Naruto Lineage Theory? Trash

Naruto lineage theory? It's Just Garbage Chapter 302

"Your Excellency Mingren, we are just here too, you don't mind if we wander around."

Terumi Mei also got up, ready to go around by herself.

No, there is another guy next to him.

Wait for them to finish talking, then speak for yourself.

Wait until Terumi Mei leaves.

Jun Malu seemed relieved.

Because he was really worried that he would be solved by the newly appointed Mizukage here.

After all, for Wuyin Village, the Huiye clan themselves are like remnants of evil.

Adjusted my thoughts.

Junmaro raised his head and looked at Mingren: "Master Mingren, I am the head of a village in "Otonin Village", Kaguya-kunmaro. "

Jun Malu reported his family name.

Since a few days ago, he was injured by the palm of Mingren.

The pharmacist Dou who treated him discovered Junmalu's blood-stained disease by the way.

New injuries and old illnesses made Jun Malu look a little pale.

even so.

Jun Malu also dragged his sick body to Yuyin Village.

The purpose... is to solve the crisis of exterminating the village for the big snake girl.

"Oh... what about the "sound"? "

Mingren asked lightly.

The sound, naturally refers to the big snake princess.

Seeing that the wise man didn't directly reveal his identity, Jun Malu knew that there was still a turning point...

"Yin has been delisted by us, and she has been listed as a traitor in Yinnin Village!"

Jun Malu said firmly.

This cutting operation.

It's like metaphors like temporary workers, self-punishment three cups, transfer, probation... and so on.

All responsibilities belong to "tone", and have nothing to do with our tone ninja village.

This is what Junmalu means.

"I see."

Mingren nodded.

Ooze Ji's operation this time obviously wants to protect Yinnin Village.

She needs a violent organization with official endorsement to keep her alive.

Yinnin Village... is the best hiding place.

In TV animation.

After Yinnin Village was BOOMed by Kakudu, Orochihime took Sasuke to hide in Tibet, constantly avoiding the pursuit of Akatsuki.

It can be seen...the importance of a stable organization.

I just don't know whether Orochi Ji has made a move against Itachi now, thus rebelling against the Akatsuki organization.


Mingren tapped on the table.

Ask Junma Lu directly for benefits.

If you want me to turn a blind eye... then take advantage of it.


Jun Malu nodded vigorously, obviously well prepared.

He made a three-chapter agreement with Mingren.

1. Yinnin Village will never arrest the test subjects again, even if they catch...the test subjects will not be endangered, let alone disabled.

"In other words... you have already mastered the "cloning technology", right? "


Jun Malu's eyes widened suddenly.

His forehead started to sweat.

He once again saw how terrifying this man was.

Not only is it powerful, it seems... It also has insight into all intelligence information.

In the original book.

When Prince Naruto was 12-13 years old, it was the time of the Chunin exam.

Orochiji used cloning technology to clone a batch of "Curse Seal Orochi".

That is to say, the giant snakes that destroyed the Konoha city wall and made Morinoi Hibiki and the others unable to resist.

Those snakes... are the first products of cloning technology.

With the cloning technology, Orochiji does not have to harm the lives of the test subjects.

Just keep cloning out.

Jun Malu and Dou, after discussing with Da She Ji, knew what Ming people hated the most.

So... start today.

No, not before Orochi found a way to defeat herself.

She won't dare to do big things.

Jun Malu: "Master Ming..."

2. After the lives of people in Tianzhi Country and other countries are guaranteed, Yinnin Village promises that it will not take action against the Earth Spider Clan and Fuma Clan, let alone invade Yuyin...

"These are just guarantees, not benefits." Mingren shook his head.


What can I come up with?

Jun Malu slowly took out a scroll and unfolded it.

After the seal is released.

A Kusanagi sword appeared inside.

It was the one given to Sasuke.

Jun Malu: "We heard that the Fengmo clan sent a blacksmith..."

Just give them the Kusanagi Sword to study.

They should be able to engrave a new blade.

"This Kusanagi sword is also indestructible... No matter how powerful it is, it cannot be broken..."


In the original book, the Kusanagi sword in Sasuke's hand can withstand even the attacks of the Rokudo-level Otsutsuki clan's main family.

Mingren is indeed interested.

After all, his own strength has now exploded.

Even an 8-ton Taidao cannot bear his full strength.

It's really disappointing if the weapon explodes when it hits it.

"Let me try."

Akito took Future Sasuke's Kusanagi sword.

get up.

Hold with both hands.

Start staggered.

hum! !

[60]'s power exploded.

It is equivalent to this blade being bombarded by the main artillery of the king of ground main battle tanks.

With the humming, under the blessing of terrifying power.

The blade of the sword actually didn't move at all! !


Mingren smiled slightly.

Simply pull away.

[74]'s power began to explode.

Use your strength this time.

Even "Half Body·Fourth Stage·Armor Susan" can be blown up.

under such terrible pressure.

The body of the sword still hasn't changed at all!


Black fire ignited in Mingren's eyes.

Then, increase the strength again, and the body begins to be covered with dark chakra.

Ready to enter the "Dark Chakra Mode" state.

Use the brute force of Ninjutsu + Taijutsu to test the limit of this blade!

However... the next moment...

"grown ups!!"

The yelling of the personal secretary Guren caused Mingren to disperse his attention: "Huh?"

Mingren stopped and looked at her.

It was found that in the house, the enchantment set by Asuka had begun to break.

Asuka, Ye Cang and the others looked horrified.

Apparently, it was because of the power that the Ming people erupted, and the close observation, that they were affected...

This scene.

It's even more terrifying than in the comics where Thousand Hands broke out, smashing the wall and scaring the ghost lights and water moons.

after all.

This is real strength, not just momentum.

"Feel sorry."

Mingren smiled slightly, apologetically.

The unique Kusanagi sword is of course rubbish.

However, if it is produced in energy, it is an artifact.

Everyone can use the Kusanagi sword, wouldn't it be great for general use?

"I'm very satisfied with this result, and I will exchange the swords for you when the people of the "Feng Mo Clan" finish their research. "

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