the "Konoha Three Ninjas" have to respect him a little.

"Three generations of adults, the situation ahead doesn't seem to be optimistic.

"I came here this time because I sent a document from the dark department, and I was specifically instructed to check it with your own hands.

Hachiki Shuomao's face was very solemn, and he handed Sarutobi a roll of bronze parchment from his backpack.

This time, when he went out on a mission, he was inexplicably attacked by several groups of ninjas.

The journey was very dangerous!

Fortunately, I was strong enough to get out of trouble.

But I just don't know which force of ninjas came to attack me

, but with the current situation, I always feel that there is a force looming against the Konoha ninja.

Qimu Shuomao wondered in his heart.

"Hmm? The

smile on Ape Fei Ri's face froze, and he immediately opened the parchment roll.

You must know that the members of the dark department are all excellent ninjas who have been selected from the village by themselves.

It is mainly responsible for protecting important people and preventing foreign enemies from invading the Konoha Ninja Village, and is responsible for reconnaissance of enemy situations and assassinations.

The messages they convey to themselves are all national-level strategic messages.

As Ape Fei Ri Slash continued to look at the information on the parchment, his face gradually became solemn.

"I didn't expect the Sand Hidden Village to actually do something to us Konoha

!" "And several other countries are also preparing to send troops!"

Ape Fei Ri slashed his eyes with a fierce look, and said with a sinister aura.

He knew that in the ninja world, except for the country of fire, to which Konoha Village belonged.

There are also four other countries and ninja villages, which are the Land of Wind: Sand Hidden Village, the Land of Water: Fog Hidden Village, the Land of Thunder: Cloud Hidden Village, and the Land of Earth: Iwakuin Village.

All five of these countries are top powers, and the major ninja nations often wage wars for their own interests.


"Sand Hidden Village and several other countries are preparing to make a move on Konoha?"

Qimu Shuomao's cold face couldn't hide the shock, and his eyes glared at the boss.

You must know that Sand Hidden Village is in the ninja world, and it is second only to our Konoha Village.

Regardless of strength, financial resources are not necessarily inferior to Konoha, ninjas are the elite of the elite, not seeking more, only refinement.

For example, the strong men of the older generation include Chiyo, Ebizo, and the three generations of Kazekage.

The younger generation includes Rasha, Hakura, Kagura, Maki and so on.

Now Shayin Village has reached its peak in terms of financial resources and strength.

A ray of worry arose in Hagi Shuomao's heart.

"Whenever there is a big war, other countries must fight us Konoha first.

For this, Ape Fei Ri Slash was also very helpless, he got up and sighed with his hands behind his back.

Because the land of fire is gentle and vast, with plains and hills scattered throughout the country, the soil conditions are ideal for growing food.

In addition, the Land of Fire is located almost in the center of the five major powers, so it has been a transportation fortress since ancient times, and it has also contributed greatly to the economic and cultural exchanges of various countries.

The dynamism brought about by economic and cultural exchanges is supporting the economy and prosperity of the Fire Nation.

Therefore, the Fire Nation has always been the most powerful country, but it has also become a battleground for soldiers.

Ape Fei Ri's face turned pale, he took a deep breath of cigarette, and walked to the window with heavy steps.

Even if he is the Hokage, he can't reverse this situation by himself.

Sarutobi turned his head and came to the front of Saruki Sauger, and said abruptly: "White Fang, what do you think should be done"

As a time-tested elite ninja, how could he not know the meaning of Sarutobi's words.

He immediately bowed 90 degrees and shouted in a sonorous voice.

"White Fang is at the mercy of three generations of adults, and he is willing to go to the soup for Konoha and will not hesitate!" He

knew that at this time, as an elite ninja of Konoha, it was the moment when Konoha needed to stand up the most.

It is also my duty to protect Konoha well.

Sarutobi looked at Hachiki Shuomao's reaction and nodded with satisfaction.

If everyone knows the will of fire like White Fang, he cares about Konoha and does his best.

That's what I want to see the most.

It's a pity that the various ethnic groups in the village are constantly fighting and can't unite at all.

They were able to put aside their preconceptions and put the survival of Konoha first.

So, how could he be afraid of the other four countries?

Ape Feiri frowned, he knew the information just now.

There is a secret scroll in the Sand Hidden Village, and as long as you get it, you can directly defeat the Sand Hidden Village.

This matter is very important, and it must be one's own cronies and be strong.

Now Konoha, I'm afraid only White Fang can take on this heavy responsibility.

"White Fang, the information from the shadows says that there is a secret scroll in the Sand Hidden Village that can determine the prosperity or decline of Konoha.

"It's very important to us!"

"So I feel like I'm going to give you this task, but this trip will require you to go deep into the enemy's interior, and it's extremely dangerous, and you'll die."

"White Fang, would you like to take on this task?"

Sarutobi slashed his eyes solemnly, asking Hachiki Shuo Shigeru for his opinion.

After all, this trip is extremely dangerous, and White Fang is still young and has unlimited potential.

If it weren't for the fact that there was no other candidate, I didn't want him to take this risk.

Qimu Shuomao naturally knew the danger of this trip, but if he retreated.

So who will protect Konoha!

Qimu Shuomao's eyes were firm, and his face had a look of death.

"I'm willing to do it, three generations of lords. "

If I don't make it back, I just hope you can take care of my young son, Kakashi Hachiki..."

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