"From now on, there is no Uchiha Itachi in this world, only Itachi.

He will be deprived of all his status and live as a criminal in the Uchiha clan.

He will be the first to go on any dangerous mission;

Whenever there is a war, he will be the first to step into the battlefield!

Until his death...

He must not be buried in the Uchiha clan's cemetery after his death!

From this moment on, no Uchiha clan member can abuse him.

At the same time, I will send someone to supervise Itachi's actions... The task of supervising him will be performed by Uchiha Izumi...

If he does anything that harms the interests of the Uchiha in the future,

I, Uchiha Mikoto, will die in front of all the clan members with my husband Uchiha Fugaku, my youngest son Uchiha Sasuke, and Uchiha Izumi who supervises him!"

No one could have imagined that Uchiha Mikoto, who has always been weak, could burst out with such heavy majesty at this moment...

It almost suffocated everyone present.

"How is it? Are you satisfied with my way of handling it?"

Hmm... how should I put it?

Although Uchiha Mikoto's way of handling it is somewhat biased towards Uchiha Itachi... no, it should be Itachi.

But the Uchiha present no longer cares about this, because what they care more about now is...

"Mikoto-sama, you and the clan leader are different from this beast. You two don't have to guarantee him with your lives at all..."

"Yes, we have absolutely no objection to your decision, Mikoto-sama, but you use the lives of your family as a guarantee... This is unnecessary."

"Mikoto-sama, please take back what you said."


"Okay, everyone, this is not only my decision, but also the collective decision of my family.

We are very grateful that you can spare Itachi's life from now on."

Uchiha Mikoto interrupted everyone's persuasion and bowed deeply to the Uchiha present.

"After all, I am also a mother, and I cannot bear to see my child being tortured like this... Please forgive me this time, forgive my selfishness as a mother."


Naruto glanced at Nibashi with a slightly compassionate look, and said something to him inexplicably.

"Nibashi, you should keep an eye on your brother in the future~ Don't let him do anything wrong again.

Now your family's heads are tied to him..."

Nibashi: (꒪⌓꒪)...


The incident of the Uchiha clan beating Itachi was solved by Uchiha Mikoto in just a few words.

After that, all the Uchiha clan members dispersed, only Uchiha Izumi took Itachi to the edge of the Uchiha station to find a temporary place to stay.

As a sinner, Itachi lost the qualification to live with other Uchiha, and could only find another remote piece of land to build a house by himself.

"...Izumi, I'm sorry."

After hesitating for a long time, Itachi finally said the three words that he had been hiding in his heart to Uchiha Izumi who was walking in front of him.

"Big idiot~"

Uchiha Izumi, who was facing away from Itachi, blushed and whispered softly.

"What did you say?"

Uchiha Izumi's voice was so low that Itachi couldn't hear it clearly.

"I said, do you want to eat three-color meatballs?"

"... There is no place selling three-color meatballs here."

"It's okay, I'll make it for you."


"Let's go, let's go buy the ingredients for making three-color meatballs together."

"... OK."

Itachi suddenly felt that he owed the girl in front of him more than he thought...


After sending Itachi and Uchiha Izumi away, Uchiha Mikoto did not stay with Uchiha Fugaku;

Instead, she handed the two pillars to Uchiha Fugaku to take care of, and took Kushina and Naruto back to Naruto's residence.

"Kushina, Itachi's life will be like this. I can only count on Sasuke now...

But I am very worried that he will be too deeply influenced by Itachi. Will he follow his brother's old path in the future...

Kushina, what should I do?"

Obviously, Uchiha Mikoto is worried about the future education of the second pillar.

"Mikoto, don't worry.

I think Sasuke is a good kid... Maybe your worries are unnecessary."

Kushina tried to comfort her best friend's hurt heart with words.

"You don't understand. Sasuke has admired Itachi since he was a child. Maybe he will really follow Itachi's wrong path...

