Naruto Lineage Theory? Trash

Naruto lineage theory? It's Just Garbage Chapter 318

242. Mrs. Kushina, long time no see

Naruto Prince vs. Neji's battle and speech.

It's like someone said... beat a worker! As long as you work as hard as I do, you can also buy a big house by the sea.

But that was just a joke.

If you think you can be like others, then you are really a sand sculpture.

Ning Ci drank the bowl of poisonous chicken soup, and was finally stabbed to death by a small tree branch.

The closed loop of fate of "Hokage's son is Hokage, the son who sent someone to death for others" is successfully completed.

His ending, it can be said, is the greatest irony.


Hinata and Hizari bowed slightly, expressing all their gratitude without saying a word.

To see my son whom I haven't seen for many years, and to find a way to pull him out of the quagmire, that is my only wish.

"Then, everyone, for the Chunin exam half a year later, please try your best to be the best!"

Mingren took the case and announced the main plan for this year.

Everything... is preparing for the revenge of the Chunin Exam half a year later, and the fourth Ninja World War in the future!


After the meeting.

Everyone left the place one after another.

"I want to go back and continue my practice." Ying clenched her fists and decided to devote most of her time to practice.

As for acting and other sub-jobs, just leave it to the shadow avatar to do it.

Hakura on the side also had the same idea. In order to defeat Kazekage, she must continue to sharpen the hatred in her heart and push the dark chakra to a new peak.


Asuka looked at Hanzo.

As a similar ninja of the same origin.

Asuka can finally ask his grandfather how to become a second demigod.

And she can also teach the demigod, over the years, the exploration and experience of dark chakra.

The grandparents and grandsons each get what they need and will make up for each other.

"Everyone, maybe I will have a chance to face my brother."

Hyuga Nichizai entrusts Ringo Yuyuri, Loquat Juzang and the others.

During this time, I hope to be able to serve as opponents fighting each other.

At that time, if he faces his elder brother Hinata Hinata, he will also show the possibility of the branch family defeating the clan family.

Destiny...can be changed.

Practical actions will prove this.

"I can be regarded as successful and famous..."

Shennong looked at the peaceful atmosphere. find old friend Orochihime to catch up on the old days.

By the way, let's take a look at Junma Lu's situation.

After all, that deal was maintained until Junmalu's situation was stabilized.

Therefore, a review at least once a year is necessary.

Everyone has chosen their own path, and Ming people naturally have their own things to do.

Ying's last teammate's choice.

Changes to some things in the original book.

Everything...under control.

And right now, the most important thing...

Mingren: "Presumably, Madam Jiushina would also like to meet her child..."


Sky Fortress Ankbandian.

black prison.


Except for the sound of water bubbles bubbling, the entire black prison was eerily silent.

In the darkness.

Multiple bodies bobbing and sinking in different life tanks.

Pharmacist Nonoyu, Long Yin Girl, Uzumaki Kushina, Little Murloc Fishing Fire, Crane Wing Fubuki, Uchiha Mikoto...

They closed their eyes tightly, as if they were dreaming but not waking up.

Or frown, or mourn, or frighten...

All expressions can be gathered into the word "pain".

Over the years, they have generated a steady stream of negative emotions.

Be transformed into dark chakra, maintain the operation of Ankbandian, or send it to Mingren.

As for Ankebandian's power center, in addition to maintaining its own operation, the spherical enchantment of Yuyin Village below also relies on this to operate.


Ankbandian's power output efficiency is quite high.

A zero tail can keep everything running.

And with so many dark weapons and many zero tails, it is easy to export them naturally.

The excess dark chakras have entered Mingren's body one after another, and have continuously become the resources for Mingren's development and growth.

The current strength of the Ming people is [75.242].

This kind of power has been able to make 99% of the ninjas in the ninja world tremble and tremble.

So every step of improvement will become extremely difficult.

Just relying on the dark weapons in front of you, you can only increase your strength a little bit every year.

However, the "total amount" of Diablo Chakra, which is the upper limit of Mingren's own blue bar, is constantly increasing.

Every year, at least a few hundred to 1000 calories will be added.

This also means continuing to improve strength in disguise.

A bottleneck of strength, that's just a bottleneck for other people.

For Ming people, there is nothing impossible in this world.

If there is.

That must be because there are not enough people.

As long as there are enough people and the strength of everyone is gathered, there is nothing that cannot be done.

Next step.

Mingren is preparing to complete the most critical part of the "Core of the Hidden Rain Barrier".

years ago.

Asuka activated the emergency plan, completed the spherical perception enchantment, and wrapped Yuyin Village.

But in the core, there is still a part that is not started.

That part needs to be filled by yourself.

And once that spell is activated... his own power will continue to advance by leaps and bounds.

Of course, that is something to do later, it is a backup method.

When the opponent plays cards according to the routine, Mingren will also have back and forth with him.

If the other party does not follow the normal rules, cheating.

That's embarrassing.

The backup technique will be activated, and the enemy will taste what real "power" is.

"Mrs. Kushina..."

Akito didn't even look at Uchiha Mikoto, and went straight to Uzumaki Kushina.

The next step is to release her and take her to Konoha to see the growth of Prince Naruto.

As for why not Uchiha Mikoto...

On the night of the genocide, her actions had already explained everything.

Kushina Uzumaki loves Minakame Minato deeply, and also loves children.

Uchiha Mikoto is different.

She is a husband and wife, and everything depends on her husband.

Uchiha rebelled, and the lives of Itachi and Sasuke might be lost because of this, didn't she know?

Of course this beautiful woman knew.

But she still chose to obey her husband's arrangement fully.

It can be seen that in Uchiha Mikoto's mind, her husband is the first.

Therefore, threatening Uchiha Mikoto with Sasuke's life will not work at all.

Because as early as when Uchiha "rebelled", she had made up her mind to die for the whole family.


Following Mingren's actions.

Kushina was released.


Like the rapid breathing of a drowning man.

Kushina, who was awakened, gasped violently.

And when she knelt on the ground and looked up, what she saw...was that familiar yet unfamiliar stern face.

"Mrs. Kushina... Long time no see."

Kushina: "!"

243. At the beginning of the original work, Kushina suffered from "heat stroke"?

"Master Hokage, it's not good~~!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "What's wrong? Could it be that Naruto made some kind of plane again?"

Thousands of miles away, the distant Muye Hidden Village.

A burst of laughter kicked off today's prank scene.

"You idiots, you can't do this kind of thing."

Naruto Uzumaki held a paint bucket and a brush in his hand, and hung himself in mid-air, and all kinds of graffiti were smeared on all sides of Hokage Rock.

He looked at his proud work and laughed.

"Naruto, you idiot, come down quickly!!" Iruka yelled.

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