After saying goodbye to Karin, Sakura quickly caught up with Sasuke and Naruto.

Seeing Sakura coming, Sasuke and Naruto also slowed down and waited for Sakura to catch up.

"Why are you so concerned about Karin?

Is she special?"

After Sakura caught up, Sasuke asked straight to the point.

In Sasuke's cognition, although Sakura sometimes makes some bad jokes, she basically doesn't do meaningless things.

"Yes, Sakura is so kind to Karin, is she Sakura's relative?"

Naruto was also very curious.

"Why, can't I just look at her pitifully and help her out of mercy?"

Sakura was very dissatisfied with the two's questions.

Could it be that the image of himself in Naruto and Sasuke's mind is that kind of realistic ninja who will not do anything without profit and is extremely indifferent to strangers?


Sasuke answered without even thinking about it.

Naruto's expression also showed that he obviously did not believe what Sakura said.

Sakura clenched her fists and resisted the urge to punch the two guys:

"Karin is more of a relative of Naruto than my relative."

"What! Really, Sakura!"

Naruto, who had been alone since childhood, suddenly became excited.

Sasuke was also very shocked. He remembered that Sakura said that Naruto was the orphan of the fourth generation. Could Karin be the illegitimate daughter of the fourth generation in the Kusagakure Village?

"Yes, I think it's almost certain.

What do you think of Karin's strength?"

"Not very good."

"Very weak."

Naruto and Sasuke answered.

"Yeah, Karin obviously hasn't awakened too much training in physical skills and ninjutsu.

But we met her only a few minutes ago, and her scratches have healed.

Don't you think this strong physique looks familiar?"

Sakura continued to explain to the two, and cast her eyes on Naruto.

Sasuke also understood what Sakura wanted to say. Logically speaking, with Karin's strength, the scars on her body would definitely not recover instantly like Xiao Li.

If she recovered so quickly, it was either because Karin had a huge amount of chakra in her body, or because her physique itself had a strong recovery ability, and it was probably both.

And this physique is exactly the same as Naruto's...

Thinking of this, Sasuke also glanced at Naruto.

"What a powerful physique!

I'm so envious!

This... why are you all staring at me?"

Seeing the speechless eyes of Sakura and Sasuke, Naruto was very puzzled.

"This is consistent with the physique of the Uzumaki clan recorded in the classics. In addition, Karin has the iconic red hair of the Uzumaki clan, so I think Karin, like Naruto, is a descendant of the Uzumaki clan."

Ignoring Naruto's Versailles, Sakura continued to explain to her.

"Uzumaki clan..."

Naruto just found out that he also has a family, but why has he always been alone and never seen other clansmen.

"Sakura, why are there no other Uzumaki clan members in Konoha? And..."

"Naruto, I know what you want to ask. The history of the Uzumaki clan can be found in the library of Konoha.

Now you just need to know that not many Uzumaki clan members survived the war.

I will tell you more when the time is right."

Although Sakura thinks Naruto's life experience is pitiful, it will only add to Naruto's troubles if he knows more now.

It may even put Naruto in danger.

At least until Tsunade comes to power, Naruto's safety will be guaranteed.

"I still want to..."


Just as Naruto was about to continue asking, he was interrupted by Sasuke:

"Do you think Sakura is a stingy person?

She must be doing this for your own good if she doesn't tell you now. If you know some things, your situation will become more dangerous!"

Sasuke can understand Naruto's feelings, but Sakura has never told Naruto about his life experience. Sasuke thinks that Naruto's life experience may be as far-reaching as the Uchiha family's, and there are unspeakable secrets behind it.

And Naruto is different from himself. He has a strong sense of belonging to the village. After learning the truth, he will definitely go to the Third Hokage to ask for clarification.

If he really does this, not only Naruto, but also himself and Sakura will be in danger.

Sasuke's trust in the Konoha high-level is almost zero now. He feels that he and Sakura will be 100% destroyed after Sarutobi Hiruzen knows about it.


"Someone is coming, very strong!"

Sakura's sudden voice interrupted Sasuke's thoughts.

Sakura, who was alerting the surroundings with the oracle essence technique, suddenly found a huge chakra in the distance moving towards the three of them at high speed.

If I guessed correctly, it should be Orochimaru disguised as a grass ninja.

"Naruto! Sasuke! Get ready, the enemy may be stronger than Kakashi teacher..."

Before Sakura finished speaking, a strong whirlwind with strong wind pressure in the distance came towards them.

The three of them quickly hid behind the trees and used the trees as cover to avoid them.

The big trees hit by the whirlwind all began to rustle, the leaves were blown all over the sky, the bark was torn, and the branches were broken one after another.

"Is this... a big breakthrough?"

Looking at the familiar ninjutsu in front of him, Naruto couldn't believe his eyes.

It was obviously the same ninjutsu, how could the power be so much stronger than what he used?

"Is the opponent really a Genin?"

Seeing that the enemy could use an ordinary C-level ninjutsu to such an effect, Sasuke asked the brain trust of Team 7, and at the same time reached for the ninja bag to prepare for the enemy.

"How is it possible? The power of wind escape is stronger than that of Kakashi.

Although I don't know what his purpose is.

But since he has taken action, he must be an enemy."

Sakura answered a few words

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang--"

Sakura fired six bullets forward against the strong wind.

In order to observe the specific location of Orochimaru, Sakura had to use a thin illusion to cover her eyes with a transparent film to resist the strong wind mixed with gravel.

But Orochimaru's speed was too fast, and coupled with the long distance, all six bullets were empty.

Just as Sakura was reloading, Orochimaru, disguised as a Kusanagi, appeared in front of Team 7.

