on the training ground.


"The penetration power of the fire escape is still not enough now. "

Chakra continue to compress!" Uchiha

Izumizu muttered inwardly as he focused on compressing the chakra.

I saw that the flame rays full of terrifying aura were spewing out of his mouth one after another.

Each flame ray has a surprisingly high temperature due to the high density of its chakra.

The flames at the core even reached thousands of degrees, and even the air around the rays was distorted by the high temperature.

Although the range of the fire rays emitted by the Uchiha spring water is smaller and smaller each time, the penetration and power are greater and larger each time.

The orange-yellow flames gradually transformed into a fiery crimson, which was daunting.

The Uchiha Springs have learned from the past and learned a lot of experience.

After launching the fireball, when he felt the compressed fire attribute chakra, he was obviously much more proficient.

There were no more cases of chakras going out of control.

Condense, compress, and launch

! All in one go!

Rays of flame constantly streak through the air, making a "whoosh" sound.


after the Uchiha spring water persistently emitted dozens of hundreds of flame rays.

A ray of flame was successfully compressed to the thickness of an adult's little finger.

"Fortunately, the amount of chakra in my body is huge, far beyond the ordinary ninja.

"Although Hao's fireball technique is only a C-level fire escape, and the amount of chakra consumed is not much, but the continuous superposition, the total amount of chakra required is still very terrifying

!" "If it were an ordinary ninja, it would be impossible to continuously launch ninjutsu for such a long time, and it would be impossible to improve the skill of compressing chakra so quickly in such a short period of time!"

The theoretical knowledge that I have comprehended before is only limited to theory, and it still requires continuous practice to truly integrate it.

"This is the first time I've compressed it to such a high density!"

"I wonder how powerful it is?"

Uchiha Izumizumi was overjoyed and curious about the power of this ray.

Immediately after, he exerted a fierce force, and the flames in his mouth burst into the air.

The flame ray shot straight at the metal sandbag at lightning speed.

The next moment.


the flames collided with the metal, and the sound of a huge explosion was heard again, echoing in the closed training ground.

The flames went out, and the Uchiha Izumizu strode forward and took a closer look.

I only saw an unusually conspicuous pit on the metal sandbag, the size of an adult's thumb.

The surrounding metal was driven into a depression, a full two or three centimeters deep.

"Good guy, the power is actually more powerful than I imagined

!" "If it is compressed a little smaller, then the power of the fire escape will be even more terrifying!"


Uchiha Izumi couldn't contain the shock on his face.

He visually measured the fire escape he had launched this time, compared to the last time.

Although the attack range is almost eighty percent smaller, the penetration power has increased by about fifty percent, which is a great increase compared to before

! Just these few percent of the power change, but for the same ninjutsu, it is a qualitative change!

In future battles, it will definitely provide an immeasurable effect on the Uchiha spring water.

The Uchiha Izumi smacked his tongue as he looked at the pit on the sandbag, but he was still not satisfied.

Because he himself knows that even if the chakra is compressed to this extent.

When Fire Escape comes into contact with a metal sandbag, the penetration is increased.

But it will still explode, and in its true nature, it has not gotten rid of the traditional fireball technique at all.

This means that compressing the chakra alone is not enough to truly complete the final state of morphological change.

"How the hell do you have to change..."

"To reach the final form?"

Thinking of this, Uchiha Izumi couldn't help but frown and fell into deep thought.

Time flew by, and soon, half an hour passed.

The Uchiha Izumi was still scratching his ears and cheeks, puzzled, just when he was at a loss.

Suddenly, I had a flash of inspiration, like waking up from a dream!

"As a result of my attempt, I have come up with the final form that cannot be achieved by simply rotating the chakra or compressing the chakra.

"If you do both at the same time. "

So can the stability of the rotating chakra be combined with the penetrating properties of the compressed


"First compress the chakra into a flame ray, and then let it rotate, like a drill bit, with strong penetration and stability.

"When these two characteristics are combined, I'm afraid the power will be greatly increased again!" Thinking

of this, Uchiha Izumizui's eyes were full of excitement.

Isn't this just a rotating high-temperature ray, if it really works?

Isn't that power going against the sky?

Not to mention B-level ninjutsu, I'm afraid most A-level ninjutsu don't have this kind of power

! Uchiha Izumi immediately made a decision, just did what he said, and decided to practice the truth!

He quickly distanced himself from the metal sandbag so as not to injure himself by mistake.

As before, he controlled the chakra in his body to converge in his mouth.

The chakra kept pouring into his mouth, but he was quickly compressed and concentrated in one place by the Uchiha spring water.

He could clearly feel that he was now more and more comfortable with Chakra's form changes, and he was able to control it freely.

Soon, the chakra was compressed again to the thickness of an adult's little finger.

"Next, all I'm going to do is spin it!" Uchiha

Izumizu didn't dare to take the next step he was going to take lightly.

Although, now he can be said to be perfect in controlling Chakra's skills.

However, the high-density fire attribute chakra is still very easy to get out of control, and every step must be careful and no mistakes are allowed.

Otherwise, it would have been in vain!!

After a few moments, under the delicate control of the Uchiha spring water, the flame rays began to slowly spin in place.

Soon, the speed of rotation came to tens or hundreds of revolutions per second.

"It's almost at the limit, it's time to start!" Uchiha

Izumi felt that the chakra rotation speed in his mouth was about to reach the limit of what he could bear.

In the next second, a rapidly rotating flame ray burst out from the mouth of the Uchiha Spring!

It continued to rotate in the air, carrying the surrounding air with it, rolling up a small tornado.

In the blink of an eye, I was in front of the metal sandbag.

But just as it was about to collide with the sandbag, the flame ray suddenly fluctuated inside.

It exploded directly in the air and turned into thousands of sparks, like a brilliant firework blooming in the air!"

The Uchiha Izumi sighed lightly, not discouraged, but as a matter of course.

"As soon as I was charging up in my mouth, I guessed that this would happen.

"But with my proficiency in fire escape, I will definitely be able to master it!" "

Keep trying!".

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