Underground laboratory.

In the metal training ground, the flames soared into the sky, and the air was filled with a scorching breath.

Orochimaru is still demonstrating "Fire Escape: Fire Dragon Flame Bomb".

Like a tireless Gatling, he spits fire dragon without stopping.

But Orochimaru still doesn't mean that he lacks stamina, and it still looks like the fire is raging.

"The amount of chakra in Uncle Snake's body is probably also very terrifying, more than several times that of ordinary forbearance. The

Uchiha spring water on the side also smacked his tongue secretly, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"Although the Fire Dragon Flame Bullet is only a B-level ninjutsu, this kind of ninjutsu is nothing to a powerhouse of his level.

"But seeing that Uncle Snake has launched it so many times, and he can still change his face without changing his color, and change to an ordinary ninja, I'm afraid that the chakra in his body has long been depleted.

"Whether it is the talent for learning ninjutsu or the total amount of chakra in his body, it all reflects Uncle Snake's strong strength and fine control over the chakra consumed by ninjutsu.

While he was amazed by the Uchiha spring water, in his mind, the system was still emitting mechanical prompts.

"+5%, +5%..."

"Cool!" "This feeling is amazing!"


I can now clearly perceive that my proficiency in fire escape is increasing. "

Uchiha Spring Water, his proficiency in fire escape is increasing at a speed that is visible to the naked eye.

A steady stream of fire escape consciousness kept pouring into Uchiha Izumi's mind, deeply remembered in the depths of his brain.

Everything seems to be natural, as if it is all the perception he has gained through his own hard work, and there is no strangeness.

As long as he is allowed to watch the S-level Fire Escape now, I'm afraid he will be able to successfully launch it without any practice!

On the other side, the big snake pill also stopped the seal movement in his hand, his face was still as pale as ever, and he didn't even breathe.

I don't see any struggling.

He turned his head and looked faintly at the Uchiha Spring, as if there was a little pride in his eyes.


"Why is this kid's eyes empty, and he looks like he has never seen the world." "

I must have been shocked by the terrifying power of my ninjutsu.

Orochimaru couldn't help but say triumphantly in his heart.

Also, after all, his mastery and power of Fire Escape.

Even compared to his father, Uchiha Fugaku, the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, he can do more than that.

For ninjutsu, Orochimaru is still full of confidence in himself.

At this time, he showed his strength in front of the Uchiha Spring, and raised his eyebrows, making him realize the gap between himself and me.

In the future, he, a genius, will definitely restrain his mind and learn ninjutsu with himself.

But I still haven't figured it out yet, this kid from Uchiha Izumizu asked me to demonstrate what so many fire escapes do.

Orochimaru opened his mouth and asked, "Quanshui, you have been watching the fire escape for so long. "

What's the catch?"

At this moment, the Uchiha spring water was still immersed in the joy of improving his strength.

In his mind, the fire escape proficiency had reached 80%.

To know, according to the system's explanation.

80% proficiency is even an S-level fire escape

! As long as you know the seal hand style, you can easily activate it directly through oral complaints!

It seems that it is a very correct decision to learn ninjutsu from Uncle Snake.

In such a short period of time, he has improved his proficiency in fire escape to such a level.

Now, in terms of Huo Dun's attainments, I am afraid that there are few people who can compare with him.

After all, S-level ninjutsu is the most difficult to learn except for forbidden arts.

It can also be called "Mystery Level"!

A ninja with ordinary talents, no matter how much talent and effort he puts in, is not a super ninjutsu that can definitely be learned.

It usually takes some specific conditions or special abilities to master.

And now he has simply watched the fire escape a few times, and he has already reached this realm

! It is simply not too against the sky!

Just when the Uchiha spring water is immersed in the great joy brought by the improvement of his own strength.

was interrupted by Orochimaru's words, and he was pulled back to reality, but his eyes still flashed with excitement.

He looked up at Orochimaru, and said in a trembling voice

, "Orochimaru-sensei, it's almost

there!" "I feel..." "I'm

about to learn to change form!" Orochimaru

was stunned for a moment, and the whole person was stupid in place.

"Huh?" he

couldn't help but open his mouth wide, and he was dumbfounded.

"You're going to learn how to change shape?"

"If you don't try a single attempt, you're going to learn."

"Are you kidding?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Orochimaru shook his head violently, his eyes full of disbelief.

You must know that the change of form is the ultimate change in ninjutsu, and it is the top means to increase the power of ninjutsu.

This kind of ability, without three years and five years of penance, is not fundamentally mastered, even if he is extremely talented in Uchiha Spring, it is impossible to learn it in such a short time!

You know, he has also experienced countless exercises and battles.

Uchiha Izumi is simply whimsical, it seems that he is still too young to experience the beating of society.

The journey was smooth, and I don't know what it means to be frustrated and bottlenecked in cultivation!

Since the Uchiha spring water said that he was about to learn, I want to explore his reality and reality.

Orochimaru fixed his mind, and the Uchiha Spring Water with solemn eyes in his eyes spoke, "Uchiha Spring Water,

what did you learn from the fire escape I just demonstrated?"

"Let me see." The

Uchiha Izumisui also nodded, and it seemed that he still had to prove himself with his actions.

Otherwise, Uncle Snake would not be willing to continue to demonstrate ninjutsu to me, where would he find such an efficient method of improving the proficiency of Huo Dun.

The Uchiha Spring Water directly shouted: "Fire Escape, Fire Dragon Flame Bomb!" The

next moment, a flame like a raging fire dragon burst out from the Uchiha Spring Water


The fire dragon not far away, with the control of the Uchiha spring water, turned into three flames and dissipated in the air.

Suddenly, a heat wave came to the face, and the temperature in the room rose a lot.

Unlike other fire escape ninjutsu such as Hao Fireball, the Fire Dragon Flame Bullet can make the attack range of the flame very wide, a full width of dozens of meters.

In fact, it was just when Orochimaru demonstrated ninjutsu.

Uchiha Spring Water He has already seen through the hand style of the "Fire Escape Fire Dragon Flame Bullet" seal, and there are seven hand styles respectively: Wei-Wu-巳-Chen-Zi-Chou-Yin.

Although he didn't dare to open the Sharingan in front of Orochimaru just now, his eyesight and perception ability were also subtly affected by the evolution of the Sharingan.

You don't need to open your eyes, you can barely see the hand style of the Great Snake Pill when it is sealed.


"Fire Dragon Flame Bomb, you're going to do it!?"

Orochimaru's pupils shrank suddenly, and the puzzled look in his eyes suddenly turned into shock.

Just watch it a few times!

He learned it directly?

This Fire Escape Fire Dragon Flame Bomb, although it is only B-level, corresponds to a strong person at the upper ninja level.

Also, it is very difficult to get the flame to move according to the caster's wishes.

Only some skilled ninjas can learn it.

Generally speaking, it can only be learned by the upper ninja, and the Uchiha spring water can only be learned by the lower ninja?

Sure enough, he is a genius!

Maybe he can really realize his wishes!

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