In the empty training ground, there was silence, only the exhaust fans were still running and humming.

A slightly slender figure stood in the center of the field, muttering in a low voice.


"All I'm going to do is do the same as the initial change. "

Try to condense the chakra in your mouth and compress its fireball into lines

!" "The denser the chakra is, the better!"


Uchiha exhaled deeply, calming his mind and clarifying what to do next.

He held his breath and began to examine the chakra inside him.

"Fire Escape: The Art of the Howe Fireball!" Uchiha

Izumi muttered silently in his heart.

He went through this period of continuous release ninjutsu.

He was surprised to find that he could even do some simple ninjutsu without speaking.

If you meditate in your heart, you can successfully activate it.

At this moment, he could clearly perceive the Uchiha spring water.

The chakra in his body involuntarily rushed into his throat and mouth.

It is like a myriad of small streams and rivers that flow endlessly and eventually flow into the sea.

Strands of chakra, under the delicate control of the Uchiha spring water, fit tightly together.

As the chakra continued to pour in, the energy accumulated in the mouth of the Uchiha spring became more and more terrifying.

His cheeks were visibly swollen, and the tendons in his throat were also under tremendous pressure.

Soon, he reached the limit of what he could withstand with the Uchiha spring water.

A steady stream of chakras flowed into his mouth, as if he was about to get out of control and explode in his mouth!

Just as he was about to stop the output of chakras, it was too late.

The Uchiha Izumi found that he could no longer completely suppress the chakra, and it became more and more agitated in its mouth.

You must know that the chakra of the fire attribute is already very aggressive.

Compressing them together at this point makes them even more violent, as if a pile of flammable and explosive explosives is piled together, as if everything they come into contact with will burn out.

"Oh no

!" "Hold me down!"


Izumizu secretly screamed in his heart that it was not good, and he tried harder to control the chakra in his mouth.

Although, at present, the chakra has not yet been transformed into the form of surgery.

Even if it gets out of control, because it is a chakra that is produced by itself, the damage to oneself will not be life-threatening.

But I don't want to fail on the first attempt.

In the next second, at this critical juncture, a large amount of experience about compressing chakra instantly appeared in Uchiha Izumi's mind.


"Control the compression of the chakra, so that's it!" Suddenly

, the Uchiha spring water controlled the expansion rate of the chakra in his mouth, and compressed it again!

The chakra of the fire attribute also gradually stabilized, and it was no longer in a precarious state.

This sudden experience, like a rain from heaven, appeared in time, and successfully solved the urgent need of Uchiha spring water this time.

"This is the method of compressing the chakra!"

"It turns out that it has been in the perception that the system has brought to me the change of the form of the fire escape.

"It's just 100% fire escape proficiency, and for all the fire escape and chakra use, they contain too many experiences and feelings, and I won't have time to check it carefully for a while. "

I didn't expect it to pop out on its own at a moment of crisis!" Uchiha

Izumi's heart was pounding, and there was a feeling in his heart that he would be left behind.

Immediately afterward, the Uchiha spring water did not continue to compress the chakra.

Instead, he compressed the fireball technique in his mouth, which had stabilized it, and spewed out violently! In

an instant, a flame ray the thickness of a baby's arm shot out from his mouth at high speed.

The speed was outrageous, and I saw the flame rays cut through the air, making a burst of breaking sounds, and hitting the metal sandbags straight on!


The flames collided with the metal, producing an explosion that formed a huge roar.

It took a while before I stopped.

But with such a long breath of fire, the Uchiha spring water still did not change color after it was released.

Not even one percent of the chakra in his body was reached.

The smoke from the flames cleared, and the Uchiha Izumizumi walked to the metal sandbag with a look of unfinished eyes.

Want to see what the power of this compressed fire escape is?When

he got closer, Uchiha Izumi's eyes widened, and his eyes were full of surprise and shock.

He noticed a shallow groove in the metal surface of the sandbag.

Although there are not many people who fall into it, if it hits the enemy, it is terrible, and if you are not a master of physical arts, you will either be killed or injured.

You must know that one is a steel alloy and the other is flesh and blood, and the difference in the strength of the flesh can be described as a world of difference.

And the metal sandbags used to be blackened at best, but now they can do so to the point that they can do this, which is really amazing.

Uchiha Spring Visually, the attack range of Fire Escape is almost fifty percent less, but the penetration power has increased by more than three percent.

The power of the Fire Escape increases as the attack range decreases!

" I didn't expect the compressed Fire Escape to be so powerful that even the alloy could be dented into it!"

"Now the power of the Hao Fireball Technique, I'm afraid even the ordinary B-rank ninjutsu can't be matched."

"It seems that the higher the density of the compressed chakra, the higher the power of ninjutsu. However

, while the Uchiha spring water was happy, it was also very clear.

"It's not enough to just do that, the power hasn't really changed dramatically. "

It's not the final form of the morphological change.

"For example, Naruto's attributeless chakra, it's just a simple chakra, and through the change of form, it can burst out with an extremely terrifying spiral pill. "

That's the final form of the chakra form change

!" "I've just found the way now, and I have a long way to go!"


Izumizu kept replaying in his mind the process of launching the ninjutsu he had just launched.

Keep learning from experience and find out your own shortcomings.

I was not complacent because of a momentary fluke success.

However, the Uchiha Spring Water still had an irrepressible look of excitement on his face, and his heart was excited.

According to his previous theoretical ideas, it can be clearly seen through Fang Cai's practice.

Now, as a result of compressing the fire attribute chakra, the power of the fire escape has indeed been greatly improved.

This alone is enough to prove that you are on the right path.

It's just that the control of morphological changes is not skilled enough, and the idea is not perfect enough.

As long as I can persevere, I will definitely succeed

! I will definitely be able to complete the change of form!

The Uchiha spring water adjusts his breathing and cheers himself up.

"Keep going!"

"Let's go!".

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