The Uchiha Izumizui stared with eyes on Orochimaru's departing back until he completely disappeared at the end of the road.

"Don't think about it yet, I need to go and practice ninjutsu quickly.

"In these turbulent times, every second counts, and the more skilled you are, the better!" Uchiha

Izumisui shook his head, interrupting the thoughts in his mind.

Take a deep breath and continue your journey to the training ground.

Time is like an arrow, the sun and the moon are like a shuttle.


An afternoon passed.

The sun is setting, illuminated by the afterglow of the setting sun.

Uchiha Izumizu dragged his tired body back home in sweat.

He also had a few slight scratches on his face, and at first glance, he was accidentally scratched by a shuriken.

"After an afternoon of training, I could feel it clearly.

"When I started ninjutsu by myself, I was obviously much more proficient than in the morning.

"Although the system brings me the proficiency of B-level fire escape mastery, I still have a lot of room for improvement in the application of shuriken and the control of chakra.

"After all, mastery isn't the most perfect realm. The

Uchiha Izumi sat at the dining table, gulping down the rice as he thought about it in his head.

"Eat slowly, eat slowly.

"Be careful, don't choke.

Uchiha Mikoto on the side looked at her son's talent and training so hard, and her eyes were both relieved and distressed.

But as a mother, all she can do is support her children unconditionally.

As well as taking care of the spring water, his food, clothing, and daily life, so that he can have a healthy body and mind.

After the meal, the Uchiha Izumi returned to the room.

Although he was physically and mentally exhausted, he did not lie down immediately.

Instead, sit cross-legged on the bed.

Uchiha spring water He watched the moon rise outside the window and hung on the branches.

"I've been consciously or unconsciously controlling my sleep schedule for all this time.

"It's been so long, and the writing wheel eye should be about to evolve. "

It's decided, I won't sleep tonight!" Uchiha

Izumizu thought that he would stay up all night to see if he could open the double hook jade writing wheel eye.

So he continued to dig out a book "How to Make Tsunade Fall in Love with Me" from under the bed, a romance and bloody novel written by Jiraiya.

In the moonlight, I flipped through it with relish....

In the dead of night, the stars and moon dimmed.

In the pitch-black courtyard, only the room of the Uchiha Izumi was still dimly lit.

There was a rustle of books inside, but it stopped just when it was already a little dark.

There was only a thin snoring sound, and the Uchiha Izumizu was exhausted from a day's training, and he lay groggily on the table and fell asleep....

The next morning, a rooster crow, breaking the quiet morning, also woke up the sleeping Uchiha spring water.


"I actually fell asleep, it seems that my physical fitness needs to be strengthened, and physical training must be put on the agenda."

The Uchiha Izumi rubbed his eyes sleepily and opened them.

Then, he was surprised to find that the scenery outside the window was clearer than before, as if he had clairvoyance.

The wind blows the green leaves, the birds spread their wings, and the speed of movement in their eyes becomes incomparably slower.

You can even see mosquitoes and flies flapping their wings from a distance of 100 meters.

"It must have turned on the double hook jade!" Uchiha

Izumi hurriedly came to the mirror and looked at his eyes.

The appearance is not much different from the previous single hook jade writing wheel eye.

It's just that there is another black magatama in his eyes, which keeps spinning.


!" "Now my strength has improved a lot!"

"The double hook jade has already come, the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, will it be far away?"

Uchiha Izumizui was triumphant in his heart, his eyebrows fluttered, and he suddenly swept away his sleepiness


He looked at himself in the mirror and was surprised to see that he could still observe the flow of chakra in his body.

It turns out that the double hook jade writing wheel eye can not only improve eyesight, but also slow down the movement speed of enemies.

You can also observe the flow of chakra, as well as the ninjutsu of replicators and blood inheritance boundaries.

It is precisely for this reason that Kasisi Hagi was later known as the "Copy Ninja" and shook the ninja world!

"Now I can do it myself!" "

So this is the power of the Sharingan!"

"But the current Twin Hook Jade is only the tip of the iceberg of the power of

the Sharingan."

"In the future, there will be a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye and the most powerful writing wheel eye, waiting for me!"

Uchiha Izumizumi muttered to himself, deciding to work harder to open his eyes in the future! Stay up late!

He now clearly felt that his strength had become stronger, and his whole person was full of confidence and the unique domineering spirit of the Uchiha


I opened the double hook jade writing wheel eye.

In this way, in Orochimaru's place, he also has some means to deal with it.

Although Orochimaru has done a lot of evil, in terms of his master's qualifications, he is just as dedicated a master as Jiraiya.

Because in later life, he not only trained Sasuke very well, but also left a good foundation in teaching Sasuke the analysis and strategy of his ability to face the enemy.

I don't know what Uncle Snake will teach himself today?

You know, Orochimaru has studied ordinary ninjutsu, forbidden arts, illusions, spell seals, spiritisms, seals, etc.

"Especially the

Immortal Mode!"

"Although Orochimaru has not learned the Immortal Mode, he has always mastered the Immortal Mode very well, and he knows very well what the Immortal Mode is.

"I have a simplified system, Uncle Snake can't learn it, it doesn't mean I can't learn it."

Thinking of this, Uchiha Izumi's eyes were full of yearning, he knew very well the power of the immortal mode.

"Senjin Mode" is a form mode that absorbs a certain amount of natural energy to create a "Senjutsu Chakra", a state in which natural energy can be used.

This state can be used to enhance attack and defense with the help of natural energy.

At the same time, you can use natural energy to increase the range and perception of physical attacks, and you can also increase the power of your own ninjutsu, physical arts, and illusions by leaps and bounds.

It can also deal irreparable damage to the Ten Tails and its human pillar force, and eyeshadow will appear in the corner of the eye after successfully using the Immortal Mode.

First of all, the cultivator himself possessed a large amount of chakra, and if he didn't, he would have been swallowed up by the forces of nature.

Secondly, it is necessary to learn how to absorb the energy of nature.

For example

, Naruto is in Mt. Myoki, and the steps to learn the immortal mode are to first master the trick of absorbing natural energy with toad oil, and after getting used to it, you don't have to use anything, and start the practice of controlling natural energy, that is,

"not moving" to absorb natural energy.

Again, one of the criteria of the immortal model is: only with the perseverance to never give up can you become an immortal.

It's a pity that I don't know the principle of activating the Immortal Mode, otherwise maybe there is a simplified system, and you can cultivate by yourself.

The look of anticipation on the face of the Uchiha Izumi could not be hidden.

"I can't wait to see Uncle Snake now!".

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