Naruto Lineage Theory? Trash

Naruto lineage theory? It's Just Garbage Chapter 301

Ying immediately panicked: "Holding, I'm sorry~, Mr. Ming..."

She grew up listening to the legends of the Ming people.

I feel ashamed of what I have caused.

Therefore, any behavior should be done carefully, for fear of causing dissatisfaction among the wise.

"Ying...the reason why I didn't give you the dark chakra spell temporarily is are a special existence to me."

Ming said softly.

"Special, special existence~?"

Ying was taken aback for a moment, raised her head, and stared at Ming's handsome face.

In the next second, his face flushed, and a blush appeared on both sides of his cheeks.

Feeling the fever on her face, she stood there blankly, soon at a loss.

"That's right, a special existence."

Mingren nodded slightly.

"My dream is to prove that ordinary people can overcome the theory of bloodlines. I have proved a lot myself. However, in the enemy country... in the distant Konoha, a new generation of bloodlines is rising. So... …”

Mingren looked at her.

"I hope that there are young people in our village who are like me...that is, inherit my will."


Ying opened her eyes wide.

Those peach blossom eyes quickly realized something.

"The become your disciple, my lord?!"

Incomparable throbbing filled the heart.

Ying felt her heart beating non-stop.

Become...Master Mingren's disciple! ! This matter... I dare not even think about it!

Now, there is such an opportunity in front of him? !

"That's right."

Mingren's expression remained unchanged.

"I'm considering the matter of recruiting disciples. And you... have this chance to run."


Ying's peach blossom eyes widened to the extreme.

At a young age, she already had a sense of charm.

When she grows up, she will definitely become a beauty.

— just like her mother.

"Master Ming! Please test me!"

Ying clenched her fists and placed them in front of her.

"I will definitely...will fight for this opportunity! No matter how hard I suffer! No matter how tired I suffer..."

Ying secretly swears in her heart.

You must become a disciple of Mingren.

Because, this is not only to repay the life-saving grace of the year, but make up for mistakes, and even my true thoughts.

"Okay. Then, starting today, I will train you rigorously. Only when you pass my approval, will I teach you the dark chakra technique."

Ming people say so.

Then he turned and left.

"Get ready, this afternoon...I will come to you again."


Ying jumped up happily, and waved vigorously at Mingren, her face was full of joy.

She knew... she had found the initial meaning of life.


meeting room.

PUA's perfect Mingren will come immediately.

It's not appropriate to go off the field by yourself and beat the future 12-year-old Prince Ming.

To really do that, kill him when he was a baby.


Ming people have their own principles.

If you don't want to end yourself, then train a disciple to replace yourself and beat the 12-year-old Prince Ming.

In order to achieve that purpose.

One has to be selective, to reject the bloodists, and the geniuses of the minority.

Now everyone in the earth spider family is practicing the secret art of natural energy.

That should suffice. the most suitable candidate.

But it is impossible for him to directly recognize her and regard her as a disciple.

It takes some PUA + testing + become a master.

Ying's advantage is the natural energy absorption similar to the power of the tailed beast.

Weakness is that the body level is not high.

So... In the follow-up, I will be targeted and carry out hell-style training on her.

Wait until almost.

Accumulated strength, skills, and... "emotion".

It will imprint the dark chakra spell on her.

Thus allowing her to generate extreme negative emotions, in order to gain powerful strength.

"Negative emotions" are not necessarily bad.

Just like Senshou Feijian said, the Uchiha clan is an evil clan.

Although Uchiha Obito grew crooked later.

But when I first opened my eyes, I felt self-blame, anger, shame for Kakashi's injury... and the mood to protect Kakashi.

made him open his eyes.

Breaking away from the environment and talking about it alone is like playing hooligans.

Uchiha Obito opened his eyes for Kakashi, which is obviously a positive "negative eye-opening emotion".

Just like in the biography of Bo Ren.

Sharana, because she missed her father Uchiha Sasuke too much, opened her eyes because of missing.

Aren't these all positive "negative eye-opening emotions"?

And this time.

What I have to do is to tailor positive "negative emotions" for Ying.

227. Sasuke Saber, Kimaro and Terumi Mei Arrive at the Same Time

In the conference room.

Mingren thought about these things.

On the opposite side, Jun Malu had a serious expression on his face.

He looks aside from time to time.

There was a smile on Terumi Mei's face.

Water Lily, who had just woken up at noon, stood behind Terumi Mei with her head bowed deeply.

This time... it was really a coincidence.

"It's really surprising that Your Excellency Mizukage came so soon."

Akito raised his head and looked at Terumi Mei.

Originally, Terumi Mei would come after Water Lily returned to Kirigakure and reported the situation.

Now, she directly appeared here...

"Our diplomat hasn't returned for a long time, so I thought...she must have lingered on Yuyin Village."

Terumi Mei explained.

It was as if they didn't see the remnants of the Hui Ye clan next to them.


Terumi Mei didn't recognize Kimaro's identity at all.

"Sorry, Mizukage-sama..."

Water Lily bowed quickly, but she didn't expect this.

"By the way, what's the matter with your walking posture? Are you tired from visiting Yuyin Village?" Terumi Mei looked back at the water lily.

From the beginning.

The walking posture of the water lily is a bit strange...

Naturally, Terumi Mei didn't know.

What happened last night.

ah this...

Water Lily's eyebrows began to tremble because she didn't know how to explain it.

But Water Lian, who has gone through this incident, is even more afraid to see people.

After all, last night was so...

"Accidentally...I got hurt a little..." Water Lian forced out a sentence from her throat.

"Ah, Yuyin Village has been raining year after year, so it's okay to accidentally slip..."

Terumi Mei nodded, feeling very happy.

"Hmph, it's a shame!" Ao, who was also standing behind Terumi Mei, sighed and shook her head. "in those days......"

"Cough cough."

Terumi Mei coughed, interrupting Aoyo's rambling.

"The voice is hoarse, and it seems that it may also be acclimatized."

Terumi Mei waved his hand.

"Water Lily, go down and rest first."


The water lily with a really hoarse voice turned around and left immediately.

Although I rested for half a day, I didn't get up until noon...

But the body is good, the voice is good, indeed... still no reply.

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