Orochimaru brought the Uchiha spring water to an area of the training ground, which was open without equipment and relatively spacious, suitable for initiating ninjutsu.

And the stable and sturdy metal structure of this training ground does not have to worry about safety at all.

"Presumably Uncle Snake is too, and he often practices fire escape here.

The Uchiha Izumi raised his head as he walked, looking around with a curious gaze.

"The walls were full of traces of flames.

The Uchiha Izumi saw that the walls around this clearing were visibly scorched black, and he couldn't help but say in his heart.


Orochimaru also stopped, turned his head, took a deep look at the Uchiha Spring, and said

, "Next,

you can take a good look. "

What kind of fire escape do you want to show this kid for the

first time?

The first time you show your strength in front of him, it must not be too weak ninjutsu.

There you have it,

let's start that fire escape...

The Uchiha spring water also immediately understood, and stood in place, waiting with bated breath.

He was looking forward to it....

"I don't know, Uncle Snake, what kind of fire escape will he perform?"

"If you improve your fire escape proficiency at the same time, you can also take the opportunity to learn some ninjutsu..."

Orochimaru was facing the wall, his calves slightly flexed, and his upper body habitually tilted back.

His hands were now rapidly sealed, so fast that only afterimages could be seen.

Just as his last handprint was over.

"Fire Escape: Fire Flame Dragon Bullet!" Orochimaru


As soon as the words fell, I saw the sides of his cheeks bulging slightly.

The next second.

A fiery flame erupted from his mouth, extremely fast, dancing in the air like a raging fire dragon.

After this fire dragon rushed forward for more than ten meters, it turned into three flames in an instant.

Forward, left, and right.

Each flame was powerful and violent, and it took more than twenty meters to stop and dissipate into the air with a rolling heat wave.

At this moment, the ventilation machine located on the ceiling was also "buzzing" at this time.

The blades rotated rapidly, and the smoke generated when the flame burned kept out.

At the same time, fresh air is constantly being poured into the basement.

Several shower-style water guns also turned on their sprinklers at this time and began to spray soybean-sized water streams, extinguishing the remaining flames and making a squeaky sound.

All equipment is started in an instant.

"It's actually

a fire dragon flame bomb!" "I didn't expect Uncle Snake to be even more powerful than I imagined!" "

Not only has he mastered a lot of ninjutsu, but he has also unleashed such a power on this B-level fire escape!"


Izumi couldn't help but be stunned when he looked at the terrifying fire dragon in the sky that covered the sky and the sun.

His eyes were full of shock, and his heart was full of emotion.

Although it is said that Uncle Snake is one of the "Konoha Three Ninjas", a powerful ninja who is understandable.

But most of the ninjutsu shown in the original book is related to his self-created snake escape.

Either a man spits out a snake, or a snake spits out a man.

But Uchiha Springs thought about it.


After all, Uncle Snake's pursuit at the beginning was to learn all the ninjutsu in the ninja world and master all ninjutsu thoroughly.

It's just that in the Second Ninja World War.

He saw with his own eyes that Tsunado's younger brother, Rope Tree, had strayed into a detonation trap and was killed.

It was also from this time that he discovered that ordinary people's lives were too fragile, so he pursued the art of immortality.

Begin to gradually conduct some indescribable human experiments.


Although his ambitions have changed.

But Uncle Snake knows a lot of ninjutsu, and there is no need to question it.

It can even be on par with ninjutsu library-level characters like Sarutobi Hizashi and Kakashi Hachiki.

In the original book, the snake ninja is depicted, and it may also be because his hands were sealed during the fight with Sarutobi.

You must know that for ninjas, the hands are more important than life, because the seal through the hands is the prerequisite for ninjutsu to be launched.

So the three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun Slash failed to use the "Ghoul Seal" to seal Orochimaru.

Chose to scrap Orochimaru's hands to limit Orochimaru's abilities, so that all the ninjutsu that Orochimaru had learned before could not be used.

Orochimaru was also limited in strength after this station, and he was quiet for a long time.

"It seems that there is still a big gap between myself and the real strong. "

With my current strength, it is far from enough to protect myself in front of Uncle Snake..."

At this time, Uchiha Izumi was also deeply aware of the gap between himself and Orochimaru, and a sense of insignificance suddenly came to his heart.

The eyes that looked at Orochimaru became more vigilant.

At the same time, it also made his desire for great power even stronger.

"Proficiency +5%..."

At this moment, the cold mechanical sound of the system suddenly sounded in the mind of Uchiha Izumisui.


?" "5%?"


Izumizui was stunned for a moment, and was immediately surprised.

This time, watching Uncle Snake launch a fire escape, it actually increased by 5% at a time!

The increase in the proficiency of the fire escape is related to the level of the fire escape that he has seen?

Uchiha Izumizu thought back that although he could also gain proficiency when he watched the sun, he could also gain proficiency, but it was very rare.

Moreover, I used to see that the fire escapes used by my parents were all C-level, but now the ninjutsu used by Uncle Snake is B-level!

Although the difficulty coefficient is not as good as the A- and S-level ninjutsu, it is more than enough for his current strength.

It should be the reason.

The Uchiha spring water was overjoyed, and the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously.

"Keep going at this pace and keep improving.

"As long as you watch the fire escape launched by Uncle Snake a few more times, I believe that I will soon be able to reach 100%

!" "That's the change in form and nature of the fire escape!"


Izumi suppressed the excitement in his heart, and stared at Orochimaru with a blazing gaze.

"Orochimaru-sensei, I don't think it's enough.

"I didn't see the essence of this fire escape.

"Excuse me, launch it a few more times for me.

Orochimaru nodded, with a look of reason on his face.

That's right.

After all, this is a B-level ninjutsu, and you can't easily learn it as a little kid.

I'll show you a few more times.

So, Orochimaru continued to demonstrate the fire escape several times: Fire Dragon Flame Bomb.

A series of fiery dragons were as powerful as before.

The Uchiha Izumizumi's fire escape proficiency in his mind is also improving.

"+5%, +5%..."

60%!" "

It's 60% so soon!" After

a few moments, the Uchiha Izumi's proficiency in fire escape reached 60%.

Suddenly, a wave of perception and cultivation experience of fire escape poured into the mind of Uchiha Spring.

He could now clearly feel that his control over the fire attribute chakra was clearer.

It was as if I had turned into a blazing flame all over my body, and I felt like I was one with the flames.

The pleasure brought by this kind of strength improvement is simply not too refreshing!

Uchiha Izumi closed his eyes slightly and realized.

"It turns out that this is the feeling of being proficient

in A-level Fire Escape!" "

It means that I have mastered the ability to activate A-level Ninjutsu in Fire Escape Ninjutsu." "

As long as you know about the seal, you can activate it directly!"

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