Naruto Lineage Theory? Trash

Naruto lineage theory? It's Just Garbage Chapter 202

The horns spat out a mouthful of blood, the body began to shatter, and the feet were separated one step ahead, and they were directly smashed into pieces.

With half of his body remaining, he managed to force himself out of the range of the attack by relying on the reaction force of releasing Wind Escape·Suppressing Harm.

Coupled with the cover of fire escape ninjutsu, a huge barrage was set off.

The moment the defense was broken and his body was hit, a sense of fear of death arose in his heart.

Without even thinking about it, I used the earth escape ninjutsu to directly escape from the ground... and escaped! ! !

Jiaodu, who loves money like life, is also an extremely rare life.

He would never waste his life in such a place.

And the corner is sure, he will never fight Tianhe Mingren in the future! Because this guy is really scary!

Senju Hashirama, the god of ninjas back then, didn't have such powerful physical skills.

The only ones who can be compared with it are the brothers Jinjiaoyinjiao after entering the state of nine tails!

Kodo's escape.

The complete failure of the Rock Hidden Village strategy was declared.

It also indicates that Yanyin Village has lost all face.

Although it is normal to run away, would it be too much to just run away in front of everyone like this...what the hell.


Mingren, who was not panting and his heart was not beating, landed slowly and stared at everyone.

"Who else?"

The three words uttered directly shocked the audience.

131. Sarutobi Sun Slash

With absolute violence, Loquat Shizang and Jiaodu were crushed.

The power displayed by the Ming people is daunting.


These four words appeared in everyone's heart.

It's as if no one would think: Let's go compete with the third generation of Raikage in Taijutsu... that's it.

In the single field of taijutsu, Akito has crushed most ninjas.

And being invincible means that you can only outsmart.

Through various means of ninjutsu, illusion, secret, and forbidden techniques, to defeat Tianhe Mingren.


Hiruzaru Sarutobi glanced at everyone.

Even if he knows, Tianhe Mingren is not invincible.

There are many ways to deal with him.

But today's situation at this time is no longer suitable for further fighting.

Konoha, Sagakure, and Iwagakure have a gap in their hearts because of the scourge of Aito Orochimaru's production.

At this time, it is obviously impossible to force the alliance again.

Not only that, but you also need to beware of backstabbing each other to prevent someone from stabbing a knife in the back.


The collapse of the alliance was something Sarutobi Hiruzen never expected.

As Tianhe Mingren defeated the two strong men.

Today's action has been completely declared a failure.

After all, a rope that cannot be twisted into one strand is meaningless.

"Master Ming."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked at Akito.

"For the peace of the ninja world..."

"Shut up, you."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was interrupted by Akito before he finished speaking.

In the ninja world, Hiruzaru Sarutobi is a highly respected existence.

Even Tsuchikage Onogi the Third, give him some respect.

in other words.

Akito was the first existence to publicly reprimand Hiruzen Sarutobi.

"If you talk about peace, you are the least qualified person to say a word!"

Akito put down the sword, raised his right finger, and pointed at Hiruzen Sarutobi.

"On the surface, he looks dignified and upright, and says nice things, but in fact, what he does is all shameful things!"

Mingren's reprimand made everyone look over.

They were either angry because the respected Hokage-sama was insulted.

Or doubts, thinking that Konoha has some black material.

No matter what, everyone's eyes were focused on Ming Ren at this moment.

——Except for Luo Sha and Ye Cang who are fighting each other in the distance.

"Konoha invaded other countries in the three wars, and various tasks of betraying allies and snatching allies evolved peacefully..."

The number of people living in the Ming Dynasty is all that Konoha under the leadership of Sarutobi Hiruzen has done.

The speaker has the heart, and the listener has the heart.

The people in Hidden Sand Village couldn't help looking at Hiruzen Sarutobi.

After all, the so-called allies, Shayin Village is always the first to be cut by a blunt knife.

