Naruto Lineage Theory? Trash

Naruto lineage theory? It's Just Garbage Chapter 300

"Now, Naruto Uzumaki has grown up and is still studying at the ninja school, but I believe he will graduate soon..."

Mingren explained.

think about it.

The son of the Fourth Hokage, one-half of Uzumaki...

The relationship between Sannin Jiraiya and Sarutobi Hiruza the Third Hokage......

A series of relationships and bloodlines.

There is also the identity of the tail beast nuclear weapon Renzhuriki.

Many add up...

"Isn't this the real prince?" Lingo Yuyuli complained.

Oh my God.

Who else in the ninja world has so many buffs superimposed.

This is to scare people to death!

Looking at Ringo Yuyuri who looked shocked.

Mingren smiled and said nothing.

If you know again...he is the son of prophecy, the inheritor recognized by the Great Toad Sage, the reincarnation of Chakra of Asura, the son of the Sage of the Six Paths...

One of the people closest to the blood of the Otsutsuki clan...

You are afraid that you will be shocked to the point of dizziness.

"For a person of this kind of bloodline and background, how many relatives and strong people must help him grow up all the way..."

Lin Haoyu Yuli shrugged, she couldn't even think about it!

Her guess was also completely correct.

Konoha No. 1 Technician, Naruto No. 155 Kai... Hatake Kakashi as the leader of the Jonin and bond partner.

Konoha is second only to Danzo's wind escape master Asma, who personally teaches the essence of wind escape......

When practicing, Mu Dun Yamato helped.

The use of basic physical skills, spiral pills, Daiyu spiral pills, and nine-tailed chakra... There are also self-teachings.

Not to mention the fairy mode at the back.

A bunch of patterns.

Parents are haunted, and their stomachs are open...

All interpersonal BUFFs are filled up, and a proper lineage theory master.

From head to tail, his body was studded with gold.

And best of all...

Prince Ming also declared "hard work".

The reason why Xiao Li couldn't beat Gaara, and the reason why Neji was stabbed to death by a small tree branch, wasn't it because they didn't work hard?

Poor strength? Then why don't you take the tailed beasts that are idle at home to subsidize your practice, and cultivate them into perfect human strength?

Although I exploded into Nine-Tails Chakra, I actually defeated you, Neji Hyuga, a genius by relying on my status as a crane tail.

In the early stage, I told Ning Ci and others to work hard and change fate.

In the later period, I stopped pretending to Nagato, and just said that I am the child of destiny.

...and so on.

"So, what we have to do is to let our younger generation defeat Naruto Uzumaki, the master of "blood lineage theory", in the Chunin exam, right? "

Ye Cang asked.

Obsession with Mingren.

They are very clear.

All the way from ordinary people to become the strongest in the world of ninja.

Tianhe Mingren just wants to prove it.

Even without relying on any bloodlines, ordinary people can overcome the theory of bloodliness! !

"Of course I believe in Tianhe... No, adults can defeat that hairy kid Uzumaki Naruto. But the problem is..."

Ye Cang still hesitated.

She looked at a group of ninja who were exercising.

Relying on them, can they defeat "Ninja World's First Prince Uzumaki Naruto"? !

"Hazy, bonfire, dream fire, hydrangea...they can't do it. But "Ying" has a chance..."

Asuka blinked.

Through these two days, observe Mingren's every move.

Being connected with Mingren, she immediately guessed that Mingren intended to focus on nurturing Ying.

Maybe... Maybe he will teach her personally because of this.

"No blood, only relying on secret techniques, but secret techniques are very strong..."

Loquat Juzang counted Ying's advantages and found that she is indeed very suitable for fighting against the son of the fourth generation of Hokage.

boom! pong!

In the arena, Ying and Ziyanghua had a physical confrontation.

Soon, Ying fell into a disadvantage.

Hydrangea rushed over and forced Ying back into a dead corner.


And with Ying shouted loudly.

Started to use natural energy, and the situation fell instantly.

Hydrangea, who couldn't dodge in time, did not expect that Ying's physical fitness would suddenly improve.

Knocked directly to the ground.

"The advantage is the use of secret techniques, and the weakness is that if you don't rely on natural energy and techniques, the foundation is not solid..."

Mingren explained Ying's strengths and weaknesses.

And the hydrangeas here...

Her true abilities have not been used yet.

That is... the talent for "time and space" ninjutsu.


Following Hydrangea's whisper, a piece of talisman paper was taken out with a seal engraved on it.


The water roared, and a ferocious water flow emerged from the seal and rushed towards Ying.

Loquat Shizang: "Spiritualism? Sealing method?"

Ye Cang: "'s time-space ninjutsu!"

226. Start PUA Ying, Master and Apprentice?

The ferocious water flow was slapped away by Ying casually.

But Ye Cang and others' attention has already been put on Ziyanghua.

The rare talents of time and space ninjutsu can't help but remind them of characters such as Senju Banma and Namikaze Minato!

Every ninja village will treat such rare talents with caution.

Mingren's gaze never left Ying.

Because people know.

Although Hydrangea has certain attainments in time and space ninjutsu.

But everything needs to be explored by herself, even if she gets to Shippuden, her strength will not improve too much.

This is not a hydrangea problem, but a platform problem.

As the old saying goes...personal effort is important, but it also depends on the course of history.

Unless Yuyin Village wins the inheritance of Thousand Hands.

If given to Hydrangea, she will be able to improve the time and space ninjutsu to the extreme.


In the final analysis, the talent of time and space ninjutsu is the patent of a few people.

Things that cannot be popularized...have little meaning to themselves.

The results of specific time and space will be studied later...

"All right."

Following Mingren's order.

Ying and Hydrangea stopped their discussion.

The former is full of energy.

The latter gasped slightly.

This fully shows that the consumption of space-time ninjutsu is directly proportional to the amount of sealed and released substances.

The amount of chakra of hydrangea can only be said to be average.

So it is better to borrow the natural energy of Ying.

But it's not impossible.

Just engrave the dark chakra formula.

The younger's time to make a diversion too.


Mingren left the dark chakra spell on the backs of Bonfire, Dreamfire, Oboro, and Hydrangea.

Only Ying was not engraved.

Feeling the increase in strength, the four of them felt a sense of wonder...

A little bit about the dark chakra information.

The four immediately burst into tears of gratitude.

After signaling them to stay here to explore the new power.

Mingren took Ying and left here alone...




Ying followed Mingren, wanting to ask but not daring to ask.

Why... only I didn't get the spell.

Is it because of my abruptness in the past? So... this is punishment?

"Don't think about it."

Mingren turned around, Ying slammed his head into Mingren's body.

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