The two of them were very close.


Hearing that Sakura was going to take her to find Neji, Hinata's little brain started to work quickly:

What's going on?

It's more important than training to find Neji!

Could it be that Sakura has fallen in love with Neji?

But didn't Sakura tell her father yesterday that she and Neji weren't familiar with each other?

I remembered that Sakura said yesterday that she wasn't familiar with Neji "at the moment", which meant that she didn't rule out the possibility of getting familiar with each other in the future?

Come to think of it, Neji is indeed very handsome, and his talent is better than mine. He can learn the main family's Kaiten just by observing himself. In comparison, I have not been able to fully master either the Four Demon Fists or the Mian Palm...

I guess Sakura was disappointed by yesterday's match. Sakura was willing to teach me such powerful ninjutsu and boxing, but I still lost.

Damn, what should I do?

Should I give up?

But I am so unwilling...

If I had known that things would turn out like this, I should not have shown mercy in the Death Forest and directly gave Sakura-chan...

Should I find an opportunity to launch it... No, if I really do this, Sakura-chan will not forgive me.

By the way, there is also the little idiot Tenten (bitch), doesn't she like Neji? Not to mention that she always disturbs me and Sakura-chan's alone time, how can she not even keep an eye on her own man.

"What's wrong, Hinata?"

Sakura saw Hinata's face turn pale, thinking that her injury relapsed, and hurriedly asked with concern.


Hinata forced herself to hold back the tears that were about to flow out, unable to speak. Although she tried her best to control it, she still felt her nose sore, so painful...

"I'm sorry, Sakura-chan...

I lost to Brother Neji..."

Hinata's tears still flowed down.


Sakura was startled by Hinata's sudden tears.

She quickly activated her frivolous illusion to condense a tissue to wipe Hinata's tears, and recalled in her heart what she had done wrong, why did Hinata react so strongly when Neji was mentioned?

However, readers who have a partner should be able to empathize with this. When a girl cries, the more she is coaxed, the more she cries.

Hinata also began to cry loudly under Sakura's comfort.

"I understand!"

A flash of inspiration suddenly flashed through Sakura's mind:

This is all my fault. Although Hinata-chan's personality has become much more confident these days and she has become a genius in the main family, she still lost to the branch family!

Although she didn't show it, that bastard Hyuga Hiashi must have called her a waste again!

Hinata-chan's self-confidence, which she had finally built up, was destroyed by Hiashi again. Hinata-chan, who doubted that she had made no progress, must have been under great pressure.

Because I mentioned Neji again, it became the last straw that broke Hinata-chan's back!

Hyuga Hiashi, you really deserve to die! !

"Hinata-chan, don't cry, it's okay, it's just a loss, it's okay.

Ningji is one year older than you, you will be able to easily defeat him next year.

How long have you learned the Cotton Palm and the Four Demon Fists?

Ningji may have started to learn from him secretly since when..."

Sakura hugged Hinata, leaned Hinata's head on her shoulder, and patted Hinata's back.

Yeah, Hinata-chan and I are wearing sports bras.

"Hmm... Hmm?"

After crying for a while, Hinata suddenly realized that Sakura just said that Neci was not as good as herself...

Is it possible that all those things were just her imagination?

Thinking of this, Hinata suddenly felt that she was a little embarrassed for crying for no reason, and stopped crying.

"Sakura-chan... Why did you look for Brother Neci?"

Hinata sniffed and made a final confirmation to Sakura-chan.

"Because Hinata-chan said something very harsh yesterday, I want to take you to apologize to Neji."

Sakura saw that Hinata's face had brightened up, so she told her the reason why she asked Hinata out.

"Huh? Did I?"

Hinata took the tissue from Sakura's hand and blew her nose.

"Hinata-chan, didn't you realize that Neji didn't use his full strength, but when you said, 'In the vortex between the branch family and the main family, you are the one who is really suffering, right?'" Neji really

I am ready to kill you."

Sakura said in a gentle and persuasive way.

"Hmm? Is there anything wrong with this sentence?

I just want Neji to let go of his prejudice against the main family..."

Hinata didn't think there was anything wrong with her words.

"Do you know what this sentence means to Neji?"

"What does it mean?"

Hinata still didn't understand what she said was wrong.

"This sentence sounds like:

'You are a branch family, don't worry about me. As a slave, what position do you have to pity your master? '

That's probably it. "

Sakura raised a finger and said seriously.

"Liar! How could this happen?

Sakura-chan, I didn't..."

Hinata hurriedly tried to explain.

"It's okay, I believe Hinata-chan, this is definitely not your intention.

You, a little crybaby, must have no bad intentions.

There is no ninja in Konoha who is more gentle and kind than you. ”

Sakura tapped Hinata's small nose and teased, then her expression became serious again:

"But Neji's personality is very twisted, and he is prone to getting stuck in a dead end. With his personality, he would understand this sentence in this way."

