The two of them were very close, and the two of them were very close.

Hinata, who was walking away from Tian Tian, ​​was very conflicted at this moment, wondering whether to keep an eye on Sakura and Ningci:

Sakura-chan has done so much for me, if I continue to doubt her, is it too much?

But what exactly does she want to say to brother Ningci?

She really cares!

But then Tenten's words saved Hinata from her dilemma:

"Hinata, can you use your Byakugan to observe Sakura and Neci?

I'm afraid they will fight."


Hinata agreed immediately, and opened her Byakugan without any psychological pressure, and began to observe Sakura and Neci, and read their lips by the way...

"Ningci, you said in the preliminaries that you have a reason that you absolutely cannot lose, right?

Can I ask what this reason is?"

Sakura opened her lips slightly and tested Neci.

"I just don't want to lose to the main family."

Ningci shook his head and said coldly.

"Really? I don't believe it!"

Sakura stared at her green eyes with a smile on her lips and retorted.

"Haruno Sakura, don't forget that you came to me!

What do you want to say?"

Ningci was a little impatient.

"Don't be anxious, let me guess...

You want to show the seal of the caged bird to the politicians from all over the world during the third round of the exam...

From your appearance, I guess I guessed right..."

After Sakura said her guess, she glanced at the stunned Neci and knew that she guessed right.

There is no way, this is the confidence of the plot.

After all, it is too strange that Neci did not finish off the fallen Naruto in the duel with Naruto. If it was just an anime, you could still say that it was Kishimoto's negligence, but now Sakura is in the real world, and Neci's doing this must have a meaning.

The biggest possibility is that Neci may show his forehead no matter who he faces, so that people can know the truth about the caged bird.

"How did you know?"

"Don't be surprised, I just guessed it casually."

Sakura shrugged.

"After all, although you keep saying 'fate' comes and goes, people who really accept their fate will not talk about 'fate' all the time.

The only reason you want to advance is to resist fate.

From your perspective, exposing the truth about the bird in the cage and using the pressure of public opinion to make the main family bow down is indeed a good move.

The image of the Hyuga main family as a great and glorious family may be destroyed by you in one fell swoop, and the main family will not do anything to you. If you are dealt with at this time, it will only confirm the main family's enslavement of the branch family.

In an almost desperate environment, you can actually come up with a safe and effective counterattack.

I have to say, Neji, you are a real genius."

Sakura sincerely praised Neji.

There are many geniuses in Konoha. Sasuke is a genius in ninjutsu, Shikamaru is a genius in wisdom, and as for Neji...

He is a genius in vision and pattern.

Neji's vision is so sharp that he can be said to be the only person in the original work who has revealed the essence of the ninja world:

A person's fate has been determined from the beginning.

It is ironic that the person who refuted his words in the anime is the so-called "child of destiny".

Everyone will subconsciously want to refute Neji's words, because if it is really as he said, the ninja world will be too dark, and the cruel truth makes everyone want to refute;

But this ridiculous ninja world has always proved that Neji's words are completely correct.

Question: Why can Obito open the Mangekyō?

A. Obito has outstanding talent

B. Obito works hard

C. Obito's surname is Uchiha

The facts are often so cruel; many things you didn't have when you were born, and you probably won't have them in this life.

There are only a handful of people who can change their fate. If you are a civilian ninja with average talent, then congratulations, you will never have any advanced ninjutsu in this life.

It is well known that AIDS is only transmitted from mother to child, blood, and sex.

The way advanced ninjutsu spreads is just one more master and apprentice than AIDS. Why would you be someone's apprentice if you don't have talent?

If your last name is Nara, you can learn shadow imitation even if you have poor talent, but if you don't have talent, seeking genetic mutation like Yamato may be the only solution.

Although Neji has seen it very clearly, he still underestimated this ninjutsu.


Sakura decided to tell the truth, at least to prepare Neji mentally.

"But Neji, I guess your plan may not go smoothly."

Neji frowned after hearing what Sakura said:


"Although you have seen through the essence of the operation of the ninja world, you still underestimate the cruelty of the ninja world."

