Naruto Lineage Theory? Trash

Naruto lineage theory? It's Just Garbage Chapter 323

Then use the transformation technique to disguise as Sasuke.

Almost cheated Sakura's first kiss.

In the end, although I had a stomachache because of drinking expired milk, I ran away in the middle.

However, this scene was enough to make Kushina very angry.

"Naruto~~~, how could it be like precious is a girl's first kiss, doesn't he know at all?!"

Why is this method of picking up girls completely opposite to his father's? !

bad! too bad!



With the arrival of the guide Kakashi Hatake Hatake.

Kushina couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

If it's Kakashi, then it's fine.

After all, it is Mr. Shuo Mao's son...

And this allocation of teachers is the meaning of inheritance.

So... what is that book that Kakashi is holding in his hand?

Kushina didn't know it yet. completely crooked.

The incomparably pure boy Kakashi she knew in the past has died to some extent.

The new ones... those who are obscene, lazy, full of lies, who like to be late... the older youth Qi Mu Zha Zha Xi, has been launched.

After some testing.

The seventh class, who realized the meaning of unity, was recognized by Kakashi, and all members passed, officially becoming a Genin.

Seeing this scene, Kushina was very relieved.

Perhaps, under Kakashi's leadership and teaching, his son will grow into a ninja with absolutely excellent moral character...

So, what is that book in Kakashi's hand?

The time when Namikaze Minato sacrificed.

"Kindness in Paradise" hasn't come out yet.

After that, Jiraiya wrote this book.

And Kushina didn't know this either.


time flies.

The daily routine of the seventh class began to turn.

Accept D-level tasks, weeding, babysitting for others, shopping in the next village, helping Mrs. Daming catch the lost cat...

Experience is accumulated gradually.

The friendship of the seventh class is also gradually cultivated.

And the light of hope in Jiu Xinnai's eyes became brighter and brighter. no longer desperate.

Instead, she was full of hope, waiting for the day when her child could grow up and kill Mingren Tianhe.

Kushina firmly believed that that day would come.

Before that, as a mother myself, even if I suffer a little...


Kushina, who was standing in front of the mirror, was stunned.

These days are too peaceful.

That man Tianhe Mingren never let himself do anything again.

The too ordinary daily life even made her slowly accept this.

Immediately, Kushina's body trembled.

She immediately looked around the room, but did not find Tianhe Mingren.


five days ago.

The seventh class...that is, Naruto's lower ninja class, received the task of going to the country of Nami.

With the footsteps of a ninja, it can be reached in 2 days.

But the employer "Bridge Builder Datsuna" is an ordinary person, so it takes five days to arrive in that country.

Kushina couldn't help but start to worry.

Naruto... did he really go to the land of waves as that man said?

She thought about it and wanted to go out and have a look.

Before going out, she immediately went back to the bathroom because she needed to follow the rules.

Pick up and infuse chakra.


Watching the opening of the "instrument of torture" that restricts mobility.

Kushina took a deep breath and put on the torture device suddenly.


After enduring the pain for a while, she frowned before gasping for breath.

After finishing this, Kushina walked out of the bathroom and went to the entrance.

When he opened the door, he happened to meet Akito who had come back.

"Have you brought the instruments of torture?" Mingren asked indifferently.

"" Kushina lowered her head and responded.

"Okay, your son Uzumaki Naruto has arrived in the land of waves, it's time for us to set off..."

Ming said.

It's time to do that, too.

which thing?

Of course it was to save Tao Di Zai Bu Zhan and Bai that fateful pair of mandarin ducks.

By the way, let Bai become Ying's third and last ninja teammate!


Ten minutes later...

Akito, who was flying at high speed, brought Kushina, who was wrapped in dark chakra, to the skies over the land of waves.

at this time.

The seventh shift was passing a small puddle under a sunny summer sky.

Then, Kakashi was torn to pieces by the ghost brothers who came out of the small puddle.


Kushina opened her eyes slightly, and immediately recognized that Kakashi had used a substitute technique.

At this time, the real Kakashi had already hid in the grass, ready to observe the results of the abilities of his three subordinates.

"Well... what are they going to do?"

Kakashi held the small O book in one hand, thinking in his heart.

Naruto was petrified.

Sakura came to Dazna at the first time, regardless of her own safety, pulled out Kunai, and protected the task entrusting person.

And a handsome rescuer, knocking the ghost brothers away.

Just when Sasuke wanted to continue to show off and fight back at a critical moment...

Kakashi appeared on the stage, easily settled the Oni Brothers, and commented on the performance of the three.

"Well... Naruto was the worst," Kakashi said.

Kushina: "..."

Just now, the scene where Naruto was too scared to move made her a little disappointed.

Look at other people's children... Sasuke...

"Heh, what does it mean to be on the battlefield for the first time?"

Mingren shook his head.

In the later stage, Naruto Uzumaki is the one with the strongest mentality.

Even Uchiha Sasuke's mentality is not as firm as his.

It is precisely because of strong self-confidence that Nagato, Neji, Obito, and Sasuke have said successively to reincarnate as a human being.

Oh Sasuke is alive.

But in fact, he died once, and it was only because of the immortals of the Six Paths that he died, so he continued.

But still because of Prince Ming's strong self-confidence, he knelt down to become Hokage and played basketball again, thus completely abandoning the plan and revolutionary ideas of unification.

Since then...

The role of Uchiha Sasuke is completely OOC, and he is really dead.

He became the No. 2 Danzo, only Konoha followed the lead, worked conscientiously, and single-handedly provoked all the work of Danzo and Gen, and helped Konoha deal with the enemy outside, so he had no time to go home for many years...


Kushina was puzzled by this evaluation.

But she didn't ask.

Because in the past half a month or so, Tianhe Mingren, a man, has proved his vicious vision.

Everything he explained about Naruto will come true.

So, it must be as he said.

Although his own child Naruto... did not perform well the first time.

But in the future, will he become the most determined person with the will of fire?

248. Nine-Tails Chakra Debut

Afterwards, the appearance of Rebellious Ninja Zabuzhan among the Seven Ninja Swordsmen confirmed what Mingren said.

Kakashi nearly flipped over by accident.

Thanks to Uzumaki Naruto for his quick wit.

Not only is he extremely brave, but he also came up with an unexpected strategy and cooperated with Sasuke to successfully rescue Kakashi from the water prison.

In the end, Kakashi put it to good use and knocked down Zabuza directly.

Shiro, who pretended to be Kirigakure Anbe, appeared on the spot and successfully grabbed the head.

Kakashi immediately put away his posture and told Naruto that the other party was not an enemy.

In the past two years, Terumi Mei has reached an armistice agreement with Konoha.

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