Naruto Lineage Theory? Trash

Naruto lineage theory? It's Just Garbage Chapter 319

"Oh...Iruka." Sarutobi Hiruzen walked slowly with his hands behind his back.

"Yes! Hokage-sama!"

Iruka immediately stood up straight.

Uzumaki Naruto, who heard Iruka's reprimand, immediately became flustered: "'s Iruka-sensei..."

Soon, Uzumaki Naruto, who was trying to escape, was caught by Iruka.

Afterwards, Iruka, who tied him into a rice dumpling, carried him angrily back to the ninja school...

For everyone, it is a speechless ordinary day.

From Kushina's point of view, it was another meeting between mother and son many years later.

She stood in the grass, staring at this scene from a distance, weeping uncontrollably.

It didn't take much effort to come to Konoha from Yuyin Village.

Akito was right behind Kushina, watching the scene with indifference.

It's different from the previous visit.

This time... Mingren plans to stay in Konoha for a longer period of time to conduct field inspections and follow-up.

Confirm whether the plot will develop as in the original book.

In order to be able to completely defeat the ultimate of blood theory - Uzumaki Naruto.

I have to make sure that everything is going on as scheduled.

Of course, for some small corrections, comic regrets, and comic mistakes to make up for, I will still take action.

"Okay, Mrs. Kushinay, calm down."

Akito's cold words made Kushina stop talking immediately.

For many years.

Kushina's face remained unchanged.

Still look like the past 24 years old.

This is naturally the credit of Dark Chakra.

Coupled with the blood of the Uzumaki family, Kushina Uzumaki, who was 24 years old at the time, was actually in her early 20s.

"I, I know..."

Kushina was sobbing, trying to stop crying.

In this world where her husband is dead, Naruto is her only concern.

The child...that is his own child...

Seeing Naruto grow up healthy, I am very happy.


Kushina knows.

All these visits come at a price.

"Mrs. Jiushina, you really love your child and husband deeply..."

Seeing Kushina staring at Hokage Rock in a daze.

Mingren added.

"Don't, don't say any more..." Kushina immediately shook her head, showing pain.

"Then let's go."

Akito turned around, and Kushina followed immediately.

Because of the dark chakra, Akito can also maintain a youthful appearance.

And because of the relationship between the body regeneration technique and the dark medical ninjutsu, Mingren can adjust his body at will.


Adjust your face and change your appearance with ease.

Thereby masquerading as someone completely different.

this time.

Mingren came to Konoha as a tourist.

As the second largest city in the Land of Fire, Konoha has a well-developed tourism industry.

Whether it is food, landscape, hot springs, shopping plazas, theaters... all provide Konoha with a lot of external income.

As for Kushina.

Use dark chakra to temporarily change the color of her hair, turning her into long black hair.

Just let Jiu Xinnai's character design come to a complete reversal.

Wear with a visor to cover your face.

Another partial occlusion was performed.

Finally, add casual clothing for clothing, and wear styles that have never been worn before.

Kushina has thus completed her "transformation".

Stroll the streets.

People come and go.

No one recognized Akito and Kushinara.

There may be...for example, some people from the Hyuga clan, such as Hyuga Hyuzu and others.

A blunderer might take a glance with his open white eyes and recognize Akito's powerful chakra.


The survival philosophy of the Hyuga Clan is to know everything but say nothing.

Just like in the manga Shippuden, Hinata can see through Naruto's heartbeat. The entire Hyuga clan kept silent, but Payne Liudao was like a dead person.

So many people were sacrificed that it was concluded that Payne was actually a corpse.


Maybe the Hyuga Clan was already eccentric and immoral, so they didn't want to talk about it. After all, the heir to the Hinata clan was first kidnapped by the leader of the cloud hidden ninja.

"I'm hungry."

Mingren suddenly said that he was a little hungry.


Jiu Xinnai's complexion changed drastically.

Her lips trembled.

Obviously trying to make myself accept what is going to happen next.

Since I visited Naruto, I have to make a corresponding exchange...

Soon, Kushina faltered.

His legs also began to tremble.

Her breathing became heavy, and she also wore the "torture device and ninja device" from last time on this trip.


A torture device capable of restricting speed and pace.

Hum low.

With the continuous effect of Chakra, it will produce a running effect.

As long as there is it, Kushina cannot escape immediately.


Kushina's pace became stumbling, as if she was about to lose her footing.

There was also a pained expression on his face.

what she looks like.

It also immediately attracted the attention of others.


The masked ninja, sitting with his legs crossed and reading a little O book under a sun umbrella, raised his head.

He scratched one of his silver hairs, feeling a little strange.

So, he got up and put away the "Intimate Heaven" in his hand.

He came over and asked, ", is your companion okay?"

Kakashi greeted Akito.

"Maybe it's heatstroke, I'm going to take her to find a place to rest."


Akito reached out to hold Kushina's arm.

The wobbly Kushina did indeed show a gesture similar to heat stroke.

"Well, although there are many interesting places to travel in summer, you must also be careful about the weather..."

Kakashi kindly pointed out the nearest inn to enjoy the shade.

It means that you can eat there by the way.

"If it doesn't work, you can also order takeaway."

After some enthusiastic guidance, Kakashi left with a smile.

Until he left, he didn't recognize the two people in front of him.

One is the actual leader of Yuyin Village. his teacher and wife Kushina Uzumaki!

No one would think that Kushina was still alive.

After all, she was drawn out of Nine Tails back then.

It is precisely because of this blind spot in thinking that Kushina can appear here swaggeringly.

"Let's go."

Mingren gave Jiu Xinnai a cold look, and then, supporting her powerless, walked slowly into the hotel next to her...

244. Kushina's decision to stay in Konoha?

Hotel, fifth floor.

There is a cool breeze.

Although it is a ninja world, there is such a thing as an air conditioner.

In the air-conditioned room, looking out the window.

Many scenes of Konoha can be seen.

Akito sat on a chair and told Uzumaki Kushina what had happened to Konoha over the years.

And Kushina, of course, was kneeling and sitting on the tatami, trying to eat food.

When Akito said that the Uchiha clan had been wiped out.

A look of astonishment flashed in Kushina's eyes.

Then he coughed.

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