Naruto Lineage Theory? Trash

Naruto lineage theory? It's Just Garbage Chapter 324

The two sides stopped temporarily and stopped harassing each other.

Looking at the unconvinced Naruto, Kakashi sighed: "Naruto, I can understand your feelings, but this is also true. In this world, there are many people who are about the same age as you and me, but stronger than you and me." Too many ninjas..."

There was a haze in Kakashi's eyes for a moment.

He couldn't help but think of that extremely powerful figure.

people say.

Akito Tianhe was killed by Uchiha Fugaku.

I also witnessed this with my own eyes.

However, Tianhe Mingren did not die later.

The hype and reports of the Land of Rain confirmed the survival of Tianhe Mingren.

After not seeing him for so many years, how strong will he be?

Later, Kakashi collapsed to the ground due to excessive use of chakra.

Naruto and the others could only lift Kakashi and send it to Datsuna's house.

Witnessing all this with her own eyes, Uzumaki Kushina was both happy and worried.

Everything was confirmed one by one as Tianhe Mingren said.

He seems to have a pair of eyes that can see through everything.

But the more this happened, the more frightened Jiu Xinnai became.

Because she could feel that Mingren Tianhe was planning something...for her child Naruto...

So, what exactly does he want to achieve, or achieve? ?

Akito didn't answer Kushina's thoughts.

Her growing uneasiness has also become the best catalyst for subsequent events...


next week.

Kakashi, who was out of strength, began to teach Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura to climb trees.

Sakura showed excellent chakra control.

Soon, he climbed to the top of the tree.

Sasuke and Naruto come and go, comparing each other.

The two have honed their friendship through constant practice.

One night, they even hooked their shoulders and supported each other, who were exhausted, back to Dazner's house.

This scene.

It made Kushina happy and gratified.

Seeing that Naruto stopped bullying Sasuke, he became good friends with him.

Especially...Sasuke is Mikoto's child.

Thinking of this, Kushina felt that the idea of ​​the past had come true.

On the day when I was about to give birth to Naruto, I ran into Mikoto on the road, and said that Naruto and Sasuke would be at the same level, and the two would definitely get along well...

When Jiu Xinna felt infinite emotion in his heart.

Next to her, Akito reminded her: "Haven't you thought about how the Uchiha clan was exterminated?"

This sentence is like pouring a basin of cold water.

Kushina used to be Konoha Kamishin, and would attend meetings.

Later, when she became Mrs. Hokage, she knew many secrets even more.

She is very aware of the conflict between Konoha's senior management and the Uchiha clan.

I also heard that Minato said that the problems of the Uchiha clan should be solved.

Could it be that......

Kushina's complexion instantly turned extremely pale.

She...was aware of a possibility.

Needless to say, she realized what the high-level Konoha would do, which led to the extermination of the Uchiha clan.


Mingren sneered.

He didn't explain it either, and let Kushina guess by himself.

"Konoha has been rotten for too long. This regime should be destroyed sooner or later."

"That's just because Minato is gone...and, I believe, Naruto will become no less than his father's Hokage." Kushina retorted courageously.

"If a person is sick, it is of course no problem to rescue him. But if it is a patient whose cancer cells have spread throughout the body, then...there will be no cure. The best way is to let him go away with dignity .”

Mingren said indifferently.

Konoha's only end is destruction!

Learned Akito's ambition to destroy Konoha.

Kushina couldn't sleep at night.

She thought of Uchiha's genocide again, and then thought of Akito Tianhe's plan for her child.

Many things superimposed together made Jiu Xinna feel the pain.

For several days, she didn't sleep well...


That day, as promised.

In the early morning, thick fog appeared on the unfinished bridge.

Don't make a comeback again.

This time, he brought a companion... Bai.

And Kakashi, who had been prepared for a long time, also opened his posture.

Let Sasuke and Sakura protect Dazna.

Then, the battle unfolded.

Naruto, who was late, rushed into the ice crystal of Bai's magic mirror.

Kushina recognized that it was the Snow Clan's "Ice Escape·Blood Succession Boundary".

Facing a family of orphans, she couldn't help but feel worried.

Because... the current Naruto and Sasuke are not the Snow Boy at all? opponent.

Just when Jiu Xinnai couldn't help but rushed out.

Sasuke blocked the "fatal" attack for Naruto.

Naruto erupted because of this, and Nine-Tails' Chakra surged out violently.


The violent Chakra soared into the sky.

The spiraling orange chakra finally forms the shape of a nine-tailed head on top of the head.

"This, this is..." Bai was shocked, looking at this incomprehensible and powerful evil chakra.

Naruto Uzumaki's eyes turned into vertical pupils, his fingers became sharp, and his beard and birthmark were dyed red, lying on all fours.

Extreme anger made him rush towards Bai.

Sasuke's "death" made him completely angry.

"The seal of the Eight Diagrams seal...loosened a little..."

Seeing this scene, Kushina couldn't help feeling a little worried.

But think of the effectiveness of the gossip seal.

Even if Naruto burst out with eight tails, she couldn't help but force herself to be calm.

not to mention......

At the most critical moment, Minato kept the chakra in Naruto's body... that wisp of consciousness will definitely prevent him from unlocking the final seal.

That is.

The chakra of the nine tails, combined with the seal of the eight trigrams, and the consciousness of the water gate.

There is no risk at all.

This highest-tech sealing technique has surpassed the safety factor of all countries in the ninja world and other eight-tailed beasts.

It is completely the safest way to gain power.


The moment Naruto pounced on Shiro.

Bai knew that he couldn't resist this kind of offensive at all.

Totally...not a level.

I'm sorry, Mr. Don't Kill, I'm so useless...

249. Save Shiro, Rebuke Kakashi

boom! !

The voice did not arrive.

A black beam of light pierced through the fog and went straight to the sky.

Most of the fog hiding technique on the bridge was instantly blown away.

The black light swept across the sea all the way, stirring up countless waves.

The concave trajectory of the water wave is thousands of meters long.

The gust of wind caused by the terrifying power directly blew Uzumaki Naruto flying out of the air.

Without being touched by the force, he flew tens of meters away like a brainless fly...

Naruto Uzumaki sweated quickly on his brow with a dazed face.

The strong wind that just blew and the terrifying killing intent contained in the black light.

Let him cool down instantly.

This is not Mingren's original intention, but a means to prevent it.

Just because the power is too strong, just a little leaked breath makes Uzumaki Naruto feel like falling into an ice cave.

The Nine-Tails Chakra that erupted also retracted instantly due to psychological changes.

This is far beyond the killing intent of Orochimaru, and it is not something he can resist.

Naruto Uzumaki fell to the ground, trembling, unable to move a single finger.

On the other side, Bai, who was blown by the strong wind, also rolled out instantly.

He rolled over a dozen times on the bridge before barely stopping.

The ultimate fear passed into his mind.

Bai lay on the ground, trembling, unable to get up at all.

With a punch, Akito who terminated the confrontation between Naruto and Shiro, also made them temporarily incapacitated.


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