The home of Uchiha Izumi.

As soon as Uchiha Mikoto returned, she buried herself in the kitchen.

From time to time, there is the sound of pots and pans "clanging".

After a puff of smoke...

Uchiha Mikoto took the fragrant dishes one after another and put them on the table.

Uchiha Izumizumi's eyes lit up as he looked at the delicious food on the table, and he couldn't help but drool as he was already hungry.

The key is that every dish is what you love to eat, and all of them are fragrant, colorful, and fragrant.

Mother's craftsmanship is still as good as ever!

"I'm moving!"

Uchiha Izumisui put his hands together and couldn't wait to pick up the dishes.

With a gobbling up, the wind and clouds passed.


Uchiha Izumi touched his slightly bulging belly, burped with satisfaction, and said hello to his mother Uchiha Mikoto.

He returned to his room.

The Uchiha Izumi lay quietly on the bed, his eyes open and he stared blankly at the ceiling, recalling in his mind the feelings he had during his cultivation.

"I did ninjutsu this morning by doing it on the ground.

"Let me have a deeper understanding of the Fire Escape Ninjutsu, and I am afraid that I will be more handy in the future."

"This feeling of being able to really feel the change in your own strength is really amazing!" Just

when Uchiha Spring Water was excited in his heart, a wave of sleepiness involuntarily hit.

He opened his mouth and yawned heavily.

Sure enough, as soon as people finish eating, they want to sleep =_=.

The eyelids of the Uchiha Izumi weighed as much as a thousand pounds, just as the eyes were about to close.

He seemed to suddenly think of something

, and his eyes opened suddenly!"I can't sleep

!" "I'm going to keep boiling!


Stay up until I open the double hook jade writing wheel eye!" Uchiha

Izumi's eyes stared at the boss, and the whole person lay on the bed in a daze, forcing his eyes not to close.

"Instead of lying in bed and getting sleepy, I might as well go out and practice ninjutsu. "

Keep improving, in order to continue to improve!"

thought of this, the next moment.

The Uchiha spring water was stiffened by a carp, and he came out of bed to the ground.

After washing his face with cold water, he straightened out the forehead guard on the top of his head in front of the mirror, and walked out with confident steps and his head held high.

The sun was shining, and Uchiha Izumisui was walking alone on the way to the training ground.

In his pocket, he still carried the shuriken he used when cultivating.


, he felt a chill behind him,

and an aura of extreme danger welled up in his heart.

"It's not good, someone is following me!" Uchiha

Izumi's face changed, and he hurriedly turned around, the shuriken in his hand was ready to go.

"It's worthy of the genius of the Uchiha clan, and his sense of sensitivity is so keen..."

A figure emerged from the shadow on the side of the road, and his hands were still clapping.

"It turned out to be Orochimaru. "

What is he following me for?" Uchiha

Izumi's face softened a little, and he wondered in his heart.

But the shuriken in his hand is still in a state where it can be attacked at any time, and the writing wheel eye is ready to be opened at any time.

Although the current Orochimaru is still loyal to Konoha, it is impossible for him to dare to do it to himself in broad daylight.

But you still have to be vigilant and can't capsize in the gutter.

"Don't be nervous, boy.

"If I really wanted to do something to you, you wouldn't have been aware of my presence.

"And your shuriken and three-legged cat ninjutsu won't hurt me at all.

Orochimaru glanced at the shuriken in Uchiha Izumisui's hand.

After all, his reputation in the village has never been particularly good, and he knows this very well.

And last time this kid rejected me, I'm afraid I'm afraid I'll take revenge on him, haha.

Orochimaru also sensed the vigilance of the Uchiha Spring Water and took the initiative to speak to ease the atmosphere.


"Although he said that he had a chakra amount that surpassed ordinary ninja, the ninjutsu he learned was also peerless among his peers.

"But in front of Orochimaru, who has a powerful ninjutsu and rich experience in actual combat, it still seems insignificant.

The Uchiha Izumi nodded slightly, and put the shuriken back in his pocket.

Seeing this, Orochimaru showed his seeming smile, and walked unhurriedly, approaching the Uchiha Spring, and said meaningfully, "I know that the Uchiha Spring,

you really want to learn ninjutsu now.

"But it has always limited your growth in the village, and with your ninja talent, it shouldn't just be buried here, your future should be a broader stage outside.

"In Konoha, apart from yourself, I'm afraid that with your talent, there are not many people who can teach you.

"So, if you want to learn ninjutsu with me, you should think carefully about it yourself.

Orochimaru's words silenced the Uchiha Spring, his face was embarrassed, and he fell into deep thought.

"What Orochimaru said is indeed not without some truth. "

Uchiha Izumi himself knows that he has a simplification system.

No matter what kind of ninjutsu it is, it can be learned very quickly.

And the basic ninjutsu of the Uchiha clan, I'm afraid it won't take much time for me to learn it all.

And those more advanced high-level ninjutsu are not accessible with their current status and strength.

In the future, it will definitely enter the stage of lack of ninjutsu, and the improvement of his strength will be greatly limited at that time.

And in Konoha who has mastered the most ninjutsu, except for the Ape Flying Sun Slash, there is only Orochimaru.

But the three generations of Hokage apes flew to the sun, even if he offered to worship him as a teacher, he didn't agree to say it first.

And he is now in charge of dealing with the big and small matters of the Konoha Three Ninja Front, and he is so busy that he has no time to take care of himself, let alone the time and energy to teach himself ninjutsu.

So now Konoha himself is the most suitable candidate for apprenticeship, and only Orochimaru is him.

After all, Orochimaru's original pursuit of eternal life was to learn all the ninjutsu!

Although Orochimaru was very dangerous, the future generations would judge Konoha and deceive the teacher and destroy the ancestors.

But at least he's still a few, and he hasn't done anything out of the ordinary.

"I'm careful, it'll be fine. "

Give it a go

, a bicycle becomes a motorcycle!" "

Bet on it, a motorcycle becomes a Land Rover!" Uchiha

Izumizui looked at Orochimaru with firm eyes, ninja is like this, it can't always be smooth sailing, and his voice said in a sonorous voice: "I am willing to follow Orochimaru to learn ninjutsu!"

"Okay! good! good!".

Orochimaru was overjoyed suddenly, his eyes flashed with joy, and he couldn't help but say three good words in succession.

I thought that if I wanted to convince the arrogant genius of the Uchiha clan, I would have to waste my tongue again.

I didn't expect it to be so easy to win!

From now on, there will be another genius on my scientific research path to help, and it will be like a tiger with wings!"

"Spring water, you will come to the laboratory to find me tomorrow."

"I'm sure you won't regret your decision today.

Orochimaru gently patted Uchiha Izumizu's shoulder and turned to leave.

He's going to go now and prepare some suitable ninjutsu for his own student.

"What should I teach him?" Uchiha

Izumi looked at the back of Orochimaru leaving, secretly looking forward to it.

"In the future, I may be able to learn a lot of good things from Orochimaru.

"After all, Orochimaru can be said to be the number one scientist in the ninja world!"

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