"The last one, if it really doesn't work, I don't want my parents anymore, can you send them back to the Pure Land?"

The second pillar grabbed Naruto's arm and said with tears.

In a place where the second pillar couldn't see, Kushina silently took out a small notebook and recorded his words in the notebook.

If nothing unexpected happens, this notebook will appear in Uchiha Mikoto's hands tonight.

"My mother used to be so gentle, and my father was strict but never hit me.

But since they returned to the real world from the Pure Land, everything has changed...

My mother not only beat me, but also instigated my father to beat me together...

Now the two of them are getting more and more addicted to beating, and the more they beat, the more excited they are. If they continue like this...

I will die, I will definitely die, right?!"

As he said, Naruto only regretted not having a camera in his hand.

This is the dark history of the future king of the ninja world, the second pillar, it would be a pity not to take a picture of it as a souvenir.

"I'm the last one to come up with this. I've been thinking about it carefully these few days since I got home.

Father, mother, Uchiha Izumi... they're all dead.

That means if my brother does something wrong again, I'll be the only one to die in front of all the clan members...

Wuwuwuwu~ How could mother be like this?

She's not bullying me like this. I'm obviously her son~"

Nakajima was so sad that he couldn't help but bury his head in Naruto's arms and cried loudly.

[You just discovered this? ! ]

Naruto was really worried about Nakajima's IQ, but the most urgent thing right now was to find a way to comfort Nakajima's young heart.

Naruto gently patted Nakajima's back and comforted him.

"Don't worry, Nizhuzi, even if you die, I can use the Impure World Reincarnation to bring you back to this beautiful world."

Naruto said:

Nizhuzi, you are my beloved relative, brother;

The love and care from parents that other children can enjoy, you must also have it!

Nibiru: (╯°Д°)╯︵ ┻━┻!!!

"The last one... you're dead! You!"

Just as Nibiru was about to take action, he caught a glimpse of the elusive Kushina from the corner of his eye.

Kushina: (一︿一+)!

Nibiru: (*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)...

Nibiru wanted to cry but had no tears. He silently put down his raised hand and continued to complain to Naruto.

"We are both seven years old, why do I, Uchiha Sasuke, have to bear such a great pressure alone?!

I feel like the whole world is against me... the last one, do you understand this feeling?"

Naruto: 눈_눈...

"I understand, I understand~ How about... you let Uncle Fugaku and Aunt Mikoto have another child?

This way you don't have to bear such a great pressure alone."

Nibiru: (⊙o⊙)! ! !

Nizhuzi felt that this proposal was very good, and he didn't realize that Naruto had dug a huge pit for him.

So Nizhuzi ran back to his home excitedly and told Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Mikoto that he also wanted a brother or sister.

Uchiha Fugaku looked at his stupid son and held his forehead helplessly.

"Sasuke, I ask you... Can the body of the reincarnated body reproduce normally?"

Nizhuzi: (ー_ー)!!

"... I don't know, how about I go and ask the last one?"

Nizhuzi had a bad premonition and turned around and ran away.


Uchiha Mikoto whispered two words, and the whole person still looked as gentle as before.

But when Nizhuzi heard these two words, he immediately stood still, and cold sweat broke out on his head.

"Turn around, Sasuke."

Nizhuzi turned around quickly, but he kept his head down and didn't dare to talk to his family. The old mother looked at each other.

"Sasuke, why do you suddenly want a brother or sister?"

"This, this... I actually just want someone to share the beatings from my father and you... Ahem, it's care..."

Nizuka: Damn it, I said the truth when I was nervous... (°ー°〃)~

"... Is it because we have been too strict with you these days?"

No one knows a child better than his mother, Uchiha Mikoto immediately guessed Nizuka's thoughts.

In fact, Uchiha Mikoto has gradually come to her senses these days. She is probably fooled by her best friend Kushina.

Her educational method is completely fake, and her purpose is to discipline her little son. As for the reason why she did that...

Uchiha Mikoto also thinks that Nizuka deserves to be beaten~

But he has been beaten for so many days, and as a mother, Uchiha Mikoto gradually feels reluctant.

[However... just take advantage ofToday's opportunity...】

Thinking of this, Uchiha Mikoto smiled and said to Nijiru.

"If it's because of this, then your father and I have decided..."


Before she finished speaking, an Uchiha clan member walked into the room quickly, knelt respectfully at the foot of Uchiha Mikoto and presented her with a booklet.

"This is what Madam Kushina just sent, and she specifically asked me to hand it to you personally."

[Hmm? Kushina... What does my best friend want to do? ]

Uchiha Mikoto picked up the booklet with curiosity, and saw that the cover of the booklet read - "Record of Uchiha Sasuke's Words and Deeds".

Seeing that it was about her youngest son, Uchiha Mikoto immediately became interested and immediately opened the booklet to read.

As a result, just after turning to the first page, what caught Uchiha Mikoto's eyes were seven big words specially enlarged and bolded in red - I don't want these parents anymore.

Uchiha Mikoto: ((( ̄へ ̄井)!!!

"Yes, your mother and I have decided..."

Uchiha Fugaku, who claimed to know his wife's thoughts, saw that Uchiha Mikoto didn't speak for a long time and was about to follow her words.

It was announced that the second pillar would never be beaten again from now on, but...

"From now on, every morning and evening, you will feel the spurring from your parents... the kind of whipping you get when you hang on a tree~"

Uchiha Mikoto took over the conversation The smile was very friendly, but the words he said made everyone who heard it tremble.

Nijiru: (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))? ! !

"No... Mother, why?"

"Where do you get so many whys?!"

Uchiha Mikoto glared at Nijiru with dissatisfaction, and then gave a loud order.

"Come on, quickly hang this rebellious son on that crooked tree...

Yes, the tree where Itachi was hung a few days ago!"

Nijiru: Σ(っ°Д °;)っ? ! !

Until the second pillar was dragged away, Uchiha Fugaku smiled awkwardly and asked carefully.

"Mikoto, how did Sasuke offend you?"

Uchiha Fugaku couldn't help being careless, because Uchiha Mikoto was now emitting black air all over her body...

"Look for yourself."

Uchiha Mikoto handed him the booklet in her hand.

Uchiha Fugaku also saw the seven unique characters at the first time.

"This?! This... Alas... Sasuke is asking for a beating, isn't this~"

The old father who wanted to help had to draw a line with the second pillar at this moment, saying that he was powerless and could not help.

"Fugaku, what are you still doing?! Come here!"

"Hey hey~ Come here.

Madam, the stick in your hand has thorns, be careful not to hurt your hand;

Come, use mine... Gaga Banzheng!"

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