Naruto Lineage Theory? Trash

Naruto lineage theory? It's Just Garbage Chapter 203

Not to mention the power of the Six Paths.

The current Tianhe Mingren is also no match for Nagato.

And next, find a way to confuse Nagato and let him deal with Mingren Tianhe.

Both consume each other...

No, that doesn't make much sense either.

As long as the Nine Tailed Beasts are collected, everything will be settled.

In the face of absolute power, no one can respond.

"Compared to this, let's go and see the Chakra reincarnation of both Ashura and Indra..."

Heijue has already felt something.

The chakras of the two reincarnations start a new cycle.

Their struggle... never ends...

132. Set off towards an ideal world

Hiruzen Sarutobi and Onoki led the team away.

The battle between Ye Cang and Luo Sha also came to an end.

The gold dust in the sky exploded.

Accompanied by the rain curtain, a rain of glass dust and gold fell.

Relying on the mobility of traveling thousands of miles away by riding the placer gold regiment.

Luo Sha completely changed the situation of the battle.

It should be said that he is worthy of being a disciple trained by the Third Kazekage himself.

Make full use of the advantages of your own blood succession limit to widen the combat distance.

Just keep Ye Cang away.

At the same time, the characteristics of high-altitude and high-speed flight also made him, like Didara and Namikaze Minato...into a kind of..."As long as I don't want to lose, you can't beat me" kind of situation.

Both sides come and go, and no one can do anything to win the other.

But because of that.

From a strategic point of view, Luo Sha has lost.

The fact that Ye Cang could not be dealt with immediately proved that Ye Cang had an equal status with him.

What's more, there is a Tianhe Mingren on top of Ye Cang's head.

That terrifying attack power is unconsciously distracting.

However, Luo Sha still has one advantage over Ye Cang.

That is the bottomless amount of chakra.

As long as it continues to be consumed, it must be Ye Cang's loss as the end.

Therefore, Mingren said directly: "Okay, Ye Cang, come back, you have only mastered your new power for three days, you can take your time if you want revenge... I will give you another year, two years, or even three years." In a few years, you will be able to crush everyone in Hidden Sand Village!"

And Ye Cang after a vent.

Naturally, the mood has also calmed down a lot.

Listening to Mingren's words, of course she understood that this was her own step.

So she walked down the steps.

"Fengying Luosha, you and the elders of Shayin Village just wash your necks and wait! One day... I will crush you all to ashes!!"

The black burning escape exudes a strange light.

This inexplicable situation made Luo Sha also bewildered.

Because of this chakra characteristic, it is almost exactly the same as that displayed by Mingren Tianhe.

Tianhe Mingren's words also contain a lot of information.

Suppose... Ye Cang's change in strength and chakra nature was caused by him.

Does it mean that Tianhe Mingren has a way to pass on his power traits to others? !

We must... investigate this matter in the future.

Ye Cang's engraved hatred made Maqi, who was watching the battle below, realize some... problems.

"Teacher Ye Cang..."

She began to wonder whether the village's claim that "Ye Cang was manipulated by the enemy's illusion" was true...

Following Ye Cang's cold snort, he quickly flew back to Yuyin's queue.

Luo Sha is called the placer gold group and has returned.

The two sides faced off at a distance.

But Luo Sha is very clear that today is the loss of Sha Yin, Konoha, and Yan Yin.

The operation... utterly failed.

Hidden Sand Village is troubled by internal and external troubles, forming an alliance with Konoha... Maybe it is really a wrong decision.

"let's go!"

Luo Sha let out a low cry, and retreated immediately.

After preparing to return to the village, send troops to the border to guard against Konoha's invasion and betrayal, so as not to end up like the soil spider clan!

Seeing the last hidden sand village also receded.

Everyone in Yuyin immediately cheered.

Three shadows and many masters dispatched together.

As a result, he rolled back in despair.

Not only did he fall into a disadvantage in terms of strength, but he didn't even save his face.

And Ming knows.

After smashing the tripartite alliance by myself, and planting the seeds of mutual wariness and distrust in their hearts.

Hidden Rain Village...the land of rain has ushered in a true sense of peace.

Since then.

The three major ninja villages will no longer unite.

For at least a few years, no further cooperation is possible.

The Land of Rain can also take this opportunity to directly develop and take off.

"It's time to start transforming this world! Start with Yuyin Village first, and then spread to the Land of Rain!"

Mingren has decided to create the ideal world in his mind!

Drastic reforms, a new future, and a new page in human history will begin today!


Enter Yuyin Village and return triumphantly.

No one has any doubts about Mingren's strength and reputation.

Akito did what the demigod Sanshoyu Hanzo failed to do.

In the face of Hokage, Kazekage, and Tukage, between waving hands and feet, and reprimanding, the enemy retreated like a bereaved dog.

"Master Ming!"

Yamada came to Mingren with an excited expression, and it was Loquat Ten Zang who was being escorted in his hand.


Loquat Shizang sighed, and a forced smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He was forcibly tied up and could not move at all.

"If you want to kill or cut, give it a good time."

Loquat Shizang was held down and knelt on the ground on one knee, maintaining his final dignity.

The beheading knife that was broken off at the side was also presented.

"Unchain him."

Mingren ordered directly.

This order made everyone stunned, but it was because of Ming people's uncompromising style on weekdays.

Yamada immediately untied Loquat Shizang.

Loquat Shizang is also confused, is this... a corporal of courtesy and virtuousness?

My Loquat Shizang also has this day? ?

"People can't choose their own origin. Just like the ninjas in the blood mist, Loquat Juzang and the others have experienced the test of killing their friends since childhood..."

The Ming people revealed the system in the blood mist.

Everyone was amazed.

Loquat Shizang was surprised, this Tianhe Ming...why is he so clear about Wuyin.

He thought again, the murderer in front of him kicked him hundreds of meters with one kick and subdued him with one move.

He even killed the fat man Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost, the strongest among the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, and the naughty black hoe Lei Ya.

It should come as no surprise, then, that he knows more.

"The bloody graduation exam in the blood mist, until 6 years ago, the 9-year-old ghost killed all the candidates of the same year in the graduation exam... But even so, in the blood mist The dehumanizing system hasn't changed either. So..."

The Ming people looked at Loquat Shizang.

"Give you a chance, join me in Yuyin Village, or... die."

There was silence.

Everyone watched this scene silently without speaking.

Loquat Shizang has no blood inheritance limit, just an ordinary person.

Nor is it from the Land of Rain.

It can be used as the material of the dark chakra experiment.

"Do I have a choice..."

Loquat Juzang smiled.

"However, looking at the atmosphere here... it seems to be pretty good, I hope it's not one pit entering another pit..."

Run out of the fog.

Enter Xiao and find the same pit.

I just don't know if it is the same in Yuyin Village.

"Don't worry, I still don't like your strength. Even if you use it, you are not worth dying."

Mingren directly opened the skylight to speak frankly.

To die... you are not qualified.

"That's really sad." Loquat Shizang sighed.


Loquat Shizang abandoned the dark and turned to the bright, and joined the Yuyin family.

Afterwards, Mingren branded him with a dark chakra spell to enhance his strength, and made him one of the subjects of experiments and observations by the way.

As for the beheading sword...

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