"Isn't it??"

"Full attribute chakra?!"

"The system can even simplify the nature of chakra, this is really too rebellious!" Uchiha

Izumi's pupils shrank suddenly, and his heart suddenly set off a storm, and the depths of his eyes were full of shock.

You know, people who have full attribute chakra.

Whether it's in Konoha or looking at the entire ninja world, it's a rare existence.

Not to mention, fire, water, wind, thunder, earth, yin, and yang are the owners of the seven full attributes.

Chakra, which can possess the five attributes of fire, water, wind, thunder, and earth, is already a genius in a thousand!

In Konoha, only peerless geniuses such as Senjutsu, Ape Flying Sun, and Kakashi Hagi can have all the attributes of Chakra.

Each and every one of them, without exception, is an incredibly powerful ninja.

This is also the fundamental reason why they are able to learn a lot of ninjutsu.

And now that he has a chakra with all attributes, it means that he will be able to learn almost all ninjutsu in the future.

Especially with the simplified function of the system, it is only a matter of time before you want to master the ninjutsu no matter how difficult it is.

"I'd like to see it next. "

Do you really have a full-attribute chakra?"

Thinking of this, Uchiha Izumi was even more excited.

He immediately grabbed the test paper between his index and middle fingers, closed his eyes tightly, and the chakra in his body poured into the test paper.


Orochimaru's eyes narrowed, and he stood by and stared intently at the test paper in Uchiha Izumi's hand.

This test paper is made by absorbing a special kind of tree that grows chakra.

"I don't know what other kinds of chakra this kid will have besides the fire attribute?"

he secretly looked forward to in his heart.

You must know that to learn ninjutsu, the ninja must have the chakra of the corresponding attribute of ninjutsu in his body in order to cultivate.

It would be a pity if the Uchiha Spring Water only had two chakra attributes, and he wouldn't be able to learn all the ninjutsu.

After all, he has a talent for comprehending and creating ninjutsu, and even he has to smack his tongue, and he is ashamed.

Under Orochimaru's longing gaze, the test paper in Uchiha Izumizui's hand gradually changed.


The top of the off-white test paper gradually becomes wet.

The next second,

on the test paper, it was as if a sudden downpour had fallen.

The water element chakra wets all the test paper in an instant.

The oozing water was still dripping onto the floor, making a "tick, tick" sound.

With the Uchiha spring water as the center, the air around him became damp, making the basement, which was already unseen, even colder.

"That's right, water attribute chakra.

A glimmer of light flashed in Orochimaru's eyes, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

He knows about the ninjutsu of the water attribute chakra, which is both offensive and defensive, and also has a better auxiliary effect.

And there are many kinds of water escapes, with all kinds of ninjutsu.

For example:

Offensive Water Escape - Water Escape Water Dragon Bullet Technique

, Defensive Type

- Water Escape Water Array Wall, Confusing the Enemy - Water Escape - Fog Concealment Technique,

Binding Enemy - Water Escape Water Prison Technique, etc.

Among the five attribute retreats, water retreats from fire, but is restrained by earth.

Orochimaru also thought of those powerful water escape ninjas at the same time: the second generation of Hokage Senju, the second generation of Water Shadow Ghost Lantern Phantom Moon, etc....

Before Orochimaru could say his praise, Uchiha Izumizu opened his eyes and quickly pulled out a chakra test paper from the drawer.

"Although the chakra of the water attribute is very powerful.

"But that's not enough, I'll have to see if there are any other attributes." The

Uchiha Izumi continued to hold the test paper between his fingers and deliver chakra to his fingertips.

And this time the reaction of the test paper was completely different from the last time.


In an instant, the test paper was neatly split in two.

It was evenly divided into two halves, as if it had been slashed by a sharp blade.

"Whirring" twice, and the calm laboratory inexplicably set off a breeze.

Gently blow the ends of the hair of Uchiha Spring Water and Orochimaru to blow in the breeze.

"Three attributes

!" "Uchiha Spring Water, he actually has the chakra of fire, water, and wind at the same time!"


suddenly showed surprise on his face, and his heart was overjoyed.

This kid really didn't disappoint me, and he has three chakra attributes.

can have three chakra attributes at the same time.,It's also the best among the Konoha ninjas.。

Moreover, his third attribute is still a wind attribute with good attack power and penetrating power!

With his unusual talent, he is destined to be ordinary in the future.

"It turns out that my third chakra attribute is wind!" Uchiha

Izumi's eyes widened, and he was also happy in his heart.

The ninjutsu corresponding to his wind attribute is collectively called Wind Escape, which is to attack or defend by condensing the wind attribute chakra.

Wind Escape has a cutting effect, and in close combat, the caster can inject Wind Escape Chakra into the Ninja Gear to use.

Wind Escape can defeat Thunder with cutting power, but it can amplify the effect of Fire Escape.

You must know that the "Wind Escape Spiral Shuriken" invented by Naruto in later generations can be said to be one of the techniques that can best reflect the characteristics of Wind Escape.

Thin and sharp!

Naruto's infusion of his own wind-attributed chakra into the Spiral Pill, and then transformed into a shuriken shape through form change, was Naruto's original special move, and later became Naruto's common move.

There are many more ninjutsu with wind attributes, such as: Wind Escape, Wind Blade, Wind Escape, Vacuum Jade, Wind Escape, Sickle and so on...

But now is not the time to think about it yourself, there are still two major attributes of chakra that have not been tested.

Under Orochimaru's expectant gaze, Uchiha Izumi pulled out a fourth test paper.

He likewise condensed the chakra to his fingertips.

The next moment,

the test paper turned brown and yellow, and the paper was covered with cobweb-like cracks that crumbled as quickly as dry soil.

It turned into tiny yellow particles and scattered on the ground.


"It's actually four attributes!?"

"This Uchiha spring water is really a genius like no other!" Orochimaru

stared at the Uchiha spring water.

He knew that ninjas with four attributes were already extremely rare.

What's more, Uchiha Izumi also has such a terrifying ninja talent.

It's really a dragon and a phoenix among people!

, although this earth attribute doesn't have as powerful attack power as fire and wind attributes.

However, the earth escape corresponding to the earth attribute is the strongest defense technique in the ninja world!

The earth escape ninjutsu is one of the best ninjutsu in Iwakuin Village, which is to use chakra changes to create dirt rocks, use the mud rocks in nature or strengthen the strength to attack the enemy.

Tu Dun is generally based on physical arts, and ninjutsu is supplemented by defense and ninjutsu.

Tu Dun overcomes the water escape, but is restrained by the thunder escape, but the combination of the earth escape and the water escape can perform the technique of wood escape.

"But this kid of Uchiha Spring, is it a chakra with all the attributes?"

Orochimaru will wait and see what Uchiha Spring's performance will be...

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