Your Naruto is still the best~

He is a few months younger than Sasuke, but he is so well-behaved and sensible. He has learned a lot of skills at a young age...

Kushina, I really envy you~"

Uchiha Mikoto envied her in real name, causing Kushina and Naruto to squint their eyes comfortably.Sister (Auntie), if you can talk, just say more~✧(◍˃̶ᗜ˂̶◍)✩

"Mikoto, do you want to know why Naruto can achieve such success?"

Suddenly, Kushina's beautiful eyes turned, and she just couldn't think of a good way to teach the (suspected) second pillar who had improper thoughts about Naruto a lesson.

"I want to~"

Uchiha Mikoto's eyes lit up and nodded repeatedly.

"In fact, Naruto can achieve such results thanks to my teaching."

"... But... didn't you die when Naruto was just born?"

Uchiha Mikoto began to look at her best friend with suspicion.

"Ahem~ I mean the teaching I gave Naruto after he called me back to the living world~"

"...Since Naruto was able to call you back to the living world, it means that he had good skills before that...It has nothing to do with your education method, Kushina?"

Uchiha Mikoto said that she was not someone who could be fooled by Kushina's casual words.

"Ahem~This is not important!"

Kushina was obviously a little ashamed and angry, and she directly grabbed Uchiha Mikoto's shoulders and shook them continuously.

"Do you want to hear how I educated Naruto?!"

"...Then tell me~"

Regarding the issue of the education of the second pillar, Uchiha Mikoto also wanted to hear Kushina's opinion.

"My way of educating Naruto can be summed up in one word - beat!

As the saying goes, if you don't beat him, he won't become a useful person, and if you don't beat him, he won't become a talent;

If you don't beat him for three days, he will tear down the roof!"

Naruto: (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))? ! !

"...Is that so?"

Uchiha Mikoto looked at Naruto with a questioning look.

Under the threat of Kushina's eyes, Naruto nodded with tears in his eyes and humiliation.

"Look, my son has admitted it~

Mikoto, let me tell you~

Educate your children...

If they don't study hard, you should beat them;

If they don't listen well, you should also beat them!

If you don't like them, you should beat them to death;

If you like them... you should also beat them, this is called preventing them from happening!

Even if he is honest, you can find a reason to beat him;

In this way, he will be honest and will no longer have bad intentions.

Beat him until he cries and screams for his parents, and from then on he will know how to make progress and work hard...

If you beat him dozens of times a year, he will become a good child in the eyes of others;

If you beat him hundreds of times a year...

What kind of jonin, Kage level, super Kage level... they are all easy to get!"

Uchiha Mikoto: Õ_Õ...

Naruto: (*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)...

"Is this...really useful?"

Uchiha Mikoto hesitated.

"Why is it useless? I made Naruto a man of my own making."

Seeing that Uchiha Mikoto was still hesitating, Kushina immediately decided to add fuel to the fire.

"Mikoto, let me tell you something~ Sasuke has shown some signs of being wrong now. You don't even know how he treats my Naruto..."

Kushina whispered something in Uchiha Mikoto's ear, and Uchiha Mikoto's beautiful eyes widened.

"Okay, I'll try what you said when I get back!"

Uchiha Mikoto changed her previous hesitant look and made the decision immediately.

After Uchiha Mikoto said goodbye to Kushina and trotted back to find Uchiha Fugaku and Nijiru.

Naruto came tremblingly behind Kushina and carefully pulled the corner of Kushina's clothes.

"What's wrong, Naruto~"

"Mom... You don't really want to beat me, do you?"

"How could that be? You are my dearest baby~"

"Then tell Aunt Mikoto..."

Kushina caressed Naruto's little head, and the smile on her face showed that he was in a good mood at the moment.

"Silly boy, Sasuke is not my biological child..."

Naruto: (ó﹏ò。) ...

It is not known what Naruto's future life will be like, but from today on, I'm afraid that Nizhuzi's life will be a little sad~

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