The wind and sand come and go quickly.

After a few breaths, Hagoromo Xuanyue looked at the Great Toad Sage again, and the whole picture of the other party was revealed before his eyes.


Some of the molten lava is still stuck on the body of the Great Toad Immortal.

The Great Toad Immortal shook his body casually, and lava quickly fell from his body.

It can be clearly seen that the areas where the lava fell off belong to the skin of the Great Toad Immortal. Apart from being more reddish in color, there are no injuries at all.

Hagoromo Genzuki glanced at the lava that had fallen to the ground and melted the ground into deep holes one after another. He looked at the giant toad sage whose skin was now just a little hot red where the lava was before.

At this moment, he deeply realized how powerful the body that had been nourished by immortal magic for thousands of years was.

Not only was the Melting Release with the blessing of magical chakra unable to even burn the opponent's skin, but the wounds caused by his full blow were also completely healed at this time.

"He is worthy of being a contemporary of the Sage of Six Paths."

Hagoromo Xuanyue patted the dust on his body and said with emotion.

A powerful physique with extremely high magic resistance and physical resistance; a huge amount of senjutsu chakra greater than that of a tailed beast; a thorough grasp of chakra properties and shape changes; and the Myokiyama ninja gensenjutsu that is not weak to the outside world, etc.

It can be said that the Great Toad Immortal has almost no flaws.

Except for not being promoted to the Sixth Level, he can definitely be regarded as the first-ranked hexagonal powerhouse below the Sixth Level.

Sure enough, pigs that have lived for thousands of years should not be underestimated.

What's more, as Otsutsuki Hagoromo's senjutsu teacher, the Great Toad Sage lived for another thousand years.

In the battle of the Valley of the Fallen God, I was really no match for the Great Toad Immortal, and would even be beaten violently.

After all, his fighting style at that time was mainly based on ninjutsu turrets. Even the blood inheritance limit under the blessing of immortal magic could not break the defense of the Great Toad Sage, let alone the normal blood inheritance limit.

The Great Toad Immortal completely defeated himself.

As for the other two people of the same generation.

Eternal Madara is definitely no match for the Great Toad Sage, and it’s hard to say what Samsara Madara is in his complete state.

As for Senju Hashirama, a series of wood escape and fairy techniques can restrain large creatures quite well.

However, when dealing with the Big Toad Immortal, the final decisive point still lies in whether the Thousands of Hands and the Buddha on the Top can hold the Big Toad Immortal.

If he keeps dragging it on, Senju Hashirama will not be able to consume the Great Toad Immortal.

Of course, the Great Toad Immortal here refers to the opponent at his peak state.

Regardless of whether it was the Warring States Period in which the three of them lived, or now, the Great Toad Immortal has entered his old age.

Hagoromo Gengetsu could tell that the current Great Toad Sage had used some kind of secret technique to return to his peak state within a certain period of time.

If he could hold on for a while, or even just run away, and wait until the time of the Big Toad Immortal's secret technique was over before he could fight with the opponent again, the battle would be much easier.

But this is only an ideal situation.

With the experience of the Great Toad Immortal for so many years, he will not allow himself to hold on so easily. On the contrary, he is more likely to lose his will to fight and continue to hold on and dodge, causing the battle situation that should be good to tilt to his side. When the time comes, he will wake up. It's too late.

What's more, I didn't even think about avoiding its edge.

The person I am today is not the person I was during the Battle of the Valley of the Gods.

Furthermore, Naruto was now on the neck of the great Toad Sage.

To avoid unnecessary accidents.

"Next, we have to go all out."

Hagoromo Xuanyue's expression became completely serious, and the three traces of the arching moon mark spread to the entire forehead in an instant.

"Yin Seal·Resolution!"

Huge amounts of chakra spurted out.

Yuyi Xuanyue's momentum suddenly increased.

At the same time, he looked at his left shoulder, where most of his shoulder blade had been shattered by a slap from the Great Toad Immortal.


The muscles and bones healed rapidly, and the flesh and blood grew again.

But in an instant, everything returned to what it was before, with all the injuries and fatigue on his body wiped away. Hagoromo Xuanyue waved to the Great Toad Sage and said:

"Come again!"

Seeing that Hagoromo Xuanyue's strength had once again soared, the Great Toad Sage did not rush to take action. Instead, a trace of memory flashed in his eyes and he sighed:

"As expected of him, he is a descendant of Hagoromo. He is already very close to what he was back then."

The "he" in the mouth of the Great Toad Immortal naturally refers to Otsutsuki Hagoromo.

To be precise, it was Otsutsuki Hagoromo before he sealed his mother and became the Sage of Six Paths.

Big Toad Immortal's evaluation is already very high.

Now it did see Hagoromo Otsutsuki's figure from Hagoromo Genzuki in front of him.

Hagoromo Xuanyue soon understood the meaning of the big toad fairy's words.

To be able to stand alongside our ancestors, especially if the person who said these words was a contemporary of our ancestors, we should be proud and excited.

Hagoromo Xuanyue behaved unusually in this regard.

"I would rather your evaluation is 'I have surpassed my ancestors back then.'" He said lightly.

In response, the Great Toad Immortal sighed:

"You are too ambitious!"

"Too big? No, this is just a normal pursuit in life. Who says that future generations can't surpass their predecessors."

Hagoromo Xuanyue replied seriously.

Since he began to practice, he would enjoy the scenery along the way and deal with some things that he didn't like.

But one thing is, no matter what external factors block it, you will never change.

That is the path that leads to the Blood Successor Trap under your feet. To be more precise, it is the path to attaining the Sixth Path and realizing the sublimation of life, thus having infinite possibilities and never leaving.

Yuyi Xuanyue knew that he was not one of those great men who dared to be the first in history. Everything he did was just because of four words, "to the best of my ability".

But these were not enough in front of his obsession.

Never stop him from moving forward.

Especially when he has taken the initiative to stop and patiently persuaded.

Just like the warning he made to Kakashi in Konoha Village before.

In a person's life, there is always something or a goal that he must have and achieve at all costs.

Very early, when he traveled from the world without magic to here and really came into contact with the energy called chakra for the first time, Yuyi Xuanyue's greatest obsession had already arisen.

Even if he died and resurrected, this obsession in his heart not only did not fade, but became more profound.

So, no matter who it is, no matter what force it is, no matter what the reason is, if he still wants to stop him.

Yuyi Xuanyue does not mind going against his previous style of doing things.

Just like the Myoboku Mountain before, and like the big toad sage now.

"Big Toad Immortal, have you ever thought about how you will die?" Yuyi Xuanyue asked at last.

Big Toad Immortal sighed again and shook his head, saying: "I only saw the time and space broken, thousands of disasters coming, and the world turned into blood. All of this is due to your ambition, Yuyi Xuanyue. Stop it, while it's not too late."

Yuyi Xuanyue's face was calm.

"Disasters, blood, pain, war. Once my goal is achieved, I can solve them all with a flip of my hand. What's more, the future you see is just one of thousands of possibilities, and it can't be taken seriously at all."

"In addition! What I hate most is the charlatans who ignore the efforts of others and talk about fate, prophecy and the like all the time!!"


Go to hell!

(Thanks to "Chafan Rensheng" for the 300 reward!)

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