
?" "Chakra's morphological and qualitative changes?"

"What is that, I've never heard of it."

The Uchiha Izumi scratched the back of his head and looked at Orochimaru, who had a serious and serious face.

Although he himself grew up living in the Uchiha clan.

But after all, he was still young, and the elders of the clan had taught him such profound knowledge.

I don't know exactly how to use chakra, let alone what changes in form and nature are.

Now that I can achieve such an achievement, it is completely dependent on the system to constantly simplify my cultivation.

Now that he is practicing with Uncle Snake, he can just make up for his shortcomings in this regard.

Uchiha Izumi thought to himself, and shook his head at Orochimaru with a confused face.

Seeing this, Orochimaru also took it for granted.

This kid is still too young, and his understanding of Chakra is still too shallow.

Today, I will teach him a lesson in Uchiha spring water.

The next moment, Orochimaru's gaze became solemn, a serious expression appeared on his pale face, and he spoke

, "Generally speaking, chakra can undergo two kinds of changes:

nature change and form change.

"There is a clear difference between the two changes. "

The change in the form of the chakra is to release the chakra for use, and after the chakra is released, the user needs to precisely adjust the shape of the chakra to use. "

I'll give you an example: the normal fire escape is the flame, if the fire escape is compressed and spiraled, what kind of changes will occur?"

Uchiha Izumi's pupils shrank suddenly, and the whole person couldn't help but be stunned.


this a high-temperature ray?

If the fire is released at one point, its power will be greatly enhanced.

The Uchiha spring water suddenly felt that his mouth suddenly opened, like an initiation, and he didn't wait for him to continue thinking.

Orochimaru looked at the Uchiha spring water and continued to say goodbye.

"And the nature change is to convert the attributeless chakra into the ninjutsu attribute that he will use when he mobilizes and refines it in his body.

"For example, the transformation of chakra into fire escape is to change the attributeless chakra into the chakra of fire attribute, which is the change of nature.

"Chakra has seven natures, namely fire, water, wind, thunder, earth, yin, and yang.

"Among them, fire, water, wind, thunder, and earth are the five natures. "

Fire: It can make everything it touches set on fire, and it is like a flame-like high-heat chakra, and it also has the added effect of making the target of the attack set on fire.

"Wind: Able to cut through anything, chakra like a blade, can act on special ninja equipment or jutsu, and exert its strongest attack power at close and medium distances.

"Thunder: Easy to spread, suitable for medium and long-range combinations, when used on metal weapons, it can increase the lethality and add an electric shock effect. "

Earth: Changing the hardness or properties of the composition of things, a master can make a technique or object as strong as copper and iron or as soft as clay. "

Water: Suitable for a variety of morphological combinations, it can turn into a mist to hide their whereabouts, or turn into a tsunami to stop the enemy from moving forward, and the auxiliary effect is better.

Speaking of this, Orochimaru paused and lowered his head to look at the Uchiha spring water.

"Your Uchiha clan is generally based on fire, but ordinary ninjas don't have only one nature. "

Come along, take you to test the chakra's attributes.

Orochimaru beckoned to the Uchiha Spring.

As soon as he entered the house, the Uchiha Izumizu cast a vigilant gaze and looked around, the space was not large, and the decoration was no different from that of an ordinary home.

Sofas, dining tables, pots and pans, everything.

"Is this Uncle Snake's laboratory?" Orochimaru

ignored Uchiha Izumizu's puzzled gaze and walked straight to a two-person tall bookshelf and pulled out a few books unhurriedly.

With Orochimaru this draw out the last book.

"Boom. The

huge bookshelves moved slowly, revealing a dark passageway.

It's July and the sun is scorching.

The Uchiha Izumi was stunned, and he could feel a cold and biting cold wind gushing out of the passage, making his hair stand on his back.


"It turns out that the real laboratory is being built in a basement in the dark. The

Uchiha Izumi's eyes widened, his eyes full of shock.

He knew very well that the scientific research experiments carried out in Orochimaru's laboratory were almost all the highest level secrets of Konoha.

It's perfect to hide it from enemy ninjas by hiding it from enemy ninjas.

"Come in. "

That's where we learn ninjutsu in the future. The

two of them entered one after the other, and in the passage they entered, the bookcase was also slowly closed at this time, no different from before.

There are no clues in the outside world.

As soon as the Uchiha Spring stepped into the passage, he felt the temperature around him plummet.

In the gloomy passageway, the oil lamps on the walls on both sides were faintly lit, and the air was filled with cold imprints.

But the further down you go, the brighter the light becomes.

Soon, the passage came to an end, and the two slowly walked out of the passage.

What caught my eye was a cylindrical glass jar filled with an unknown green liquid, more than a person tall.

They were all neatly arranged in the laboratory, and the jars contained all sorts of strangely shaped creatures.

A three-headed snake, a turtle with a bird's head and a shell, a fish with eight eyes...

The Uchiha Izumi looked as he walked, looking around, his eyes full of curiosity.

Orochimaru came to a drawer and took out a palm-sized, yellowish rectangular piece of tissue paper and handed it to the Uchiha Izumi.

"This is the test paper for testing the attributes of the chakra, you only need to control the chakra to release slightly from your hand, and you can test your chakra attributes.

"If you have a fire chakra: it will make the paper burn.

Wind Property: Causes the paper to break in half.

Thunder Properties: The paper will crumple off.

Earth Properties: Causes paper to shred.

Water Properties: Will make the paper wet.

Uchiha Izumizumi's face straightened, and he reached out to take the test paper.

Uchiha Izumi: He felt that the test paper felt no different from ordinary paper.

"How many chakra attributes do you have?"

"Three, or five?"

Uchiha Izumi water,

he wondered in his heart.

He also began to control the chakra in his body, slowly flowing from the center of his body to his fingertips.

The next moment!

The familiar mechanical voice in his head sounded again.

[Check to test

Chakra Properties!] [Simplifying Chakra Properties, Simplifying Success!]

[Simplifying: Chakra Full Attributes!].

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