Sakura sighed, and Neji held his breath and concentrated, wanting to hear what Sakura was going to say next.

"You think it is unfair that you are a branch family and will be enslaved by the main family for your whole life.

But this unfairness is precisely the essence of the ninja world. Hyuga Hiashi is no different from a branch family in front of the Hokage, and can only obey unconditionally.

This has nothing to do with strength, it is just a difference brought by identity.

Didn't the powerful Konoha White Fang end up committing suicide?

Neither the daimyo nor the Hokage will allow your thoughts of resisting fate to ferment, so they will not let this matter cause any waves."

Hearing this, Neji's back was already soaked with cold sweat.

He began to recall the attitude of the main family towards the Hokage. Everything was just as Sakura said, just like the branch family treated the main family, letting Sarutobi Hiruzen do whatever he wanted.

Is it really as Sakura said, that all his efforts were in vain.

"No, I'm only rebelling against the main family. I have the same respect for the third generation. He won't make things difficult for me."

"The third generation doesn't care about you, but the act of rebellion itself.

Don't worry, your level is not enough to enter the third generation's eyes. He doesn't even need to order, the main family will nip the signs of rebellion in the bud.

The result of the matter is likely that the main family will do everything possible to stabilize you, open up the main family's exclusive ninjutsu to you, and even kneel down at all costs."

Sakura told Neji the results of the test.

The scene of Hiashi kneeling in the original book seems shocking, but it's just that.

Is it the first day that Hiashi knew that Neji had a grudge against him, or the first day that he knew that Neji had talent?

As for Hizashi's letter...

It was just a letter of surrender that he prepared for Neji in advance.

Do you really think Hizashi volunteered?

At that time, Hiashi, Hizashi's father, the Third Hokage and others came to him with a large group of people, almost putting a knife to his neck. Did he have the right to say "no"?

Hizashi's last words "I died as a younger brother for my older brother, not as a branch family for the main family." It was just the last fig leaf of Hizashi's pathetic dignity.

"How could this happen! Why, is the fate of the branch family really unchangeable?

Haruno Sakura, tell me, what should I do!

I know your eyes can see even further than mine."

Ningji was a little collapsed at this time, clenched his fists and questioned Sakura loudly.

"Don't get excited, Neiji.

I'm just guessing.

And even if things are really as I expected, you don't have to give up your original plan at all."

Sakura's words calmed Neiji down a little.

"Anyway, what you do may not change the situation of the branch family, but at least it can improve your own situation.

Under the pressure of public opinion, Hyuga Hiashi will no longer easily use the caged bird against you. He is also afraid that you will expose the corrupt system of Hyuga to the sun again; you can learn all the skills of the main family, plus your talent, in fact, you are no different from the main family.

Of course, the premise of all this is that you will be more obedient after this..."

"Do I have to accept my fate like this?

Even if my treatment can be improved, what about my children?

After I die, my descendants will definitely face a more intense reckoning!"

Ningci sneered at Sakura's plan.

"You, why are you so anxious again?

I haven't finished talking yet."

Ningci's interruption made Sakura very dissatisfied.

"The fundamental method used by the main family to enslave the branch family is the caged bird. As long as you help stabilize the main family, I can try to help you solve the caged bird problem."


Sakura's words made Neji lose his composure again. The predecessors of the Hyuga branch family had made countless efforts to remove the caged bird, but all in vain. He didn't think Sakura had the ability to do so.

"I admit that I may not be able to unlock the seal, but I can change the seal!"

Facing Neji's questioning eyes, Sakura said her own way.

"You mean? You plan to isolate the caged bird so that it will not be affected by the spell?

It's useless. It's not that no one has tried this before, but the caged bird is more like a technique that acts on the soul of the branch family, and it can't be isolated at all."

Ningci's eyes suddenly dimmed a lot. Sure enough, as smart as Sakura is, she can't think of any other way?


Why do we need to isolate the spell?"

Sakura asked suggestively.


Ningji was also confused after hearing Sakura's question.

