The dead tree is still in the ground, and the dead tree is still in the ground.

The alias of Konoha Training Ground No. 44, the Death Forest, is the largest and most dangerous training ground in Konoha Ninja Village.

Under the nourishment of towering trees, creatures in the forest can take in excess nutrients far beyond their own survival needs, and animals have begun to grow wildly like those giant trees with obviously unnatural heights: 2-meter-long wild boars, 5-meter-tall brown bears, and blood-sucking leeches as long as forearms...

In order to survive, snakes, insects, rats and ants have to optimize their venom and use the power of chemistry to fight against these physically invincible behemoths.

In decades of arms race, the creatures that survived at last all have their own "unique skills".

Such an environment has become the best place for Konoha ninjas to hone their survival skills, and it has also become the venue for the second round of the Joint Chunin Exam.

Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke are now jumping between the branches of the Death Forest, looking for the team with the Heaven Scroll.

The second exam is a 5-day scroll battle, which requires candidates to collect the Heaven and Earth Scrolls and then go to the tower in the center of the forest.


Sasuke, who was responsible for guarding the surroundings, suddenly accelerated and disappeared from Sakura and Naruto in an instant.

Naruto and Sakura looked at each other in confusion.

"Now it's Sasuke who is responsible for guarding the surroundings!

How come he disappeared without a sound!"

Naruto complained to Sakura dissatisfiedly.

The guarding of the Death Forest is carried out by Sakura's Oracle Essence Technique and Sasuke's Sharingan in turn, and now it's Sasuke's turn.

"Maybe Sasuke has discovered something and there's no time to explain it."

Sakura guessed.


"Lightning Release: Thunder Burning Technique!"


Just in front of the red-haired girl with glasses who was frightened to the point of weakness, a five-meter-tall giant bear fell to the ground, and a handsome boy walked out from behind.

The boy was wearing a blue top and white shorts, and there was still a trace of lightning from the lightning release in his hands. Judging from the forehead protector on his head, he should be a Konoha ninja.

This scene made Karin, who thought she was doomed, stunned. She was an absolute face control, and the appearance of the boy in front of her already made her intoxicated; coupled with the suspension bridge effect in a critical moment, she felt that she had fallen deeply in love and could not extricate herself.

"Are you okay? Can you still stand up?"

Sasuke asked Karin, who looked infatuated.

"Ah? No, it's okay."

Although Sasuke's tone was very cold, her concern still made Karin flattered.

"Be careful!"

Karin suddenly found that the giant bear that had just been knocked down was slowly standing up again behind Sasuke, and hurriedly warned him.

However, Sasuke seemed not to hear what Karin said, and did not react at all.

Karin looked at Sasuke with some confusion, not understanding why he did not react. Was it because she spoke too softly? Just as she was about to speak again, she suddenly saw the giant bear waving its paw towards Sasuke.

Karin stood up without hesitation and prepared to push Sasuke away. Although she knew it was dangerous to do so, she was even more reluctant to see Sasuke get hurt. Even if she was hurt because of this, she didn't care. After all, if Sasuke hadn't appeared in time, she would have died under the claws of this giant bear.

At this moment, a red shadow fell from the sky at an astonishing speed. In the blink of an eye, the huge bear paw was cut off and flew high, and the blood drew a bright red arc in the air.

"Dinner is settled!"

An excited voice sounded, and then an orange-yellow figure flashed out, quickly jumped into the air and hugged the huge bear paw.

Soon, two figures quickly came to Sasuke and stood still.


The intense pain of losing its front paw made the giant bear wail, and it looked at the three tiny humans in front of it angrily, but the wild instinct of the creature made it immediately understand the gap between itself and the three people in front of it, and it was definitely not their opponent.

Sakura used the look she had when she rang the bell during military training and glared at the brown bear.

This emotionless look, as if it was not regarded as a life at all but a dispensable consumable, directly shocked the giant bear.

After a tremor, the huge grizzly bear pretended to growl twice and fled away in disgrace on its remaining three legs.

Karin was dumbfounded. Such a big bear was scared away by these three people?

Karin didn't notice that her face and hands were pressed against Sasuke's chest.


This is because in a hurry, Karin wanted to bend her knees and push Sasuke away, but due to the difference in strength between the two, she failed to push and maintained this awkward posture.

"Hey, the young lady has thrown herself into my arms, and it's worth it for you to come to save the beauty."

Sakura noticed the ambiguous posture between Karin and Sasuke, and covered her mouth with the folding fan in her hand and laughed.

Sasuke realized his situation and quickly pushed Karin away, his cheeks slightly red:

"Stupid, I just don't want to watch someone die without saving..."

"Ah, right, right!

Whatever you say is what it is."

"Hey, the young lady has thrown herself into my arms, and it's worth it for you to come to save the beauty." Sakura noticed the ambiguous posture between Karin and Sasuke, and covered her mouth with the folding fan in her hand and laughed.

Sasuke realized his situation and quickly pushed Karin away, blushing: "Stupid, I just don't want to watch someone die..."

Sakura rolled her eyes and complained in her heart:

"You are such a tsundere, you care about me so much~"

So she continued to tease Sasuke and said: "Ah, yes, yes! Whatever you say is true."

Sakura's tone was very perfunctory, and she deliberately dragged her voice for a long time, which made her sound sarcastic.

This made Sasuke feel a little embarrassed, and he didn't know how to respond to her.

And Sakura fanned her fan triumphantly, as if she was very satisfied with her success in teasing Sasuke.