Hinata understood what Sakura meant and became shy, protesting in a low voice:

"I... I'm not a little crybaby..."

But the tissue in her hand would not lie.

Seeing Hinata's mood improve, Sakura took Hinata's hand again and began to walk towards a remote training ground.

According to the information provided by an unidentified informant who owns a ninja tool shop, Neji will practice Kaiten with her these days.


Soon, Sakura and Hinata found Neji and Tenten who were practicing.

At this time, Neji's hands were in a posture ready to launch Kaiten, surrounded by shallow round earth pits and scattered ninja tools.

"Why are you here? "

Ningci saw the two people who suddenly appeared, and his expression was obviously very unhappy.

"Ningci brother...

I'm here to apologize..."

Hinata believed Sakura's words 100%. According to Sakura, Hinata also felt that what she said yesterday was too much, and she should apologize.


Miss Hinata, you are too kind. You are of noble status, and there is no need to condescend to me, a branch family.

If there is nothing important, please go back!

After all, I am not like your main family. If you want to learn to return to the sky, you have to rely on yourself to figure it out. Practice time is very precious. "

Ningci spoke as always in a sarcastic tone.

His cold words also made Hinata at a loss.

"Enough, Ningci!"

Seeing Hinata being squeezed, Sakura quickly stood up for Hinata:

"Ningci, I believe that with your intelligence, you should understand that Hinata's original intention is not to humiliate you, but on the contrary, it is for your own good!

You think your miserable experience comes from the injustice of fate, but why do you attribute the inexplicable hatred to Hinata?

Isn't this also very unfair to her?

You know that these are not Hinata's fault, but you still often sneer at her. What are you thinking?

If you are also sarcastic to Hyuga Hiashi, I will respect you as a man!

But you dare not! You are afraid of the bird in the cage!

You can only bully the kind Hinata, because only she treats you as a relative and is unwilling to let you suffer!

Is it wrong to be nice to you? "

"Shut up!"

Sakura's crazy output made Neci lose his composure and hit Sakura with a palm.

But Sakura did expect it. The pink chakra under her feet flashed, and she dodged sideways, and then took out the Colt Python and pressed it against Neci's forehead protector.

"Isn't it urgent!

Aren't you the best at long speeches?

Come on, refute me! "

Sakura cocked the hammer with a "click" and angrily scolded Neji.

Tenten and Hinata on the side were stunned, not knowing why things had developed to this point.

Ningci also calmed down, cold sweat running down his forehead. He knew the power of the Colt Python, and that thin forehead protector could not stop the bullet.

Looking at Neji like this, Sakura smiled disdainfully:

"You are indeed very handsome when you rebel against fate;

But it's really ridiculous to be a bully!

Look, Hinata is still worried about you."

Sakura put away the revolver in her hand and pointed in the direction of Hinata with her chin.

Ningci also looked at Hinata, only to see that she was touching the sinner with her index finger at this time, frowning, and looking worried.


Hinata, I accept your apology.

And I'm sorry. "

After a moment of silence, the arrogant Neji decided to accept Hinata's apology first, and then apologize to her.

But he didn't call her the eldest lady, because "eldest lady" is the head family, and "Hinata" is just his sister.

Neji can accept that he apologizes to his sister, but he can't accept that he apologizes to the head family.

"No, brother Neji, it's me..."

Hinata waved her hands quickly, ready to refuse, but Sakura spoke first:

"How great is this, after all, you are brother and sister!"

Hinata immediately stopped waving her hands, and Neji nodded and agreed with Sakura's statement.

"Hinata, I have something to talk to Neji alone, you take Tenten around first...

Neji, are you free?"

Seeing that the matter came to an end, Sakura decided to talk to Neji.

"No time!"

Ten-Ten rejected Sakura's proposal before Neji and Hinata could speak. She subconsciously felt that since she and Neji were alone, Sakura might be jealous and wanted to teach Neji a lesson.

(Sakura: I have something important to confirm. Can you please consider the occasion when you are jealous?)

Hinata silently gave Ten-Ten a thumbs up in her heart. Although the misunderstanding was resolved, Hinata didn't want Sakura to be alone with the opposite sex...

"She must have something important to tell me. You two go and be alert around."

Ningji looked at Sakura's serious expression and felt that it might be a serious matter.


Ningji had spoken, and Ten-Ten reluctantly pouted and pulled Hinata to leave.

"Wait a minute!"

Sakura suddenly thought of something, suddenly pulled Hinata away, and whispered in her ear:

"Be careful when you are with Tenten, that guy might be a lesbian, don't let her take advantage of you."


Hinata was shocked:

Tenten is also...

Could she be... to Sakura?

Soon, Tenten took Hinata for a stroll, but suddenly, she seemed to think of something, and whispered in Hinata's ear:

"Be careful when you are with Sakura, that guy might be a lesbian, don't let her take advantage of you."


Hinata's reaction was very normal, and her attitude seemed to say:

I knew it a long time ago!

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