"Just make the bird in the cage more complicated, right?

Just add a few strokes to the bird in the cage, the spell may not be able to control a more complicated seal, right?"

Sakura revealed the answer to Neji.

"You mean--"

Although the pupils in the Byakugan were not very obvious, Sakura could still see the expression of Neji's pupils shaking.


I think the reason why the predecessors of the Hyuga branch family didn't think of this was possible was because this method required the cooperation of the main family, and they couldn't find a main family willing to help them.

You should know what I'm talking about and why I'm looking for you.

She's the only one who can help your branch family achieve this. "

"You mean Hinata! "

Ningci understood immediately:

Although Hinata's character is weak, she is the only one in the main family who is willing to help him.

Compared with Hanabi who has been taught by Hiashi, Hinata, who has been excluded by the main family, has not enjoyed as many privileges of the main family.

And in a sense, Hinata has no good feelings towards the main family like himself. Both Hiashi and other elders have given up on her.

If it weren't for the sudden awakening of her talent, Hinata would have become a branch family sooner or later.

And it is natural for Hinata to become the head of the family and learn the sealing method of the caged bird.

I must, no, I can only let Hinata become the head of the family!

But the problem is.....

"I know what you think, but can Hinata really be cruel enough to carve the caged bird on Hanabi? "

Ningji expressed his worries.

Everything depends on Hinata alone, what if she softens her heart...

"It depends on how capable you are. Many times, even if the leader doesn't want to, he will be forced to do things against his will by public opinion.

At that time, tie as many people as possible to Hinata's boat;

Intensify the conflict between Hinata and Hanabi for the head of the family to the maximum, preferably to the point of life and death;

Hinata will be forced to fight for your life and death even if she doesn't want to.

As for the outside of the family, I will definitely give you the greatest help at that time. Believe me, within three years, my position in Konoha will not be inferior to that of Hyuga Hiashi. "

Sakura's words made Neji's eyes brighter and brighter.

This is really a feasible path. If this is really the case, this is really:

"The great changes in the Hyuga clan have not happened in a thousand years! "

Ningji couldn't help but say it.

"Yes, to change Hyuga, we need not only someone like you, a talented branch family who won't easily yield to the main family;

We also need someone like Hinata, a main family that is kind enough to betray her class to help the branch family!

Both are indispensable. I don't know how many years we have to wait for the next similar situation."

Sakura confirmed what Neci said.

"I'm right, Hinata has good friends.

You did so much because you were afraid that she would become a branch family. Let me build a force within the clan to push her!

Miss Hinata is really lucky. "

Ningji smiled, not his usual contemptuous smile, nor the smile of relief after being defeated by Naruto.

It was a smile of longing for the future that had never appeared on his face.

At this moment, the "Miss Hinata" he said came completely from his heart, without any sarcasm.

Ningji did not expect that even if he had planned, it was the kindness of the lady that saved him.


Hinata, who was reading lips from a distance, understood the conversation between the two.

She was moved to tears after hearing the left:

Sakura-chan really loves me!

She knows that if we want to be together, I must become the head of the Hyuga family!

She actually planned so much for our future; she tried every means to get Brother Neji to support me!

I actually doubted Sakura-chan who loves me so much!

What a fool I am!

Sorry Sakura-chan, this is the last time... (without poking the forehead)

"Hinata, Hinata, you have been watching for a long time, what happened? "

Tenten, who was standing by, was concerned about whether the two had fought or not, but seeing that Hinata, who was lost in thought, did not respond, she had no choice but to poke Hinata and pull her out of her thoughts.

"Ah, Tenten, don't worry.

Sakura-chan and Neji-nii did not fight..."

Hinata came back to her senses.

"Really, you suddenly went blank, I thought something happened over there!"

Tenten complained.

"I'm sorry..."

Hinata apologized politely.

But due to Tenten's interruption, Hinata missed Sakura's last words:

"Ningji, you don't have to be too stressed.

Whether it's Hyuga Hanabi or Hyuga Hiashi, if they are too annoying, they don't have to stay alive.

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