One after another, high-density water bullets composed of fairy chakra and with extremely exaggerated diameters poured down like a rainstorm.

At the beginning, the Great Toad Sage showed its strength as the leader of Myoboku Mountain.

It is not without reason that the contractors of the three holy places cannot summon the Great Toad Sage, White Snake Sage, and Slug Sage.

If such a being appeared on the battlefield of the Ninja World War, it is likely that in a short period of time, it will bring a decisive victory to the contracting party.

At this moment, a rapid whistle continued to sound from the air.

Yuyi Xuanyue Samsara Eye swept.

Under insight, unlike the ninjutsu performed by others, the ninjutsu structure of the Great Toad Sage is very stable and has no flaws at all.

This means that it is impossible to break the ninjutsu with very little cost and let it disperse automatically.

What can be done now is either to take it hard or dodge.

Yuyi Xuanyue narrowed his eyes, and without wasting time, he dodged the water bombs as light as a swallow and approached the Great Toad Immortal at the fastest speed.

Just as the Great Toad Immortal landed on the ground again, he clapped his hands while still moving:

"Immortal Technique·Ice Stimulation Technique!"


The air around the Great Toad Immortal was instantly frozen, and its huge body was turned into an ice sculpture.

Knowing that this could only temporarily restrict the opponent, Yuyi Xuanyue stretched his palm behind him.

"Shinra Tensei!"

Ordinary Shinra Tensei or Wanxiang Tianyin had little effect on a behemoth like the Great Toad Immortal.

Yuyi Xuanyue only used this technique on himself at this moment.

With the help of the reaction force of Shinra Tensei, he suddenly increased his speed and appeared in front of the Great Toad Immortal in an instant.

At this time, the huge chakra of the immortal art in the body of the Great Toad Sage exploded, and the ice-stimulation technique that could completely freeze other people lasted only for a breath before it was completely shattered.

Thousands of beautiful ice crystals instantly scattered from the body of the Great Toad Sage.

Bathed in the rain of ice crystals, Yuyi Xuanyue leaped, stretched out his right hand, put his index finger and middle finger together, and covered it with the color of steel escape. With the strange power under the high-density chakra distribution, it was like an extremely sharp sword, carrying an unstoppable edge, pointing directly at the chest of the Great Toad Sage.

Although the Great Toad Sage's overly large body brought advantages in chakra volume, strength, and physique, it was slower in flexibility compared to Yuyi Xuanyue.

At this time, it was too late to dodge, but its expression remained unchanged.

The next moment.

Carrying a harsh sound wave, the sword pointed directly at the chest of the Great Toad Sage.

At this moment, Yuyi Xuanyue's expression changed slightly.

From the touch of the sword finger, he not only felt that the Great Toad Immortal's body was much harder than steel, but also felt a layer of slippery oil on the surface of his skin.

Although he adjusted the sword finger in time, part of the impact was still taken away by the oily surface of the Great Toad Immortal's skin.


Blood flew.

Under Yuyi Xuanyue's full-strength attack, the sword finger still penetrated the Great Toad Immortal's defense.

But after the latter's continuous attack and slashing, only a small hole was finally broken.

For a ninja, such an injury is absolutely fatal.

But for the huge Great Toad Immortal, it can only be considered a minor injury at most.

The wind is howling!

Before Yuyi Xuanyue can make any other moves, a huge frog palm has fallen from the sky and slapped him hard.

Yuyi Xuanyue looked up calmly, stretched out his other hand, and clenched his five fingers into a fist.


A heavy sonic boom that makes people panic exploded.

In midair, a fist and a frog palm that was more than ten times bigger than a human collided with each other.

The violent air wave completely erupted in the next second.

As the earth shook under the heavy load, the huge body of the Great Toad Immortal could not help but step back a few steps.

On the other side, Yuyi Xuanyue retreated even further.

However, both the man and the toad were not idle during this period.

"Lava Style: Lava River!"

"Water Style: High Pressure Wave!"

The high-temperature magma that was enough to melt everything gathered in front of Yuyi Xuanyue and rolled towards the Great Toad Immortal.

On the other side, the Great Toad Immortal spit out a super-high-pressure straight water column from his mouth. Compared with the water breaking wave of the Thousand Hands Tobirama, it was not only faster, but also much larger in scale.

Watching the super-high-pressure water column comparable to his own size from the mouth of the Great Toad Immortal penetrate the lava sea in the form of a point, he cut straight ahead of himself.

Yuyi Xuanyue's Samsara Eye moved, and he supported his hands, and performed the seal suction seal.

A transparent barrier appeared in front of him.

No matter how many super-high-pressure water columns came, they were all transformed into fairy chakra in front of the barrier and merged into his body.

Just as Yuyi Xuanyue was absorbing the fairy chakra to his heart's content for his own use.


A huge figure appeared beside him like a typhoon, extremely fast.

Yuyi Xuanyue's pupils shrank.

Because the water column blocked his vision, he did not pay attention to the movement in front of him when he used the sealing technique to attract.

I thought that the big toad immortal would be delayed by the lava escape.

But now!

He turned his head and saw that there was a lot of lava on his body. The big toad immortal rushed to him without changing his face, and the sound of "sizzling" high-temperature evaporation continued to sound on his skin.

"This old guy. The magic resistance is much higher than expected!"

With a sigh, Yuyi Xuanyue, who had no time to return to defense, was hit by the big toad's frog group. The whole person was like a cannonball, flying backwards in the fierce air friction.

After flying a hundred meters, Yuyi Xuanyue crashed headfirst into the huge deep pit formed by Mt. Myoboku.

With a "bang", another big pit was smashed on it. Seeing that he was about to continue to smash backwards like a skipping stone, Yuyi Xuanyue turned his body and fell down forcefully. He stepped hard on the ground with both feet and slid for nearly fifty meters before finally stopping.

Before he could catch his breath.

The Great Toad Immortal made a frog jump and directly crossed hundreds of meters. He instantly appeared above his head, and his huge body fell down swiftly like a mountain.


Before the Great Toad Immortal landed, the strong airflow that arrived first caused Yuyi Xuanyue to sink two fingers deep in the nearly fifty-meter radius of the ground.

At the same time, Yuyi Xuanyue felt an invisible rope on his body, which strongly restrained his movements.

"Shinra Tensei!"

Yurobe Xuanyue aimed his palm at the big toad sage who was falling from the sky, and flew out with a "whoosh" before the latter arrived.

The next moment.

The big toad sage landed.

The dust jumped into the sky like a long smoke.

A huge pit was smashed on the original site of Myoboku Mountain.

Soon, the dust that rushed straight into the sky gradually fell down, and with the strong wind that had not yet subsided.

The violent sandstorm quickly submerged Yurobe Xuanyue and the big toad sage.

Yurobe Xuanyue slowly stood up, ignoring the wind and sand, and the Samsara Eye looked directly at the huge chakra aggregate opposite.

Similarly, the big toad sage with similar means clearly sensed Yurobe Xuanyue's every move.

As the man and the toad looked at each other, the battlefield fell silent.

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