"Even internally, because of the fear of the power of the Uchiha clan, they arrange various reasons to oppress their own people! If you want to commit a crime, there is nothing wrong with it!"

Uchiha Fugaku: "..."

Uchiha Shisui: "..."

"Do you think you can become a saint of morality and the light of Konoha by pushing all kinds of responsibilities, scapegoats, and dirty work on that old man Shimura Danzo?!"

Danzo: "..."

"There are clearly crimes and mistakes happening in front of you, but you turn a blind eye, don't stop them, and let them go... As a leader, inaction is also a sin!!"

Like an ancient emperor.

Mistakes are all the fault of treacherous ministers, my emperor is wise and never makes mistakes? ?

Thousands of mistakes, the emperor is not bad?

"Because the two dead men of Qianshouzhujian and Qianshoufeijian are pressing on top of your head, so you have to imitate your ancestors in doing things. In the face of darkness and mistakes, just say... the law of the ancestors cannot be changed, The two ancestors of Hokage also thought the same way back then, and this moment today is just like that I am not guilty?"

"Don't do porcelain work without diamonds. If you don't have the courage to reform, point out the mistakes of two dead people, and make Konoha better, then don't be Hokage!!"

Akito hit the nail on the head, pointing out the fundamental corruption of Hiruzaru Sarutobi and the military organization Konoha.

"So you are the least qualified to talk about the word "peace" with me. get out! The trash Sarutobi Hiruza! "

The Ming people scolded Hiruzen Sarutobi in public.

Sarutobi Hiruzen who was reprimanded was stunned, but speechless.

Because he has no way to refute.

Onoki on the side, listening to these words, felt relieved.

Because Hiruzaru Sarutobi always held a high moral ground, but today he was severely humiliated by someone standing on a higher level.

Of course he felt good.

As for the failure of Loquat Shizang and Jiaodu...

It's just two mercenaries.

"Hmph, Hokage, it's finally your turn to be accused."

Onogi thought that he had watched a good show.

In addition, from the information, he also knew Tianhe Mingren's crazy ideas.

This ninja world may soon usher in a revolution.

That is...worldwide fireworks.

Onoki's favorite thing to watch is fireworks.

When two clams compete, the fisherman wins.

Yanyin just needs to watch the show quietly.

Even if he was unlucky, it wasn't that Yan Yin was unlucky first.

And things like "armistice agreement" can be compiled at any time.

Seeing the wind and making the rudder, and calculating with the heart, is the origin of his nickname "Two Balances".

"Your Excellency Mingren, perhaps we can also reach an armistice agreement."

After losing two "subordinates", Onogi showed "magnanimity".

At any time, he never forgets to calculate.

After speaking, Onoki waved his hand and left with his team.

"Sun Slash!"

Danzo looked at his old classmate and narrowed his eyes.

He knew that Hiruzen Sarutobi had been shaken.

But we must take this opportunity to get rid of the scourge of Tianhe Mingren.

"You and I join forces..."

"Go back to the village first, let's talk about Orochimaru..."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi face off against the soil spider tribe of the Walker.

Feeling ashamed, he also led the team and left immediately.

Jilai also didn't object, he was anxious and wanted to know immediately whether his friend Orochimaru did those things.

" will end like this in the end."

Black and white must probe.

Staring at the figures leaving in the rain.

The three parties jointly attacked, but Tianhe Mingren used the moral high ground + strength to display, split vertically and horizontally, and directly cracked it.

"Loquat Shizang has been tied up by the ninjas of Yuyin Village!" Bai Jue shouted immediately through telepathy.

"Hmph, that kind of guy can replenish as much as he doesn't matter."

Heijue shook his head.

Loquat Shizang one has no bloodline, and two has no special technique.

Even if it is killed, it is not a big problem.

On the contrary, Kakudu is a useful talent.

Falling into Tianhe Mingren's hands can only show that this kid has become a big threat.

But still not a big problem.

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