Karin also blushed, but her eyes kept glancing at the bickering Sakura and Sasuke:

Are they in a relationship, and this girl was jealous just now?

Sakura also noticed Karin's furtive look:

"Don't worry, Sasuke and I are just friends.

But it will be very difficult for you to pursue Sasuke.

He is a popular guy in the eyes of many girls of the same age!

You have many competitors."

"Yeah, the girls in the class are all idiots who like Sasuke."

Naruto also put his bear paw on the ground, echoed Sakura's words, and did not forget to make a face at Sasuke.

"Humph, I'm not interested in this kind of thing!"

Sasuke said with disdain.

"Yo yo yo, I don't know who was staring at my thighs at the beginning.

How come you become a gentleman when you see a strange girl?"

Sakura couldn't stand Sasuke always pretending to be aloof, so she brought up the past and mentioned the incident of teasing Sasuke during the mission in Wave Country.

"Stupid, idiot! It was just an accident..."

After being told this by Sakura, Sasuke's face instantly turned red to his ears, and he even stuttered and spoke incoherently.

"Yeah, you like to act cool all the time, but you're actually a pervert!"

Naruto naturally wouldn't miss this opportunity to make fun of Sasuke, and immediately echoed Sakura.

"You're the last idiot, you're not qualified to say that to me, you're the one who's bleeding from your nose!"

Although Sasuke's verbal skills were no match for Sakura, if his opponent was Naruto, Sasuke would always find endless mocking words.


Looking at the noisy Sasuke and Sakura who was watching the fun beside Naruto, Karin, who was still in shock, calmed down.

He activated Kagura's heart eye to feel the chakra of the three people.

In Karin's perception, Naruto's chakra is as warm as the sun;

Sasuke's chakra is cold but very gentle, just like the cold moonlight;

And Sakura's chakra seems ordinary, like a calm surface of water, but for some reason Karin always feels that her chakra will burst at any time, and there seem to be countless strange undercurrents hidden under the surface of the water.

"Look at your forehead protector, you are a ninja from Kusagakure, right? Did you get separated from your companions?"

After Naruto and Sasuke had almost quarreled, Sakura suddenly asked Karin.

"Ah... that..."

Hearing Sakura mention Kusagakure, Karin's face became ugly and she didn't know how to answer.

"So that's it, were you abandoned by your companions?"

Sakura's blunt words made Karin lower her head.

Naruto, who was standing by, became furious when he heard what happened to Karin:

"This is too much. There are scums who abandon their companions!

If I meet them, I will definitely teach them a lesson!"

Sasuke also frowned:

"People like that are not companions at all!"

Sakura didn't want to open up Karin's scars anymore, so she didn't ask any more questions.

Changed the subject:

"From your appearance, you don't have any scrolls on you...

I think you might as well give up the exam. I don't think you look like a combat ninja. Even if you persist alone, it's meaningless.

Naruto, flare gun!"

Hearing this, Naruto quickly took out the flare gun from his ninja bag and threw it at Xiao Sakura.


The second exam was a battle for the scrolls. In addition to the scroll of heaven and earth, each team also received a signal gun to call for help when in danger.

"We probably won't need it. After we leave, you can find a safe place to send the signal."

Sakura took the signal gun and handed it to Karin.

Because they sympathized with Karin's experience, Naruto and Sasuke also chatted with Karin for a few words, and they got to know each other.

Because the exam had to continue, Sakura felt that the time was almost up, so she took out a storage seal scroll from the ninja tool bag and unsealed two cans and some dried meat from it.

"These should be enough for you to eat for the time being.

Naruto, Sasuke, you go first, I still need to say a few words to Karin."

Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other, and the two figures flashed upwards and jumped onto the tree branch.

Sakura moved closer to Karin and gently held Karin's wrist with both hands.

Just when Karin was curious about what Sakura was going to do, Sakura's hands crawled into her sleeves along her wrists, gently stroking her arms, and the movements became bigger and bigger, and were about to slide onto her shoulders...

Karin: !!!

What are you going to do!!!

Karin felt that her chastity was in an unprecedented crisis. No wonder Sakura was not attracted to Sasuke, a handsome guy, even though she was in the same group with him. It turned out that she was a nymphomaniac!

Just when Karin was thinking about whether to shout for help, Sakura suddenly let go of her hands on her shoulders and pulled her hands out of Karin's sleeves.


I hope you like this gift."

Sakura pulled up Karin's sleeves, revealing Karin's slender arms.

"Liar! How did you..."

Seeing that all the teeth marks on his arms disappeared, Karin couldn't believe his eyes. Just as he was about to ask, his lips were pressed by Sakura's index finger.

"Shh~ Secrets make women more attractive.

(A Secret Makes Woman Woman)"

Sakura gave Karin a meaningful smile and disappeared in an instant.

Karin rubbed her eyes, looked at her arm again, and pinched it. She was afraid that everything that happened just now was just an illusion.

It was real skin, and the scars really disappeared!

Although she didn't know how Sakura knew that she had scars on her shoulders and arms, and she didn't know how she healed herself, Karin still whispered softly in the direction of Team 7:

"Thank you!

Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto, you must pass the exam safely."

Feeling the long-lost warmth, Karin began to pray for the three of them in her heart.

Unconsciously, two lines of tears flowed down Karin's cheeks.

But Karin didn't notice at this moment that a letter left by Sakura had appeared in her ninja tool bag.

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