"I remember you have the Scroll of Earth, right?

I just happen to have the Scroll of Heaven.

Come on, let's fight!"

Orochimaru took out the Scroll of Heaven from his arms, and challenged Team 7 with a hoarse voice that didn't match his appearance. He stretched out his long tongue, which was obviously not human, and swirled around his lips.

His whole aura was so cold that it seemed to have no warmth at all.

"Damn it!" ×6

Six Naruto rushed out from behind the tree.

"Watch out!

Uzumaki Naruto's six major breakthroughs!"

Six Naruto used wind escape at the same time in the air; the power was not inferior to the ninjutsu released by Orochimaru just now.

If the power is not enough, the number will make up for it.

Naruto has never lacked blue. In the anime, the problem before learning the Rasengan was that he had no skills to use and could only rely on the clones to attack;

Even if he only stumbled and learned a C-level ninjutsu like now, his combat power has increased exponentially.

However, Orochimaru kept twisting his body, squeezing through the gaps between the six whirlwinds in various anti-human postures. His body was so soft that it seemed as if his bones had never existed, and his body was full of joints.

Orochimaru, who had passed through the wind escape technique, kicked three Narutos away with a whip kick;

The remaining shadow clones also failed to escape, and Orochimaru dealt with them with three punches.

Naruto's shadow clones exploded into smoke.

Sakura quickly used the flexible love to catch Naruto.

Sasuke took advantage of the smoke from the clones and threw eight shurikens at Orochimaru.

"Ding, ding, ding..."

Orochimaru took out his kunai and easily shot down all the shurikens flying from all directions. Even if he was in the smoke, he would not be hit by these low-level tricks.

"Don't play this kind of ninja school game, Sasuke-kun."

Orochimaru grinned and rushed towards Sasuke.

Seeing the enemy attack, Sasuke hurriedly began to make hand seals.

Sakura also formed the Bodhi Seal, and in an instant, a pink chakra line appeared behind the shuriken that was just hit by Orochimaru, connecting Sakura's fingers.

Sakura changed the elasticity of love, and the shurikens changed direction and flew back, faster than when Sasuke threw them.


Orochimaru quickly turned around and used kunai to block, but he only had time to block two shurikens, and the other six shurikens "poofed" into the flesh.


Naruto jumped up happily when he saw this.

"The sound (of piercing the flesh) is wrong! (The one that hit just now) is the clone!"

Sakura hurriedly shouted at Naruto.

Sure enough, Orochimaru, who was hit by the shuriken, turned into a pool of mud, just like the earth clone.

Before Naruto could react, Orochimaru suddenly drilled out from the ground in front of him and punched Naruto's head.

Fortunately, Sakura was prepared. She kept the Bodhi Seal in her hand and used her flexible love to shoot a watermelon-sized stone.


The angular stone was wrapped in pink chakra and spun rapidly towards Orochimaru, and the pink chakra twisted into a hemp rope was also connected to the back.

This was specially designed by Sakura to increase the elasticity.

Seeing the high-speed rotating stone turned into a pink light like a cannonball and attacked him, Orochimaru had to change his attack target and punched the stone.


The hard stone was shattered in an instant.

Naruto couldn't help but shed a drop of cold sweat as he looked at the stone that was almost turned into powder:

If this hits my head...

Knowing that the enemy is powerful, Naruto quickly jumped back.

Sasuke next to him also completed the seal at this time:

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!"

The huge fireball rushed straight towards Orochimaru, who immediately jumped into the air to avoid the flames.

"Wind Style: Great Breakthrough!"

Naruto also launched a ninjutsu at Orochimaru in the air, and a whirlwind mixed with branches and dust attacked Orochimaru.

But Orochimaru in the air did not dodge or evade. According to his speculation, Naruto's single wind style was not enough to hurt him.

However, just as Orochimaru was about to protect his vitals, a branch blown by the wind suddenly burst into smoke and turned back into Naruto's appearance.

With the help of the Great Breakthrough, Naruto launched a fatal attack on Orochimaru, and the kunai pierced straight into Orochimaru's chest.

"It's actually a transformation technique!

What a powerful kid..."

Looking at Naruto who had dealt him a fatal blow, Orochimaru, who had already become embarrassed because of his own ninjutsu, spitting blood, couldn't help but smack his lips.

"I know that the big breakthrough can't hurt you, but the physical skills are different.

This little injury is not enough to make me retreat!

Speak your mind and move forward bravely!

This is my ninja way!"

Naruto, who was covered with scars from the wind escape, shouted excitedly, and took out another kunai, ready to finish off the opponent.

"That tail-end!"

Sasuke was also shocked by Naruto's realization.

At this moment, Sakura, who found that something was wrong, increased the elasticity of the love under her feet to the maximum, and bounced towards Naruto at the fastest speed.

"This is also a clone!"

Sakura flew out and hugged Naruto's waist, trying to push him away from Orochimaru.

But it was too late. In Naruto's astonished eyes, Orochimaru turned into a pool of mud again, and more than a dozen poisonous snakes came out of the mud!

"Hiss, scared--"

Although Sakura was very fast, the poisonous snakes that had been waiting in the earth clone were also fast, and they opened their mouths to attack Sakura and Naruto.

Sakura quickly activated her love again to pull herself and Naruto, but she was a step too slow and was bitten on the shoulder by a snake that jumped out of the blind spot.

Sakura, who had already retreated far away with Naruto, quickly threw the poisonous snake off her shoulder and knelt on the ground with a painful look on her face, gasping for breath.

"Sakura!" ×2

Not only Naruto, but even Sasuke rushed to Sakura's side eagerly.

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